Colonoscopy Prep - scared

becca1291 Member Posts: 21
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well, I am on my liquid diet and have taken the two pills for my halflytely prep. I'm not looking forward to drinking the prep. My two main fears for today:

1. The bowel movements will cause me to have severe bleeding (reason for the colonoscopy).
2. The bowel movements will mess up my electrolytes and cause my heart to beat out of rhythm. I have something called SVT which causes a rapid heart beat.

Questions -- any idea how many bm's I can expect? The doc said for me to drink the stuff between 4 and 6.. will I be going to the bathroom all night?

Any words of advice to carry me through this? Of course, I have a ton more worries about tomorrow but I'll post those later : )

Thank you all for your support.


  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member
    I doubt you will be going to the bathroom all night, your body should clean itself out pretty quick. Good luck with your procedure and of course the prep.
  • Aud
    Aud Member Posts: 479 Member
    hello. I'm not a doctor but I'll give you my thoughts.
    you will be going to the bathroom a lot 'cause you're supposed to; that's what the prep does. I don't see why it should increase your bleeding. You'll be going frequently and eventually the bm becomes more of a yellowish-brownish water. All normal. When the bowel movements end is all individual. The first colonoscopy, I was going to the bathroom till 2 a.m. the last 2, I was done by 11:00 that night.
    Just follow instructions closely and drink lots of water/clear liquids. I used Miralex and was able to mix it with Gatorade (no red or purple).
    If you keep yourself hydrated (which you need to do and it also helps things move along more quickly/smoothly) with, in part, something like Gatorade, which has potassium and sodium in it, you shouldn't have any problems with the SVT. I have PVC's (premature ventricular contractions) and it wasn't aggravated by the prep.
    If you do notice the SVT getting worse, call your doctor.
    When I was doing my prep, I had to drink about 8 oz. of solution about every 15-20 minutes so I set a timer (like you do when baking cookies), went about my business (chores, reading, whatever) and went ahead and downed a cup of prep when the timer went off, reset the timer...
    The actual colonoscopy is a breeze. You take a nap, wake up and wonder what all the fuss was about.
    Good luck with your procedure.
  • becca1291
    becca1291 Member Posts: 21
    Aud said:

    hello. I'm not a doctor but I'll give you my thoughts.
    you will be going to the bathroom a lot 'cause you're supposed to; that's what the prep does. I don't see why it should increase your bleeding. You'll be going frequently and eventually the bm becomes more of a yellowish-brownish water. All normal. When the bowel movements end is all individual. The first colonoscopy, I was going to the bathroom till 2 a.m. the last 2, I was done by 11:00 that night.
    Just follow instructions closely and drink lots of water/clear liquids. I used Miralex and was able to mix it with Gatorade (no red or purple).
    If you keep yourself hydrated (which you need to do and it also helps things move along more quickly/smoothly) with, in part, something like Gatorade, which has potassium and sodium in it, you shouldn't have any problems with the SVT. I have PVC's (premature ventricular contractions) and it wasn't aggravated by the prep.
    If you do notice the SVT getting worse, call your doctor.
    When I was doing my prep, I had to drink about 8 oz. of solution about every 15-20 minutes so I set a timer (like you do when baking cookies), went about my business (chores, reading, whatever) and went ahead and downed a cup of prep when the timer went off, reset the timer...
    The actual colonoscopy is a breeze. You take a nap, wake up and wonder what all the fuss was about.
    Good luck with your procedure.

    Every 15 to 20 minutes
    That is a good idea. The instructions say I need to down 8 oz every 10 minutes, but I have doubts that I can do it. Thanks for letting me know about your PVCs that makes me feel much better! Nothing has happened since I took the two pills almost 2 hours ago. Is that normal?

    I think I'm going to start the prep at 4. The instructions say from 4 - 6 but I figure the sooner I start the sooner I'll be done!
  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    becca1291 said:

    Every 15 to 20 minutes
    That is a good idea. The instructions say I need to down 8 oz every 10 minutes, but I have doubts that I can do it. Thanks for letting me know about your PVCs that makes me feel much better! Nothing has happened since I took the two pills almost 2 hours ago. Is that normal?

    I think I'm going to start the prep at 4. The instructions say from 4 - 6 but I figure the sooner I start the sooner I'll be done!

    Agreed. I'll be starting my
    Agreed. I'll be starting my prep earlier in the day next month, so that I can be done and go to sleep at a "reasonable" time. It usually takes several hours to clear out. I tend to start eating very lightly a few days before (no help for you this round) so that there is less to clean out. The large quantities of bms are caused by the chemicals which draw fluid into your bowels. You're not peeing out most of what you drink - it's being held in the bowel to help with the cleansing.

    Good luck! The anticipation is usually worse than the reality. (And yes, sometimes those early pills don't kick in until everything else is going.)
  • lcarper2
    lcarper2 Member Posts: 635 Member
    becca1291 said:

    Every 15 to 20 minutes
    That is a good idea. The instructions say I need to down 8 oz every 10 minutes, but I have doubts that I can do it. Thanks for letting me know about your PVCs that makes me feel much better! Nothing has happened since I took the two pills almost 2 hours ago. Is that normal?

    I think I'm going to start the prep at 4. The instructions say from 4 - 6 but I figure the sooner I start the sooner I'll be done!

