dianetavegia, question

steven12 Member Posts: 51
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello Diane,
If you don't mind please tell us what you are exactly taking to prevent the possible recurrence. Vitamins, supplements, etc. in what daily quantity and what when during the day? Thank you and wishing all the best to everybody,


  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    Prevent Recurrence
    HI Steve, I'll be happy to share. This a cut and paste of a thread I have on Daily Strength/ Colon Cancer Discussions.

    The studies were all done on Stage III colon cancer patients.

    A: an aspirin a day
    B: Better diet with no red meat or limited to 4 ounces a month
    C: Calcium
    D: Vitamin D3 which is only found in a few foods. Note: this is NOT the Vit. D in One a Day, etc. It is in Centrum Ultra, etc.
    E: Exercise The Dana Farber Cancer Institute has done several studies which prove recurrence can be avoided at a rate of 55% in Stage III women who exercise regularly.

    CHICAGO – Score another win for the humble aspirin. A study suggests

    colon cancer patients who took the dirt-cheap wonder drug (325 mg)reduced their risk of death from the disease by nearly 30 percent.

    Aspirin already is recommended for preventing heart attacks and strokes, along with its traditional use for relief of minor aches and pains. Its merit in colon cancer prevention has been tempered by its side effects, bleeding from irritation of the stomach or intestines.

    The new study suggests patients who already have colon cancer may benefit from taking aspirin along with surgery and chemotherapy. In a separate analysis of a subgroup of patients, only those with the most common type of tumor, those that overproduce the Cox-2 enzyme, saw a benefit.

    "The paper is absolutely incredible, and I don't gush normally," said Dr. Alfred Neugut of Columbia University Medical Center in New York who has done similar research but was not involved in the new study. In an accompanying editorial, Neugut wrote that the study "comes as close as it can to offering patients a way to help themselves.".....
    The yahoo link for this article is now old but a search can be done online for more information using the doctor's name.

    BETTER DIET: The Mediterranean Diet is believed (study being done at U of Mich) to raise survival rates from Colon Cancer by 6%. Mediterranean Diet HERE Another study at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute has shown

    those who continue to eat an American diet of red meats, desserts, fast foods, etc. have colon cancer recur 3 1/2 times more

    than those who cut out these foods from their diets and eat a more 'prudent' diet or Mediterranean Diet.

    Should Everyone Take Calcium and Vitamin D?
    Written by Heinz-Josef Lenz, MD.

    Only about five years ago, every patient of mine who finished chemotherapy was given a vitamin cocktail to further reduce colon cancer risk. It was calcium, selenium, vitamin E and folic acid.

    Over the last three years, folic acid has been shown to increase growth of polyps, and in patients with metastatic disease it may shorten life. The protective value of vitamin E has been questioned, and there was evidence that it might increase prostate cancer risk. Selenium did not show benefit.

    So we are down to calcium. This supplement has been shown repeatedly to benefit patients by reducing cancer risk for a variety of solid tumors including colon cancer. A recent publication by Dr. Yikyung Park from the National Cancer Institute showed that supplementation of 1200 mg calcium in women and men over the age of 50

    decreased cancer risk by 17% for men and 23% for women

    (Archives of Internal Medicine, February 23, 2009). These were cancers of the gastrointestinal tract mainly colon cancers.

    The usually source for calcium in our diet is milk products (yogurt, cheese etc) as well as meat. The calcium pathway is very interesting because it requires activity of vitamin D. Without vitamin D it is difficult to absorb calcium and put it into the organs where we need it, but to make sure we have sufficient vitamin D we need some sun exposure (vitamin D is activated in the skin) and we need a functional kidney.

    When vitamin D was tested in patients with colon cancer it was found by Dr. Charles Fuchs in the Journal of Clinical Oncology published in June last year that the patients with the highest vitamin D levels lived longer suggesting that low levels may be associated with shorter survival. I recommend all my patients take 1500 mg of calcium and 1000-3000 units of vitamin D daily.

    If you have a history of kidney stones or inflammatory bowel disease please check with your doctor first before starting calcium supplements.

    D3: Watch this video on Vitamin D3 and cancer
    Watch the Youtube video at: Click Here Reduces chances by


    In a new study, researchers at the Moores Cancer Center and Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, UC San Diego used a complex computer prediction model to determine that intake of vitamin D...

    EXERCISE: Do a web search for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute colon cancer exercise Using all those words should bring it right up. The study was done on Stage III and those who had not exercised pre cancer reduced recurrence chances by 55%. Those who were active previously still reduced recurrence by 43%.

