Hey Phil, How much snow did you get??? We got about 30 inches and still counting....YUCK YUCK I think we need a vaction to warm places anywhere warm... This is more than enough for me...JULIE
good news in three's?
Found out recently that my colon is clean, CEA is way low- my NED status continues. After worrying all fall and convinced my neck was in a job-loss-noose, my union came to the rescue, they convinced HR to reclassify my job today and now I am sitting pretty dang good for job security. I coach my high school Mock Trial team-…
Interview tomorrow (Friday 26th) for SurvivorCHESS, a Program for Colon Cancer Survivors UNC-Chapel
Tomorrow morning is my interview. The research assistant, Adrian, sent me a list of all the questions I will be asked so I'm going to write down some answers today. Some deal with 'feelings' that go along with cancer and I want to be able to get my thoughts across without forgetting anything important (Important from THIS…
Friday Thought of the Day
“People who ask our advice almost never take it. Yet we should never refuse to give it, upon request, for it often helps us to see our own way more clearly.” ~ Brendan Francis
Anyone familiar with "nanoparticles"?
I'm not scientifically inclined so I hope I'm correct in exsplaining this as a subject I keep reading about in the emails I get on cancer is "NANOTECHNOLOGY" as a potential means to destroy cancer.As I understand it, super microscopically small particles which can tell cancerous from healthy cells are sent to site of tumor…
Questions about the pump
My son got his first chemo treatment yesterday and he has the pump. I was wondering how people cope with it and what kind of suggestions people have about care of it and hygine care. They said he could shower or bathe but we are worring about the water and exactly how people place it to keep it dry. This is all very new to…
What $5.00 can do! u-tube video
Awesome U-tube video... music is great too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01KlmBZFyeU
I have a stupid question ???
About a month ago someone started a thread something like, shout out or roll call to cc survivors. Most of the replies implied that you have to be NED to be considered a cc survivor. I was dx about 15 months ago and I'm still alive. Am I a survivor ? I think so. I,m still all chemoed up, and probably will be forever, but…
boo hoo, I was censored
Someone complained an took down my post. I'm so sad. My string of perfect days was snapped by the man!
Doctor gave a timeline-what would you do
Hi, As many of you may know, my sister was dx with stage IV cc in 03/09 with mets to liver, peritoneum. She has been on chemo since, and underwent a liver resection a few weeks ago that was aborted because they found the cancer had spread and the liver was not resectable. During the operation, they did find another…
Liver Resection
Hey All I know some of you have gone through liver resection. I just had one 2 weeks ago from an anal cancer that spread to my liver. Feeling pretty good, and the surgeon was amazed how quick I recovered in the hospital. Since being home, have just kind of plateued. I know I'm expecting too much, but can anyone share some…
wife have PET/CT who shows new mets in peritoneum and I¨m interested could he have HIPEC because she have mets to lungs.I can't find anywhere or i don't know how to search.Thanks.
A big scare and then a laugh!!!!!
On my way home from chemo today my girlfriend, who would normally be with me but had to take a mammogram this morning, calls and says they want her back at the hospital to redo her mammogram; she's cryinbg and all upset. I'm five minutes away in a car service so I tell her to wait for me. I get home and tell her I'll go…
I am sorry for being so lax about posting but I am finding it harder and harder to bounce back from chemo as time goes by. I have already had more than the standard. The last time the doctor checked I was in remission but he decided to give me more treatments anyway. I have just recently had what will be my last treatment…
pet scan results
Just got the news and its all good. Scan came back all clear. Dr. says I am not at the five year mark yet but being so I have been of chemo for awhile and taking into consideration how bad it was this is significant good news. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and well wishes. Keep Up the Fight. Thank you God.
where oh where has shayenne gone
has anyone heard from her ...
Attitude and mottos
A dear friend sent me the following motto saying it reminded him of me. "Live life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning the devil shutters and says OH ****, SHE'S AWAKE." I loved it and am proud that he views me this way. Anyone else out there got a cool motto to live by. Lisa P.
The Hallelujah Diet?
Has anyone seen this diet on the internet? It is very interesting and really as some good recipes. The guy who 'founded' it was in his 40's when he was diagnosed with colon cancer and is fine now. I am feeling quilty because I ate a hamburgar today so I am trying to get back on track. I ended up getting my daughters…
I haven't posted in a little bit. I have had a time since Therasheres. They seemto have shrunk tumors well. Within a month they had shrunk half their size but............... I have had some kind of problem since. I have been to the ER and had ultrasounds, stomach scope and MRI of common bile duct now. There is something…
What A Difference A Day Makes! **UPDATE**
So, to recap, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer in March 2009. He has been on Folfiri with Avastin, Folfox & now Erbitux with irritincan(sp). His CEA # started at 647 & went down to 7.9. At the end of last year, it went back up to 25. In the meantime, we have looked at going to NY for the HAI pump, and…
Question for the ladies/women/girls
and boys too if you know ;) I just got a call from my gyn office per pap test on Feb.13th. Gotta' go back in 4 months for another because mine showed inflammation of cervix. I asked if the chemo could have caused this ( is my first abnormal pap in almost 40 yrs of having them ). Nurse says it sure could be the…
The Reading Room: Cycle of a Drug Trial
This article appeared in today's New York Times. The story chronicles the efforts of doctors and patients who once had great hope for a new targeted drug, PLX4032, for treating melanoma and potentially many other kinds of cancer, only to find that the drug's use netted a relatively short period of remission. The story is…
question about CEAs going up
I need some more help guys. Hubby had his CEA level checked today, it was 320 that's up from 178 in dec when we was dx and 197 early Jan. He has had 2 folfox treatments (they started the Avastin today). Dr. says don't get too worried yet, he has seen this before, go up at first and then back down. He says they will recheck…
I don't know about you guys (cold weather people) but I have had just about enough of the snow...Again it was snowing all day we got about 8 inches plus the 6 inches on the ground plus we are going to get atleast another foot on Thursday night..I am sore from shoveling and sick of driving in it..Any warm weather people…
shayenne is ok
got a Pm from her and she is doing ok very tired from chemo and needed a break but she will be back ..wanted to pass this on
confused1 (Colleen)
Have not seen her post in a long time. Anyone know how she is doing? Tina
CEA 0.7!
from the blood test yesterday. That's the lowest it's been since 12/08 and just before I started chemo. Hurdle #3 down, doctor's appointments tomorrow, and then final hurdle, CT scan next Thursday. Then this every-3-month set of tests/scans done until the next round starts up in June. I was sure noticing the scanxiety as I…
polyps found at colonoscopy
my colonoscopy from 2-15: they removed 2 small polyps those results today: hyperplastic polyps these are not cancer and do not progress to cancer I have now accepted that I do not need a colonoscopy for THREE YEARS Happy 20+ months NED dance!!
A really good few days
I went to Myrtle Beach SC for the weekend. It was 70F and sunny. My family and I went on a boat ride around pawleys island, we got a really good deal on an oceanfront king suite in a nice hotel, we wnt to the aquarium, my wife found a pair of shoes that she has wanted for some time on clearance for $10. I came home and…
You have got to believe in it
I have only been on this site a few months and I feel have learned a bunch from all of you. I have come to the conclusion that we all have different ways of beating this crap. However, to me there is one common thread. That is the damn strong belief in something that will beat it. I chose to mentally visualize my own body…