HI 2BHealed - Juicer Product Question Plus Other...

Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hey Em

I was at my local Costco store this weekend and stumbled into a JUICER DEMO.

I just wanted to give you some info on the product and see whether you have heard of it or not – and if you have, do you think it is any good – or what have you heard about it?

The “Talking Head” was pitching the VITA-MIX 5200.

It’s a “commercial” juicer. It’s design looks interesting. The base has the speeds and the settings and looks self contained - the jar container that blends and juices the fruits and vegetables sits on top of this base. There does not look to be anything to clean on the base but the exterior. It has a spindle coming out of the base that the jar attaches to, but I can’t see anything else, so cleaning the base looks to be ok.

The jar container where all of the products go sits on top of the base and begins the blending and squeezing. There is an opening in the jar container where there is a manual push rod that gets inserted into the top to drive down the fruits and vegetables to the bottom so they can be “worked.” Amazingly there only seems to be the jar container and the blades inside that would need to be cleaned and they look like they can be popped out and cleaned fairly easily.

What was also fascinating is that you can put whole fruits or vegetables into the Vita-Mix 5200 and you don’t have to cut stuff down to fit – it just swallows it whole. The only thing I saw him peel was the Pineapple, where he just cut the hard skin away and then dropped the whole pineapple in there along with some type of red berries, strawberries, bananas and whatnot and he did not add anything else – no yogurt or sweetners or ice anything like that, just pure fruits only from what I could tell – I walked up in the middle of the demo. And I had just missed the Vegetable demo.

Anyway, he was pouring up sampler “shots” for the customers to sample while he was trying to sell his machine. I stepped up to take a sample, thinking the worst, hoping for OK – and I must say it was pretty good. Straight juice “squeezed” straight from the fruits with no additives. It definitely got my attention.

The Vita-Mix 5200 comes with a full 7-YEAR warranty, with an option to purchase 3 additional years for a total of 10! So for 7 “standard” years this commercial juicer must be pretty solid – it looks like it is.

It was selling at Costco for a whopping $394. So, I can only imagine what it would sell for in a non-discount store. It’s way out of my range right now and I would have to make sure I was totally committed before investing that kind of capital.

But, it got my attention, Emily – and in a big way.

I had an “Epiphany” over the weekend on foods & nutrition and my mindset has turned around 180 degress WHAM!!! I’ll detail more later in another post to the group – I’d sure like for you to see it and I’ll have some questions for you.

I want to echo what’s already been said, in the fact, that the Information that you provide for all of us, is INVALUABLE.

I’ve read more of your posts than I have let on. I’ve always respected what you had to say on the subject of Nutrition and Juicing and I appreciate the research that you have done and are doing to educate yourself and us, on the dangers and benefits of what we put into our bodies everyday. And there just has to be something to it.

Slowly but surely, like Johnny Appleseed, you have thrown out your “seeds of wisdom” and a lot of those seeds are beginning to take root within the group – and now within myself – I’ve begun to think about a life change with the products that I ingest.

This is a major revelation for me. So, I’m just confirming that you have made a difference to so many and you are beginning to work on me. Believe me, Sister, if you can convert me over, that is a big scalp on your “wampum.”

Just the fact, that I’m ready to make changes, signals a new awakening – and one that you’ve had a hand in and have played a role in. Just wanted you to know that :)

I’ve started slowly, but I am now reading labels very closely now and checking out the ingredients in products. I jumped into the shallow end of the pool this w/end and eschewed many name brand products I used to get.

I have made a bold move towards ORGANIC products now (this weekend) and I found some Flax-Seed that I’ve got on my list for next paycheck to mix in cooking and smoothies. And I’m looking with interest, on this GLUTEN FREE lifestyle that I’ve read you talking about very recently. That was a great thread BTW – I enjoyed reading it and all the responses.

I’ve just gotten TIRED of being “sick & tired.” I’m fed up finally and looking for an overhaul on my life – beginning with the most important aspect, NUTRITION. This is where my new battle begins.

What I’m doing may seem trivial, or not big news - but to me it is a major step in my evolution. My goals are simple to start:

1. I want to give my body the power to ward off disease and not have recurrence of Cancer.

2. I want to put more natural foods and juices into my system, so that I can have Energy and
just plain ol’ “feel better.”