    55% is amazing!


    I think of this as ABCDE, Aspirin, Better Diet, Calcium, Vit D3 and Exercise.

    I'm taking a Centrum Silver Ultra for Women over 50, Calcium Supplements, Vit D3 (3,600IU), 325 mg of Aspirin and am exercising twice a day or more. I have also increased my coffee to 3 or more cups because of a new study.

    A new study has shown that post menopausal women make a form of estrogen from COFFEE and that estrogen helps prevent colon cancer from starting!

    It absolutely blows my mind that people will fight so hard and take so many toxic measures to try and stay healthy but then won't stop eating bags of chips for breakfast, fast foods twice a day, donuts..........
  • steven12
    steven12 Member Posts: 51

    Prevent Recurrence
    HI Steve, I'll be happy to share. This a cut and paste of a thread I have on Daily Strength/ Colon Cancer Discussions.

    The studies were all done on Stage III colon cancer patients.

    A: an aspirin a day
    B: Better diet with no red meat or limited to 4 ounces a month
    C: Calcium
    D: Vitamin D3 which is only found in a few foods. Note: this is NOT the Vit. D in One a Day, etc. It is in Centrum Ultra, etc.
    E: Exercise The Dana Farber Cancer Institute has done several studies which prove recurrence can be avoided at a rate of 55% in Stage III women who exercise regularly.

    CHICAGO – Score another win for the humble aspirin. A study suggests

    colon cancer patients who took the dirt-cheap wonder drug (325 mg)reduced their risk of death from the disease by nearly 30 percent.

    Aspirin already is recommended for preventing heart attacks and strokes, along with its traditional use for relief of minor aches and pains. Its merit in colon cancer prevention has been tempered by its side effects, bleeding from irritation of the stomach or intestines.

    The new study suggests patients who already have colon cancer may benefit from taking aspirin along with surgery and chemotherapy. In a separate analysis of a subgroup of patients, only those with the most common type of tumor, those that overproduce the Cox-2 enzyme, saw a benefit.

    "The paper is absolutely incredible, and I don't gush normally," said Dr. Alfred Neugut of Columbia University Medical Center in New York who has done similar research but was not involved in the new study. In an accompanying editorial, Neugut wrote that the study "comes as close as it can to offering patients a way to help themselves.".....
    The yahoo link for this article is now old but a search can be done online for more information using the doctor's name.

    BETTER DIET: The Mediterranean Diet is believed (study being done at U of Mich) to raise survival rates from Colon Cancer by 6%. Mediterranean Diet HERE Another study at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute has shown

    those who continue to eat an American diet of red meats, desserts, fast foods, etc. have colon cancer recur 3 1/2 times more

    than those who cut out these foods from their diets and eat a more 'prudent' diet or Mediterranean Diet.

    Should Everyone Take Calcium and Vitamin D?
    Written by Heinz-Josef Lenz, MD.

    Only about five years ago, every patient of mine who finished chemotherapy was given a vitamin cocktail to further reduce colon cancer risk. It was calcium, selenium, vitamin E and folic acid.

    Over the last three years, folic acid has been shown to increase growth of polyps, and in patients with metastatic disease it may shorten life. The protective value of vitamin E has been questioned, and there was evidence that it might increase prostate cancer risk. Selenium did not show benefit.

    So we are down to calcium. This supplement has been shown repeatedly to benefit patients by reducing cancer risk for a variety of solid tumors including colon cancer. A recent publication by Dr. Yikyung Park from the National Cancer Institute showed that supplementation of 1200 mg calcium in women and men over the age of 50

    decreased cancer risk by 17% for men and 23% for women

    (Archives of Internal Medicine, February 23, 2009). These were cancers of the gastrointestinal tract mainly colon cancers.

    The usually source for calcium in our diet is milk products (yogurt, cheese etc) as well as meat. The calcium pathway is very interesting because it requires activity of vitamin D. Without vitamin D it is difficult to absorb calcium and put it into the organs where we need it, but to make sure we have sufficient vitamin D we need some sun exposure (vitamin D is activated in the skin) and we need a functional kidney.

    When vitamin D was tested in patients with colon cancer it was found by Dr. Charles Fuchs in the Journal of Clinical Oncology published in June last year that the patients with the highest vitamin D levels lived longer suggesting that low levels may be associated with shorter survival. I recommend all my patients take 1500 mg of calcium and 1000-3000 units of vitamin D daily.

