Questions about different treatments
My son Scott who is 31 was dx with stage IV colon cancer that has moved into a large part of his liver and some of the lymph glands near the liver. His oncologist has him on Fluoracil (this is what is in the pump, Irinotecan, Leucovorin, and avastin when we get his blood pressure down. He just finished his first treatment…
Okay, call me crazy, I know its only a few days till my check up scans, but my mind has been going in overdrive. I have a question that I thought I might ask. As you all know I have been having bad back pain (lower left side), had a MRI that showed I had a slight slipped disc. Have been going to a Pain doc, but they are…
No more Oxi!!
Had the worst Tx week to date. Took over a week to rebound. Constant tingling in my fingers and just all of a sudden started some on the bottoms of my feet. Convinced onc to drop the Oxi. He said it was a reasonable request. Being NED before Tx and only 1 lymph involvement, he said chances are I've already reaped the…
****, Kathleen and family, Greg, Pokismom ..... Tsunami!!
Please pray for safety for our dear friends who live in Hawaii! Diane
What a week!
I've had the best week since I was diagnosed. The week started out great with 70 weather at the beach. I went to the beach to pick up a boat. I got the boat for about 65% of what it is worth wholesale. It is fantastic. It is a Carolina Skiff. There was a CS dealer in Greenville but they were bought by the hospital and a…
Irinotecan and Nausea
So, I just finished my 9th cycle of Irinotecan / Avastin / Xeloda. The nausea has increased each cycle. The nausea started out just one day after treatment, then two days now to three days after treatment. I'm on prochlorperazine and Reglan. Any suggestions for managing the nausea?
HI 2BHealed - Juicer Product Question Plus Other...
Hey Em I was at my local Costco store this weekend and stumbled into a JUICER DEMO. I just wanted to give you some info on the product and see whether you have heard of it or not – and if you have, do you think it is any good – or what have you heard about it? The “Talking Head” was pitching the VITA-MIX 5200. It’s a…
CT scan results questions
Just wanted some advice on some of my moms results. Our oncologist is very brief when discussing results with my mom. He doesn't explain things very carefully enough so that when I take the CT scan results home, I have more questions than answers. Here are some examples. 1)The small sub-centimeter rounded sclerotic lesion…
Question for anyone with rectal cancer
Any idea what nonspecific rectal wall thickening might indicate? Damage from radiation?
Scan results good - at a crossroad UPDATE
Hey Folks, I'm at crossroad in my treatment. Recap - DX July '09 with rectal. 15 liver mets and "activity" in the peritoneal lining. Primary not resected and no radiation. Colostomy to avoid emergency situation of complete blockage of the rectum. I have finished the initial plan of 12 treatments of FOLFOX and Avastin. Scan…
Job change & Pre-exisiting condition (aka colon cancer)
I am discussing a new career opportunity that could prove exciting. I am uncertain though that if I make a change and cancer were to return, I would not be covered under any new insurance company plan. Anyone out there have any experience with this issue? Mike
I have a question I need answered
I have been hurting in the middle of my back for 4 or 5 days it is just under my shoulder blades it isn't something I can't stand but it seems worse when I go to bed...it is a constant pain not palsating stays pretty steady. asprin will dull it but not make it go away.My question , is this something I should be concerned…
Lung Nodule
My Dad, who was diagnosed with Stage IIIC rectal cancer last June, had surgery, and then finished chemo in November, just had a CT scan last week. The scan revealed small nodules on his right lung which did not appear on his scans before. The doctors say that the only thing they can offer is to have my Dad do another scan…
Chemo pumps
have just been diagnosised with a rare digital eccrine cancer and am about to begin chemotherapy. Cn someone answer some questions I have about the chemo pump?
Here is a link to a funny parody on organic foods, it cracked me up. http://www.veoh.com/browse/movies/offset/80#watch=e92828aJPhCjRH Hope it gives someone else a laugh too. Pam
The Reading Room: Anticancer by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber
For all of us, patients and caregivers, the task of working with our physicians and other healthcare providers to configure a treatment regimen that heals is difficult and is sometimes fraught with doubts and stress. In the end, for some, the decision is to follow an orthodox path of surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation.…
My mom had a liver ressection in september.she went back for a scan a couple months later and there was a 1cm spot on her liver after surgery...they decided to do chemo for a couple months and see if the chemo is working.they had said that at the time of the surgery that it must have been to small...how big is 1cm...is it…
UNC-Chapel Hill
Has anyone had any experience at Chapel Hill? Especially with liver mets?
Old Posts
Can someone tell me if there is a way to go back and read the previous posts of a particular member? Thanks, Joanne
CT Scan results after 12 FOLOX w/ Avastin Treatments -what do you think
We received the CT Scan results today from last scan after 12 treatments: Conclusion: Interval increase in size of multiple hepatic Metastases. Nonspecific rectal wall thickening Again seen are multiple hepatic metastases. These have increases slightly in size in the interval since the prior study of 12/2/09. There is a…
Scan Results
My scan results were surprising and very disappointing. The oncologist was even surprised. We both expected good results and that was not the case. I am showing new activity in my liver and rectum along with recurrent activity in the pelvis and abdomen. The Doc said he was more concerned about the liver involvement than…
Does anyone know
or heard from Limey, Vinny3, JaDot? I hope all is well with them.
Phishy politics
Et tu Phil
Hey Phil, How much snow did you get??? We got about 30 inches and still counting....YUCK YUCK I think we need a vaction to warm places anywhere warm... This is more than enough for me...JULIE
update - advice needed
A couple of updates: My husband WILL be participating in the 2011 Colondar :) He is scheduled for a thoroctomy/wedge resection on March 9th to have 3 leisons removed from his right lung He is terrified about more chemo, feels like neither folfox or folfuri worked since he has done both and the cancer still spread so…
Is the cure in sight?
Someone said recently that once one type of cancer can be cured..... Have you seen this story today? After long fight, cancer drug suddenly effective Therapy targeted toward gene mutations gives patients some reprieve updated 2:57 p.m. ET, Tues., Feb. 23, 2010 For the melanoma patients who signed on to try a drug known as…
Hey Phil
Phil, By my count 62% answered your question in a positive way. I would have thought it would be higher. Great question!
does anyone have problems with drainage and bleeding after rectal surgry?
I don't have cancer,but my husband has stage4 rectal cancer and he had his surgry in oct 2009.he has a permanant stoma now.it's almost 5 months now and he still hasn't healed.He started his chemo again with the advastin which was 2 treatment and started bleeding.The chemo doctor was surprise that the surgeon said it was ok…
Surprise this week!
Well after posting last week saying my scans showed the same as the previous ones, I got several encouraging words from friends here about being happy about being the same and the tumors not growing! Thank you, I whole heartly agreed! Then I had an appt. with my onc. He said he wanted me off of all of my drugs as I needed…
Tapioca treatment for cancer
Monday, April 12, 1999 Published at 18:05 GMT 19:05 UK Health Tapioca treatment for cancer For many adults, tapioca is inextricably linked to school dinners Tapioca pudding - widely known as frog's eggs by many school pupils - may after all be good for you. Scientists say the plant from which it is derived may help cure…