I’m a real “newbie” to “this world” , so be patient with me and walk with me as I try and learn and apply what I’m learning from you and all of the other healthy eaters out there. I’ve taken some good baby steps this weekend and have done pretty well.

I’ll probably open a thread on the items I changed – and I’ll have some questions for you that I will want your opinion on – so look for that – I'll put your 2BHealed in the title.

Who’d have ever “thunk” that Craig would be asking Em for nutritional advice? Well, if you live long enough in this world, “anything is possible.”

If you have not had a "stroke" from seeing this post from me – THANKS!

Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ – play Johnny Appleseed and keep throwin’ those seeds! If you throw out 100 seeds and 10 “take root”, that’s 10 more than you had before. The “Nutrition War” is won with ONE convert at a time. Your Army is getting bigger by the day.

Let me know what you think of the Vita-Mix 5200 – Be Well and PEACE to you.



  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    I totally agree that Emily's
    I totally agree that Emily's seeds have been thrown and now she gets to see them grow.

    I haven't gone green yet- but do a ton of fresh fruits and flax seeds and will add protein powder some of the times. My hands down favorite is mango and blueberries.

    Why haven't I gone green yet? Waiting for the $$ to get the equipment to juice it. Not willing to risk my regular blender on leafy stuff. In my head I think I am at least doing better as I eat fresh and steamed veggies by the truck load. Going to try and grow beets and kohlrabi this summer!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    And to think
    That a few years ago there were people on this board that wished she wasn't here and were not very accepting of her opinions or post.........sounds kind of like religion here doesn't it..........oops won't go there.

    I have always said Em is my mentor and helped me learn how to save my own life!!!!

    Love you sweetie!!!

    Lisa P.
  • thready
    thready Member Posts: 474
    Juicing and Nutrition
    I LOVE Emily's posts, learned a lot. I have been reading Anti-Cancer, some have posted about it and nutrition is one thing we can control. I think juicing is a big part of that. I have a friend that had a big ugly hodgkins lymphoma and she went totally vegiterian and has been juicing since her chemo and radiation days. That was ten years ago. She is healthy and doing great.

    I think that even small steps can be helpful. Add 3 cups of green tea a day and eat those blueberries. In the Anti-Cancer book the author says that blueberries make the cancer cells commit suicide (aka apoptosis) so I say back the blueberry truck up to my house and pile them on!

    Best wishes Craig, I know you will feel better and you will have a huge sense of control.

    Take care
  • SueRelays
    SueRelays Member Posts: 485
    thready said:

    Juicing and Nutrition
    I LOVE Emily's posts, learned a lot. I have been reading Anti-Cancer, some have posted about it and nutrition is one thing we can control. I think juicing is a big part of that. I have a friend that had a big ugly hodgkins lymphoma and she went totally vegiterian and has been juicing since her chemo and radiation days. That was ten years ago. She is healthy and doing great.

    I think that even small steps can be helpful. Add 3 cups of green tea a day and eat those blueberries. In the Anti-Cancer book the author says that blueberries make the cancer cells commit suicide (aka apoptosis) so I say back the blueberry truck up to my house and pile them on!

    Best wishes Craig, I know you will feel better and you will have a huge sense of control.

    Take care

    I was going to suggest that
    I was going to suggest that book as well. It is FABULOUS, and reitterates what information you are receiving....but from a doctor and someone also who has been there! It's fascinating. My sister bought it for me. I am now a 3X survivor and am bound and determined to hold it here.....so HAVE to make these changes. Love to hear over and over how many success stores there are!!!!
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    SueRelays said:

    I was going to suggest that
    I was going to suggest that book as well. It is FABULOUS, and reitterates what information you are receiving....but from a doctor and someone also who has been there! It's fascinating. My sister bought it for me. I am now a 3X survivor and am bound and determined to hold it here.....so HAVE to make these changes. Love to hear over and over how many success stores there are!!!!

    got the book
    Funny- just as I was reading this post, my daughter brought a package in, which was a book I just ordered off amazon.com... "Anti Cancer A New Way of Life".