    If you have a history of kidney stones or inflammatory bowel disease please check with your doctor first before starting calcium supplements.

    D3: Watch this video on Vitamin D3 and cancer
    Watch the Youtube video at: Click Here Reduces chances by


    In a new study, researchers at the Moores Cancer Center and Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, UC San Diego used a complex computer prediction model to determine that intake of vitamin D...

    EXERCISE: Do a web search for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute colon cancer exercise Using all those words should bring it right up. The study was done on Stage III and those who had not exercised pre cancer reduced recurrence chances by 55%. Those who were active previously still reduced recurrence by 43%.

    55% is amazing!


    I think of this as ABCDE, Aspirin, Better Diet, Calcium, Vit D3 and Exercise.

    I'm taking a Centrum Silver Ultra for Women over 50, Calcium Supplements, Vit D3 (3,600IU), 325 mg of Aspirin and am exercising twice a day or more. I have also increased my coffee to 3 or more cups because of a new study.

    A new study has shown that post menopausal women make a form of estrogen from COFFEE and that estrogen helps prevent colon cancer from starting!

    It absolutely blows my mind that people will fight so hard and take so many toxic measures to try and stay healthy but then won't stop eating bags of chips for breakfast, fast foods twice a day, donuts..........
    Thank you Diane
    Although I am not NED now but Your answer is so informative that definitely I've got some ideas how to change some things. Obviously I will need more exercise and I will start to take some Calcium supplements because the half cup of daily Kefir is probably not enough. For Vitamin D I eat code liver ( hopefully with low Mercury content ) in it's own oil every day. Probably I also need to increase the Aspirin what I am taking now. It is really unbelievable how much the exercise means.
    Thanks Diane and wishing all the Best to everybody
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    Steven! Don't take aspirin
    Steven! Don't take aspirin if you're on chemo, esp. Avastin. Check with your onc first.

    I don't know if the cod liver oil has enough Vit D3. And it MUST be D3. There's a huge difference. Ask your onc to check your D3 level with your next blood tests. Mine was 17 or 19 first test. I don't know what it was last time. I didn't ask, but it had risen to 34 after only one week of taking supplements. A reading of 70-90 would be great, tho.

    My Calcium was 1 point elevated last blood test. I didn't know you're not supposed to take your Calcium supplements before the blood test and had also eaten a full can of spinach to raise my potassium. That's full of calcium. Now I know.

    I don't know your weight, but those who are heavy do not survive colon cancer as well as those who are at normal or slightly above normal weight. Good reason to get that exercise in and lose any extra pounds. :o)

    From www.cancer.gov

    14% of men and 20% of women
    # Does obesity increase the risk of colon cancer?

    A recent report estimated that, in the United States,

    14 percent of deaths from cancer in men and 20 percent of deaths in women were due to overweight and obesity

    Colon cancer occurs more frequently in people who are obese than in those of a healthy weight (4, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37). An increased risk of colon cancer has been consistently reported for men with high BMIs (34, 37, 38). The relationship between BMI and risk in women, however, has been found to be weaker (4, 34, 38) or absent (39).

    Unlike for breast and endometrial cancer, estrogen appears to be protective for colon cancer for women overall (40). However, obesity and estrogen status also interact in influencing colon cancer risk. Women with a high BMI who are either premenopausal or postmenopausal and taking estrogens have an increased risk of colon cancer similar to that found for men with a high BMI. In contrast, women with a high BMI who are postmenopausal and not taking estrogens do not have an increased risk of colon cancer (41).

    There is some evidence that abdominal obesity may be more important in colon cancer risk (37, 38). In men, a high BMI tends to be associated with abdominal fat. In women, fat is more likely to be distributed in the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Thus, two measures of abdominal fat, waist-to-hip ratio or waist circumference, may be better predictors of colon cancer risk. Few studies have yet compared waist-to-hip ratios to colon cancer risk in women, however. One study that did find an increased risk of colon cancer among women with high waist-to-hip ratios found that the association was present only among inactive women, suggesting that high levels of physical activity may counteract the effects of increased abdominal fat (42).

    A number of mechanisms have been proposed for the adverse effect of obesity on colon cancer risk. One of the major hypotheses is that high levels of insulin or insulin-related growth factors in obese people may promote tumor development (4, 43, 44).

    Obesity and physical inactivity may account for 25 to 30 percent of several major cancers—colon

    , breast (postmenopausal), endometrial, kidney, and cancer of the esophagus.

