Just ONE more
I have completed #11 of Folfox this week - last one is March 15 (5-fu will come off March 17) - will have a very Happy St Patty's day - may even have a green beer or two! I haven't had any beer for a year now.... My year, as well as many others, started March 27, 2009...with the abdomin pain - negitive cat scan - other…
CEA going the wrong direction
First CEA was 28, next was 150 and now 301! I'm currently on Erbitux and irinotecan. Is this chemo a fertilizer? I'm going for a Pet Scan ASAP this coming week. feeling nervous, Ida
Stage IV Hope
I haven't been on here for a while but came here when first diagnosed and loved the support. I thought this might encourage others. I have been at it for 2 1/2 years. The discovered a recurrence 14 months ago which we treated aggressively with CRS and HIPEC and I am still NED. Quick knock on wood! I had an MRI and a CT and…
Post Surgical Diet
Hello All, I am scheduled for surgery on Monday, march 8th, for a total choloectomy and a permanent ileostomy. I have perused this board and haven't found any discussions on post surgical dietary needs. I live alone and want to have my house prepared for when I return home afterwards. My doctor has yet to give me any…
new here
I am looking for information from someone who has been in the same situation as me. I am a 49 year old man who was diagnosed last August with a cancerous rectal tumor. I did five weeks of chemoradiation to shrink the tumor. The radiation had a lot of negative side effects and not a lot of change made to the tumor. Some of…
Microsatellite instability fragment analysis...Insurance paid!!
Well, I can sleep better tonight. Just got word that BC/BS, after 2 months of reviewing my claim from October has decided to pay!!I just knew that I was gonna' have to eat that one after they dragged it out so long.So, tonight I celebrate my good fortune. Instead of having to fork over $2,200.00 I only have to pay $183.00.…
My friend, Jodi
My 34 year old friend, Jodi, was five years cancer free yesterday. She was dx'd with cc on her 29th birthday. Her onc used the 'C' word! Way to go Jodi! CURED!!!
Eventful Week
Saw both surgeons for pre-op, went to hospital for pre-admission forms and tests...every thing still a go for surgery (colostomy, total hysterectomy and tumor removal) on March 19. Also finally got up the nerve to tell my family (grown son and daughter with families of their own, and 85 yr old parents) what my health…
CT scan confusing
I got my CT scan results Thurs. he said it looked like it has growen, but could be swelled up? My CEA is still 10-12 I am a bit worried ok a lot worried. I really wanted a break from chemo this summer. My neighbor has bone ca and they gave him 6 months 8 years ago he told me about some herbs here they are excuse the…
clear scan!
well it been awhile, i went back to work and it been rough. i just got my result back and everything is clear 1 1/2 years NED. i have been lurking and will try and make and effort to get back on track. thanks to all that have made my juorney a little easier. (beleiver) god bless (non-beleivers)good vibes see a told you…
CLEAR CT scan!
woohoo! so sweet to be past all the medical hurdles for this 3 month section. Next scan is a PET/CT in early June. Now off to Mexico (Baja California) 3/15 for 2 weeks fun in the sun with hubby and my youngest niece (16 yrs). Tomorrow it's over the passes back home to Wyoming on a forecasted sunny day through a snowy…
got last xeloda refill today
Praise the Lord I got my last refill of Xeloda today won't start it until after my visit with the ONC on the 12th than take the last. Finishing on the 25th and party on the 26th with family and friends giving thanks where it should be given..I had a great team of doctors and surgens, hospital ,onc staff and they all ask…
Update-post surgery decline-More Update
UPDATE-Scan shows blockage in her kidneys and they are performing surgery to remove the blockage. Has anyone experience with this? I just returned from seeing my sister (dx 03/09 aborted liver resection 2/5/10 and another resection 2/5/10 due to blockage) after two weeks of being home from surgery. Somehow in that short…
Good News
George had his onc visit yesterday. And the news sounds good to me. He continues to do very well, lots of the lung mets are gone, the rest are smaller. Liver same thing. Blood work good. Cea went up from 19.1 to 20.0, pa laughed, said don't worry that is nothing, and yes, probably cells dying off or just the test itself,…
I am a quarter of the way done....