    I got a juicer last month. I have the Champion 2000. It does work well and it also is very easy to clean. I do have to cut the fruits/veggies to the size of the mouth. It didn't do too well trying to juice wheat grass- it got stuck, but it does well with other things and other more leafy types of greens. It does take up a lot of space and is quite heavy- how heavy it is surprised me. Emily has this same juicer, I believe, and I think she's mentioned that she's happy with it.

    Good for you, Craig. I,too, am interested in this "gluten thing". Honestly, after reading a few articles about it, my first thought was "what the he11 am I supposed to eat now?!" The changes are going to have to come from me. Unfortunately, since I've been dealing with cancer, I've been so tired and dealing with dinner for the family hasn't been easy. I admit that I've gotten even worse about stocking the fridge and kitchen with things so that the kids can just pop frozen items into the microwave & they have lots of processed foods. I can't even get them to try any of the juice I've made. Husband and three kids turn up their noses at everything & get upset w/ me when I don't buy their usual junk. We've now got a whole refrigerator of organic fruits and veggies and healthier "interesting" types of snacks in the pantry. According to my husband and kids, we've now "got nothing to eat!" My 16 yr old son just drives and gets his own fast food now & the healthier things i've been trying to prepare go uneaten, except by me. Frustrating! I've questioned if the fruits and veggies taking up space in the fridge now are worth it when no one else will touch the stuff. I know this is for my own health, but I'm trying to convey to the family that I don't want them to go through what I'm dealing with. So far they aren't buying it.

    Any suggestions of how to win over the family??

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    scouty said:

    And to think
    That a few years ago there were people on this board that wished she wasn't here and were not very accepting of her opinions or post.........sounds kind of like religion here doesn't it..........oops won't go there.

    I have always said Em is my mentor and helped me learn how to save my own life!!!!

    Love you sweetie!!!

    Lisa P.

    Speak of the devil!
    ;-) Ghosts from the past....

    Thanks Big L!

    Love you too!

    peace, em
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    I must get to bed and don't have the time to address this tonight (watched the Olympics) but will ASAP. I'm very excited for you!

    I will say that I am not familiar with this particular Vita-Mix, but a blender is not a juice EXTRACTOR from what I do know. But since I don't personally know the style you're talking about I cannot say for sure that it's not a juicer. Blending is NOT juicing but definitely has it's own set of benefits.

    We'll talk tomorrow.....snooze zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    peace, emily
  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • thready
    thready Member Posts: 474
    lisa42 said:

    got the book
    Funny- just as I was reading this post, my daughter brought a package in, which was a book I just ordered off amazon.com... "Anti Cancer A New Way of Life".

    I got a juicer last month. I have the Champion 2000. It does work well and it also is very easy to clean. I do have to cut the fruits/veggies to the size of the mouth. It didn't do too well trying to juice wheat grass- it got stuck, but it does well with other things and other more leafy types of greens. It does take up a lot of space and is quite heavy- how heavy it is surprised me. Emily has this same juicer, I believe, and I think she's mentioned that she's happy with it.

    Good for you, Craig. I,too, am interested in this "gluten thing". Honestly, after reading a few articles about it, my first thought was "what the he11 am I supposed to eat now?!" The changes are going to have to come from me. Unfortunately, since I've been dealing with cancer, I've been so tired and dealing with dinner for the family hasn't been easy. I admit that I've gotten even worse about stocking the fridge and kitchen with things so that the kids can just pop frozen items into the microwave & they have lots of processed foods. I can't even get them to try any of the juice I've made. Husband and three kids turn up their noses at everything & get upset w/ me when I don't buy their usual junk. We've now got a whole refrigerator of organic fruits and veggies and healthier "interesting" types of snacks in the pantry. According to my husband and kids, we've now "got nothing to eat!" My 16 yr old son just drives and gets his own fast food now & the healthier things i've been trying to prepare go uneaten, except by me. Frustrating! I've questioned if the fruits and veggies taking up space in the fridge now are worth it when no one else will touch the stuff. I know this is for my own health, but I'm trying to convey to the family that I don't want them to go through what I'm dealing with. So far they aren't buying it.

    Any suggestions of how to win over the family??