    Preventing weight gain can reduce the risk of many cancers. Experts recommend that people establish habits of healthy eating and physical activity early in life to prevent overweight and obesity. Those who are already overweight or obese are advised to avoid additional weight gain, and to lose weight through a low-calorie diet and exercise. Even a weight loss of only 5 to 10 percent of total weight can provide health benefits
  • mamalala
    mamalala Member Posts: 25

    Prevent Recurrence
    HI Steve, I'll be happy to share. This a cut and paste of a thread I have on Daily Strength/ Colon Cancer Discussions.

    The studies were all done on Stage III colon cancer patients.

    A: an aspirin a day
    B: Better diet with no red meat or limited to 4 ounces a month
    C: Calcium
    D: Vitamin D3 which is only found in a few foods. Note: this is NOT the Vit. D in One a Day, etc. It is in Centrum Ultra, etc.
    E: Exercise The Dana Farber Cancer Institute has done several studies which prove recurrence can be avoided at a rate of 55% in Stage III women who exercise regularly.

    CHICAGO – Score another win for the humble aspirin. A study suggests

    colon cancer patients who took the dirt-cheap wonder drug (325 mg)reduced their risk of death from the disease by nearly 30 percent.

    Aspirin already is recommended for preventing heart attacks and strokes, along with its traditional use for relief of minor aches and pains. Its merit in colon cancer prevention has been tempered by its side effects, bleeding from irritation of the stomach or intestines.

    The new study suggests patients who already have colon cancer may benefit from taking aspirin along with surgery and chemotherapy. In a separate analysis of a subgroup of patients, only those with the most common type of tumor, those that overproduce the Cox-2 enzyme, saw a benefit.

    "The paper is absolutely incredible, and I don't gush normally," said Dr. Alfred Neugut of Columbia University Medical Center in New York who has done similar research but was not involved in the new study. In an accompanying editorial, Neugut wrote that the study "comes as close as it can to offering patients a way to help themselves.".....
    The yahoo link for this article is now old but a search can be done online for more information using the doctor's name.

    BETTER DIET: The Mediterranean Diet is believed (study being done at U of Mich) to raise survival rates from Colon Cancer by 6%. Mediterranean Diet HERE Another study at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute has shown

    those who continue to eat an American diet of red meats, desserts, fast foods, etc. have colon cancer recur 3 1/2 times more

    than those who cut out these foods from their diets and eat a more 'prudent' diet or Mediterranean Diet.

    Should Everyone Take Calcium and Vitamin D?
    Written by Heinz-Josef Lenz, MD.

    Only about five years ago, every patient of mine who finished chemotherapy was given a vitamin cocktail to further reduce colon cancer risk. It was calcium, selenium, vitamin E and folic acid.

    Over the last three years, folic acid has been shown to increase growth of polyps, and in patients with metastatic disease it may shorten life. The protective value of vitamin E has been questioned, and there was evidence that it might increase prostate cancer risk. Selenium did not show benefit.

    So we are down to calcium. This supplement has been shown repeatedly to benefit patients by reducing cancer risk for a variety of solid tumors including colon cancer. A recent publication by Dr. Yikyung Park from the National Cancer Institute showed that supplementation of 1200 mg calcium in women and men over the age of 50

    decreased cancer risk by 17% for men and 23% for women

    (Archives of Internal Medicine, February 23, 2009). These were cancers of the gastrointestinal tract mainly colon cancers.

    The usually source for calcium in our diet is milk products (yogurt, cheese etc) as well as meat. The calcium pathway is very interesting because it requires activity of vitamin D. Without vitamin D it is difficult to absorb calcium and put it into the organs where we need it, but to make sure we have sufficient vitamin D we need some sun exposure (vitamin D is activated in the skin) and we need a functional kidney.

    When vitamin D was tested in patients with colon cancer it was found by Dr. Charles Fuchs in the Journal of Clinical Oncology published in June last year that the patients with the highest vitamin D levels lived longer suggesting that low levels may be associated with shorter survival. I recommend all my patients take 1500 mg of calcium and 1000-3000 units of vitamin D daily.

    If you have a history of kidney stones or inflammatory bowel disease please check with your doctor first before starting calcium supplements.

    D3: Watch this video on Vitamin D3 and cancer
    Watch the Youtube video at: Click Here Reduces chances by


    In a new study, researchers at the Moores Cancer Center and Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, UC San Diego used a complex computer prediction model to determine that intake of vitamin D...