I started my fourth round of FOLFOX today. I know I griped on my second round how horrible I felt, but in reality, each round of chemo seems more tolerable than the one before. I really do think that pre-planning is good. I take famotadine before I get heartburn. I also am taking Culturelle (a pro-biotic) to help with…
My Scan Results are in....
******DRUM ROLL PLEASE****** I GOT ANOTHER ALL CLEAR...NO cancer, did you hear me NO NADA cancer....Jumping up and down can you tell. Thanks for all the prayers, good vibes, good thoughts...they all worked... I am so happy....Doing the naked NED dance over here in TEXAS...oops better close the shades done want anyone…
Friday Thought of the Day
“Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.” ~George Washington ~
update on husband (Kapper48)
I am dropping a little note because Pat has been driving me absolutely crazy about getting on here because he wants me to tell everyone hi and wants to tell you all that he hopes everybody is doing good and he is thinking about you all. As you may have noticed, he hasn't been on here in quite a while. He's been in and out…
Anyone ever thought of this? a ex coworker had lipo suction and a tummy tuck and it looked amazing. my belly is lumpy and has a huge scar running down the middle and i will have another scar on my side when they reverse the ileo, and when they do the liver surgery another huge L shaped scar and so i was thinking has anyone…
What is the difference between a PET Scan and a CAT Scan?
I am still new to all this and yesterday I said something to my son about a PET scan and he asked what it was, I couldn't answer him. So questin is what is the difference between a PET Scan and a CAT Scan? He has had a colonoscopy and a CAT scan but not a PET scan so we are wondering if this is another test he needs.…
My Project - Blue Bracelets for Colon Cancer Awareness
--------Colon Cancer Bracelets --- ------I am helping raise awareness about colorectal cancer and the importance of screening by selling the blue bracelets to raise funds for the Colon Cancer Alliance and the American Cancer Society. All profit will be split between these two organizations. If you are interested in a…
Friday Riddle
Remember no googling or searching the Internet and good luck ! RIDDLE: The beginning of eternity The end of time and space The beginning of every end, And the end of every place
An open letter to the President
Dear Mr. President, What if you had a disease that had a 90% cure rate if found early through screening? What if it was the number two cancer killer in the country? What if you were the President and were just screened yourself? What if you were pushing for health care legislation that talks about prevention as a center…
another sore butt
Just wanted to share with anyone that wanted to read this that my little dog (lil bit ) was acting funny this morning and didn't want me to touch her.She kept paying alot of attention to her bottom..well been there done that, I called the vet they told me to bring her in. So we go and they said that one of her annal glands…
My CT Scan Results
Hi everyone, Today I met with my oncologist + she went over my CT results. As my oncologist said "it is good news". I have no new growth + the mets from my liver have decreased in size or stayed the same. There was calcification on my liver, which she said is from the cancer dying off. This CT was after treatment #9 of…
Tired of complaining?
My post today is about me. Not the members of this board. I decided on Monday that i needed to make some changes in my life. I have been living with colon cancer since Nov 2006. Now at Stage 4. I have been under treatment most of that time..But i am still here..And i have fought hard to be here.. And i finally realized…
For what its worth, yesterday marked six months of living with a bag
which is alot better than living with a painful tumor up my rectum. When orgininally informed I had cancer and where tumor was located, I told surgeon: "Great! Just snip it off" as it was at very end of anus; which, as was explained to me then, was in fact, the worst place as there would be no healthy margin of skin left…
Cardio Reduced My Side Effects
I forced my self over the last two weeks to walk and even run on the tread mill. This seems to have increased and speed up my recovery from my last treatment. Am I sweating out the side effect causing drugs that are supposed to be helping me? Is that good or bad?
Today I went in for my 10th treatment of folfox, I got all the premeds and then came OXI and oh want fun we had. I have the oxi infused over 5 hours because of all the neuropathy that it causes. About 1/2 hour into it I started getting very hot, I turned "cooked lobster red" and then the itching and welts started. My…
Sunburn today, Snow tomorrow! Anyone else got CRAZY weather?
What's going on? I sat outside today and really enjoyed getting a little sun but now we've got snow in the forecast for tomorrow. I'm ready for spring! Ready to get some plants in the ground! Anyone else getting weird weather for this time of the year?