    Suggestions for family
    It is hard to try to win over family when you are doing battle! I often want to tell them to "shut up and eat the stuff". When my youngest was 16 he would not eat anything I cooked. He wanted money to go get fast food or eat at better places. Boy that one lit me up pretty good. He was 22 years old before he could stomach eating the food that was in the house. I think because he was so broke it looked good. Just to let you know my cooking back then was not considered "health food" by any stretch so it was not like I was trying to get them to eat weird stuff.

    My husband and I have ventured into more healthy eating patterns, whole wheat pasta, organic milk and milk products, organic fruits and veggies. We are juicing and he likes the juice and I think he really likes running the juicer. Both of my kids turned up their noses at the juices but when "DAD" said to try it, it became a guy thing and so they did and they liked it. He gave them apple juice with a couple of carrots and some grapes in it. They said they got a bit of a "buz" from it. Who knows what kids and husbands will do!

    You might have to designate a place in the frige for your "Cancer fighting food", stock what you will need, then get the stuff that your family wants. I would also make a baked apple crisp or something that smells really yummy, but tell them it has your cancer fighting food in it so you thought they might not like it. Nothing like a bit of psycology here. Good luck, but you need to first look out for your self. When you are eating a pretty salad and they are eating squished burritos from a paper wraper you can smile and say to yourself "I can win my battle-in style!)

    Take care
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    saw the Vitamix demo in Costco yesterday

    I was in Costco yesterday and also saw the Vitamix demo. They had samples of tortilla soup made in it (pretty good). Anyhow, I asked how it differed from a juicer, and the demo lady said "juicers waste so much and the Vitamix grinds everything up so there's no waste". Hmmm... got me thinking, "which method is better for you?"
    What is really the health difference, if any, in juicing your fruits and veggies vs. grinding them up, or even just eating them whole? Is there any health benefits difference? I remember Diane asking this same question awhile back- she wasn't talking about the Vitamix, but asked about health benefits of juicing vs. just eating lots of fresh organic veggies and fruits.
    Emily... Scouty...anyone????

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    lisa42 said:

    saw the Vitamix demo in Costco yesterday

    I was in Costco yesterday and also saw the Vitamix demo. They had samples of tortilla soup made in it (pretty good). Anyhow, I asked how it differed from a juicer, and the demo lady said "juicers waste so much and the Vitamix grinds everything up so there's no waste". Hmmm... got me thinking, "which method is better for you?"
    What is really the health difference, if any, in juicing your fruits and veggies vs. grinding them up, or even just eating them whole? Is there any health benefits difference? I remember Diane asking this same question awhile back- she wasn't talking about the Vitamix, but asked about health benefits of juicing vs. just eating lots of fresh organic veggies and fruits.
    Emily... Scouty...anyone????


    Hey Lisa :)
    Cool! Glad you got to see it too - VitaMix must be the "item of the month" at Costco.

    I entered Vita Mix 5200 Costco in the Bing search engine and it pulled up a link - in there were some reviews - they were all positive and customers gave it a 5* star rating.

    In my quest to turn my life over, I'm becoming a believer in nutrition in LIQUID form. It's obviously easier for the body to digest and distribute liquids over solids.

    I remember you mentioning this, Lisa, with your vitamins and stuff - how you spray under your tongue some vitamins and such - this makes sense that we more readily absorb nutrients. I'm believing in it so much, that I won't be taking any supplements or pills if I can get a liquid substitute.

    And your point on juicing vs grinding - I'm awaiting Emily and Scouty's opinion as well. The VitaMix did not waste anything - it swallows things Whole and the guy poured every bit of it into cups that we all drank - cleanup looked simple too, which caught my attention.

    I've switched over to organics too, but trying to infuse fruits and vegetables into liquids so I can see a more immediate impact is what sounds promising.

    Emily was going to respond when she got the chance...hope Scouty will offer her opinion as well. It's alot of money and would take me time to save for it, but everyone that commented seems to think it was worth it.

    I just don't know enough about it - and that's why I opened this post. While I was at Costco, I bought an Oster 8-speed blender for $29.99, so I could get started with smoothies - I had saved up for it and was all that I could afford. I could always take it back or just use it for the meantime, so I could at least smoothie in fruits.