    EXERCISE: Do a web search for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute colon cancer exercise Using all those words should bring it right up. The study was done on Stage III and those who had not exercised pre cancer reduced recurrence chances by 55%. Those who were active previously still reduced recurrence by 43%.

    55% is amazing!


    I think of this as ABCDE, Aspirin, Better Diet, Calcium, Vit D3 and Exercise.

    I'm taking a Centrum Silver Ultra for Women over 50, Calcium Supplements, Vit D3 (3,600IU), 325 mg of Aspirin and am exercising twice a day or more. I have also increased my coffee to 3 or more cups because of a new study.

    A new study has shown that post menopausal women make a form of estrogen from COFFEE and that estrogen helps prevent colon cancer from starting!

    It absolutely blows my mind that people will fight so hard and take so many toxic measures to try and stay healthy but then won't stop eating bags of chips for breakfast, fast foods twice a day, donuts..........
    Prevent Recurrence
    Thanks, Diane for all the cc research info. Also appreciated your post of the Mediterranean Diet. Does this mean that a baby asprin is not effective? Concerned about stomach ulcers with a daily 325. Taking 50,000 units of Vit. D. twice a week for awhile. What form of calcium can you suggest; in the past, before cancer dx, calcium supplement has caused constipation for me.
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    Lynn (mamalala)
    From the studies I've read, a baby aspirin is not enough. Previous studies showed aspirin had no effect on cc but those tests were done with baby aspirin. 325mg is less than the recommended dosage for headaches, aches, pains, etc. It's less than a dose of Alka Seltzer. I NEVER, EVER take Tylenol because of potential liver damage.

    I just use regular Calcium with Vit. D3. I have always had problems with constipation so I eat loads of raisins. YUM

    Avoid added Folic acid. Some new studies are starting to see if folic acid (NOT folate) might be contraindicated for cc patients or even increase the chance of cc.
  • elizabethgd
    elizabethgd Member Posts: 145

    Lynn (mamalala)
    From the studies I've read, a baby aspirin is not enough. Previous studies showed aspirin had no effect on cc but those tests were done with baby aspirin. 325mg is less than the recommended dosage for headaches, aches, pains, etc. It's less than a dose of Alka Seltzer. I NEVER, EVER take Tylenol because of potential liver damage.

    I just use regular Calcium with Vit. D3. I have always had problems with constipation so I eat loads of raisins. YUM

    Avoid added Folic acid. Some new studies are starting to see if folic acid (NOT folate) might be contraindicated for cc patients or even increase the chance of cc.

    thanks for info.
    this was great info.. thanks sooo much.Elizabeth
  • mamalala
    mamalala Member Posts: 25
    mamalala said:

    Prevent Recurrence
    Thanks, Diane for all the cc research info. Also appreciated your post of the Mediterranean Diet. Does this mean that a baby asprin is not effective? Concerned about stomach ulcers with a daily 325. Taking 50,000 units of Vit. D. twice a week for awhile. What form of calcium can you suggest; in the past, before cancer dx, calcium supplement has caused constipation for me.

    Exercise/Tai Chi
    Steven, depending upon your energy and exercise preferences, and if you are starting into an exercise program, you might give tai chi a try. After my dx/surgery/chemo, other forms of exercise seemed too much so I went back to tai chi. You would still be exercising but at a slower rate which is a good start to getting muscles back into working order. Also breathing is important in tai chi. You may be able to find a class or instructor, if you haven't already, at a community center or fitness center. Where do you want to start your exercise program? Good luck; just go for it! Lynn
  • mamalala
    mamalala Member Posts: 25

    Lynn (mamalala)
    From the studies I've read, a baby aspirin is not enough. Previous studies showed aspirin had no effect on cc but those tests were done with baby aspirin. 325mg is less than the recommended dosage for headaches, aches, pains, etc. It's less than a dose of Alka Seltzer. I NEVER, EVER take Tylenol because of potential liver damage.

    I just use regular Calcium with Vit. D3. I have always had problems with constipation so I eat loads of raisins. YUM

    Avoid added Folic acid. Some new studies are starting to see if folic acid (NOT folate) might be contraindicated for cc patients or even increase the chance of cc.

    I will pursue calcium and
    I will pursue calcium and take other measures to counteract the constipation, as you suggested. What form do you take your calcium? In addition, do you buy calcium-added products? My husband had had a bleeding ulcer as a result of overdosing on advil so I guess I'm a little cautious when it comes to asprin. Last colonoscopy/endoscopy showed stomach inflamation, which gastro. guy thought might be due to last year's chemo. Thanks for the great info. Lynn