    See you Lisa - glad you caught the demo too. It was pretty cool.

  • victory10
    victory10 Member Posts: 75
    Sundanceh said:

    Hey Lisa :)
    Cool! Glad you got to see it too - VitaMix must be the "item of the month" at Costco.

    I entered Vita Mix 5200 Costco in the Bing search engine and it pulled up a link - in there were some reviews - they were all positive and customers gave it a 5* star rating.

    In my quest to turn my life over, I'm becoming a believer in nutrition in LIQUID form. It's obviously easier for the body to digest and distribute liquids over solids.

    I remember you mentioning this, Lisa, with your vitamins and stuff - how you spray under your tongue some vitamins and such - this makes sense that we more readily absorb nutrients. I'm believing in it so much, that I won't be taking any supplements or pills if I can get a liquid substitute.

    And your point on juicing vs grinding - I'm awaiting Emily and Scouty's opinion as well. The VitaMix did not waste anything - it swallows things Whole and the guy poured every bit of it into cups that we all drank - cleanup looked simple too, which caught my attention.

    I've switched over to organics too, but trying to infuse fruits and vegetables into liquids so I can see a more immediate impact is what sounds promising.

    Emily was going to respond when she got the chance...hope Scouty will offer her opinion as well. It's alot of money and would take me time to save for it, but everyone that commented seems to think it was worth it.

    I just don't know enough about it - and that's why I opened this post. While I was at Costco, I bought an Oster 8-speed blender for $29.99, so I could get started with smoothies - I had saved up for it and was all that I could afford. I could always take it back or just use it for the meantime, so I could at least smoothie in fruits.

    See you Lisa - glad you caught the demo too. It was pretty cool.


    I've had the Jack Lelane juicer but it was too much trouble some years ago. In the past month or so I ordered and received the Healthmaster. Its easy and spinich and vegetable can be put in the blender with the fruits, water and ice...can't even taste the spinich...easy clean up too. fruit seeds, apple peelings, and all are blended in with the drink. its amazing i think.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    lisa42 said:

    saw the Vitamix demo in Costco yesterday

    I was in Costco yesterday and also saw the Vitamix demo. They had samples of tortilla soup made in it (pretty good). Anyhow, I asked how it differed from a juicer, and the demo lady said "juicers waste so much and the Vitamix grinds everything up so there's no waste". Hmmm... got me thinking, "which method is better for you?"
    What is really the health difference, if any, in juicing your fruits and veggies vs. grinding them up, or even just eating them whole? Is there any health benefits difference? I remember Diane asking this same question awhile back- she wasn't talking about the Vitamix, but asked about health benefits of juicing vs. just eating lots of fresh organic veggies and fruits.
    Emily... Scouty...anyone????


    Juicing vs Blending
    Hi Lisa,

    I think there is an entire thread on this one. Must do a search.

    Juicing is all about providing your body with OPTIMAL nutrition in the EASIEST way to assimilate. It only "wastes" the fiber but in reality it releases MORE of the nutrients that our cancer ridden bodies crave in order to HEAL THE CANCER!

    Blending the veggies is certainly healthful way to eat veggies but it's not giving you the OPTIMAL nutrition. And remember, the demo lady is trying to SELL you something. I am not. I make not a penny spending my time doing this. (unless you take my workshop and in that case I make very little...sigh).

    Most likely you are not going to blend and eat 5 carrots, 2 kale leaves, a wedge of cabbage, 2 large romaine leaves, an apple etc etc. You get the picture. Because you will have to try to ingest ALL THAT FIBER along with it. So think about all the nutrients you are getting from the JUICED veggies!!

    The thing about juicing for cancer healing is that we're in a health crisis and we need to get the MOST healing properties the easiest and fastest into our bodies so that those awesome live enzymes can get to work healing our diseased organs. These live enzymes give us the energy boosts.

    Anyway, the health benefits are huge.

    Hope this settles the matter once and for all! haha

    peace, emily
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Juicing vs Blending
    Hi Lisa,

    I think there is an entire thread on this one. Must do a search.

    Juicing is all about providing your body with OPTIMAL nutrition in the EASIEST way to assimilate. It only "wastes" the fiber but in reality it releases MORE of the nutrients that our cancer ridden bodies crave in order to HEAL THE CANCER!

    Blending the veggies is certainly healthful way to eat veggies but it's not giving you the OPTIMAL nutrition. And remember, the demo lady is trying to SELL you something. I am not. I make not a penny spending my time doing this. (unless you take my workshop and in that case I make very little...sigh).

    Most likely you are not going to blend and eat 5 carrots, 2 kale leaves, a wedge of cabbage, 2 large romaine leaves, an apple etc etc. You get the picture. Because you will have to try to ingest ALL THAT FIBER along with it. So think about all the nutrients you are getting from the JUICED veggies!!

    The thing about juicing for cancer healing is that we're in a health crisis and we need to get the MOST healing properties the easiest and fastest into our bodies so that those awesome live enzymes can get to work healing our diseased organs. These live enzymes give us the energy boosts.

    Anyway, the health benefits are huge.

    Hope this settles the matter once and for all! haha

    peace, emily

    Thanks, Emily!
    Thanks for replying, Emily! Think I'll go juice some carrots (along w/ a granny smith apple and spinach). :)

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Hey Lisa :)
    Cool! Glad you got to see it too - VitaMix must be the "item of the month" at Costco.

    I entered Vita Mix 5200 Costco in the Bing search engine and it pulled up a link - in there were some reviews - they were all positive and customers gave it a 5* star rating.

    In my quest to turn my life over, I'm becoming a believer in nutrition in LIQUID form. It's obviously easier for the body to digest and distribute liquids over solids.

    I remember you mentioning this, Lisa, with your vitamins and stuff - how you spray under your tongue some vitamins and such - this makes sense that we more readily absorb nutrients. I'm believing in it so much, that I won't be taking any supplements or pills if I can get a liquid substitute.

    And your point on juicing vs grinding - I'm awaiting Emily and Scouty's opinion as well. The VitaMix did not waste anything - it swallows things Whole and the guy poured every bit of it into cups that we all drank - cleanup looked simple too, which caught my attention.

    I've switched over to organics too, but trying to infuse fruits and vegetables into liquids so I can see a more immediate impact is what sounds promising.

    Emily was going to respond when she got the chance...hope Scouty will offer her opinion as well. It's alot of money and would take me time to save for it, but everyone that commented seems to think it was worth it.

    I just don't know enough about it - and that's why I opened this post. While I was at Costco, I bought an Oster 8-speed blender for $29.99, so I could get started with smoothies - I had saved up for it and was all that I could afford. I could always take it back or just use it for the meantime, so I could at least smoothie in fruits.

    See you Lisa - glad you caught the demo too. It was pretty cool.


    Hi Craig,

    Read Emily's reply- helpful to know. I guess maybe it is harder on the body to digest the ground up fiber in addition to the juice nutrients, or maybe not as many nutrients come out when it's ground up vs. extracted as juice. I was impressed, though, with what else the Vitamix could make and do.

    Good luck to you in saving up and getting it!

    Take care,
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Best bang for your buck
    1. I want to give my body the power to ward off disease and not have recurrence of Cancer.

    2. I want to put more natural foods and juices into my system, so that I can have Energy and
    just plain ol’ “feel better.”

    Hi Craig,

    If you can only afford to invest in one of the two items, Vita-Mix or Juicer, I would personally go for the juicer. We're talking cancer healing. If you wanted to go on a raw diet because you wanted to lose weight or feel better, that's one thing; but for cancer healing I would spend my moola on an Omega or a Champion (which is what I have).

    I think I addressed the blending vs juicing in responding to Lisa's post.


    you can also search eBay or freecycle for used juicers. People buy them and then eventually they sit forlorn and forgotten in the back of a cupboard. I've known folks to pick them up at garage sales. Put the word out among your friends that you're looking for a juicer. Maybe a friend has a juicer to loan you. That's how I decided to get my Champ--I borrowed a friend's (she had cured her son's "incurable" cancer--and then wrote a book about it-- by juicing him).

    Have you read A Cancer Battle Plan by Anne Frahm? Her hubby wrote A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook which is the informative "how to" follow up.

    For more info on intestinal health check out www.thedoctorwithin.com

    www.healthquarters.com (or org--I forget)

    Anyway, thank you for the kind words regarding being a Johnny Appleseed. I honestly appreciate it. Sometimes I wonder why I stick around for so long and why bother, but that's only on my bad days. Then somebody starts to "get it" and it's all worth it.

    I love the Semi-colons so something must keep drawing me back. Just when I tell Scouty that I am done on here, it's time to move on....blah blah blah, I find myself coming back to answer another question....

    I have a lot going on in my life that gives me good reason to back off here, but health is my passion so there's no running away from it. :-)

    I hope this helps!

    Gotta go skiing now....

    peace, emily
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Best bang for your buck
    1. I want to give my body the power to ward off disease and not have recurrence of Cancer.

    2. I want to put more natural foods and juices into my system, so that I can have Energy and
    just plain ol’ “feel better.”

    Hi Craig,

    If you can only afford to invest in one of the two items, Vita-Mix or Juicer, I would personally go for the juicer. We're talking cancer healing. If you wanted to go on a raw diet because you wanted to lose weight or feel better, that's one thing; but for cancer healing I would spend my moola on an Omega or a Champion (which is what I have).

    I think I addressed the blending vs juicing in responding to Lisa's post.


    you can also search eBay or freecycle for used juicers. People buy them and then eventually they sit forlorn and forgotten in the back of a cupboard. I've known folks to pick them up at garage sales. Put the word out among your friends that you're looking for a juicer. Maybe a friend has a juicer to loan you. That's how I decided to get my Champ--I borrowed a friend's (she had cured her son's "incurable" cancer--and then wrote a book about it-- by juicing him).

    Have you read A Cancer Battle Plan by Anne Frahm? Her hubby wrote A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook which is the informative "how to" follow up.

    For more info on intestinal health check out www.thedoctorwithin.com

    www.healthquarters.com (or org--I forget)

    Anyway, thank you for the kind words regarding being a Johnny Appleseed. I honestly appreciate it. Sometimes I wonder why I stick around for so long and why bother, but that's only on my bad days. Then somebody starts to "get it" and it's all worth it.

    I love the Semi-colons so something must keep drawing me back. Just when I tell Scouty that I am done on here, it's time to move on....blah blah blah, I find myself coming back to answer another question....

    I have a lot going on in my life that gives me good reason to back off here, but health is my passion so there's no running away from it. :-)

    I hope this helps!

    Gotta go skiing now....

    peace, emily

    Appreciate the Info
    Thanks for your response, Em :)

    "Break a leg." Just kidding - enjoy the slopes.

  • KATE58
    KATE58 Member Posts: 299
    Sundanceh said:

    Appreciate the Info
    Thanks for your response, Em :)

    "Break a leg." Just kidding - enjoy the slopes.


    Hey Craig,
    thanks for the

    Hey Craig,
    thanks for the post.
    My friend bought me a juicer right after my first surgery
    4 1/2 yrs ago,she bought it at a yard sale for $10.
    the reciept was still in the box( the juicer looked like
    it had never been out of the box,still had the plastic wrapping on it)
    originally $300 and change.
    Sorry to say it is still in my closet,never used.
    BUT,after this,I'm hauling it out and giving it a try.
    forget what brand it is,but I know they have infomercials for it.
    thanks to Emily as well.
    take care.
  • KATE58
    KATE58 Member Posts: 299
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    Hey Kath,
    send one of those

    Hey Kath,
    send one of those margaritas my way !!!!
  • slamb58
    slamb58 Member Posts: 31
    Juicing veggies, blending fruits..
    Hi Craig,
    I bought my Vita Mix right after my diagnosis in 2008 after seeing the Costco demo. I love it. After reading a lot of Emily's posts about the benefits of juicing I decided to buy a juicer too. I got it about a month ago, and have been juicing my vegetables to get the maximum effect of the nutrients. I am also using my Vita Mix mostly for my fruits. I will have a juice a day, then a fruit smoothie in the evening. I really enjoy the strawberry, blueberry and banana smoothie. It sounds like a lot of people on here are getting into the juicing craze. Just since I've bought mine, my sister bought one, and my boss got one. We should start a juicing club called "The Jolly Juicers". Good luck on your juicing!!