    You said you didn't think you do the every 15 min.a word of advise drink the entire bottle of prep they give it to you to get everything out of your colon and I hated mine but I forced myself to just drink it. If you don't get emptied out they won't be able to do a complete scope and after all that's why you are having it done in the 1st place is to do a complete scope. If your are paying for this/ins. you will have some out of pocket expense in the co-pay so don't waste your money and end up having to go through this again, just drink and poop before you know it it will be behind you, no pun intended...
  • becca1291
    becca1291 Member Posts: 21
    lcarper2 said:

    You said you didn't think you do the every 15 min.a word of advise drink the entire bottle of prep they give it to you to get everything out of your colon and I hated mine but I forced myself to just drink it. If you don't get emptied out they won't be able to do a complete scope and after all that's why you are having it done in the 1st place is to do a complete scope. If your are paying for this/ins. you will have some out of pocket expense in the co-pay so don't waste your money and end up having to go through this again, just drink and poop before you know it it will be behind you, no pun intended...

    Thanks lcarper2
    I plan to drink it all! I just worry if I can down it as quickly as I should. Will it be okay if it takes longer for me to drink it and I do it slowly? I will drink it ALL! I don't want to do this again. I'm praying for nothing but hemmies tomorrow - how funny is that? A prayer for hemms!- I will be a good girl and do like the doctor said.....just possibly a little slower!
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    becca1291 said:

    Every 15 to 20 minutes
    That is a good idea. The instructions say I need to down 8 oz every 10 minutes, but I have doubts that I can do it. Thanks for letting me know about your PVCs that makes me feel much better! Nothing has happened since I took the two pills almost 2 hours ago. Is that normal?

    I think I'm going to start the prep at 4. The instructions say from 4 - 6 but I figure the sooner I start the sooner I'll be done!

    1 more thing..............
    don't fart........cause it won't be a fart, you'll fill up your pants. When you drink the 8 oz bottle, in about 30 mins the gurgling will start. Stay close to the toilet and at all costs, don't fart and think you'll get away with won''ll be done about 11 and you will have a little more during the night but not much. Also have a place already picked out for your driver to stop when you finish the exam because you will be hungry when done. Good Luck.....Its a piece of cake.......also your butt may get raw so be gentle and try and dab it clean instead of wiping........Buzz
  • becca1291
    becca1291 Member Posts: 21
    Buzzard said:

    1 more thing..............
    don't fart........cause it won't be a fart, you'll fill up your pants. When you drink the 8 oz bottle, in about 30 mins the gurgling will start. Stay close to the toilet and at all costs, don't fart and think you'll get away with won''ll be done about 11 and you will have a little more during the night but not much. Also have a place already picked out for your driver to stop when you finish the exam because you will be hungry when done. Good Luck.....Its a piece of cake.......also your butt may get raw so be gentle and try and dab it clean instead of wiping........Buzz

    Made me laught buzzard!
    Thank you for the advice and the great words of wisdom LOL! How embarrassing would that be! I've got the wipes handy and ready to use. Should I eat light tomorrow? I'm already planning big things... of course it could be because I'm so hungry already.

    How loopy will I be tomorrow? I'm worried about that... I want to be alert enough to understand what the doctor is saying. I'm thinking happy thoughts and visualizing the doctor saying... all clear!
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    becca1291 said:

    Made me laught buzzard!
    Thank you for the advice and the great words of wisdom LOL! How embarrassing would that be! I've got the wipes handy and ready to use. Should I eat light tomorrow? I'm already planning big things... of course it could be because I'm so hungry already.

    How loopy will I be tomorrow? I'm worried about that... I want to be alert enough to understand what the doctor is saying. I'm thinking happy thoughts and visualizing the doctor saying... all clear!

    You won't get to eat anything until its over...
    then anything that moves is fair game. You will be starving because you are not allowed to eat or drink after midnight tonight. Eat hearty tomorrow, it will be over, and the news from the Dr won't matter because of the anesthesia is still kickin', but you'll know. Praying that everything will be ok for you. The exam is easy its the waiting thats the worse, but tomorrow it will all be done. So sit back, don't fart , and "Dab".........It will be a day of rest and sleeping/napping. The next day you will be back to your ole self......Love and Hope to you my friend.........Buzz
  • becca1291
    becca1291 Member Posts: 21
    Buzzard said:

    You won't get to eat anything until its over...
    then anything that moves is fair game. You will be starving because you are not allowed to eat or drink after midnight tonight. Eat hearty tomorrow, it will be over, and the news from the Dr won't matter because of the anesthesia is still kickin', but you'll know. Praying that everything will be ok for you. The exam is easy its the waiting thats the worse, but tomorrow it will all be done. So sit back, don't fart , and "Dab".........It will be a day of rest and sleeping/napping. The next day you will be back to your ole self......Love and Hope to you my friend.........Buzz

    Thanks Buzz
    You words make me feel better! 24 hours from now it will be all over! My appointment is at 12:15, I just hope I don't start eating my husband's arm in the mean time!
  • becca1291
    becca1291 Member Posts: 21
    becca1291 said:

    Thanks Buzz
    You words make me feel better! 24 hours from now it will be all over! My appointment is at 12:15, I just hope I don't start eating my husband's arm in the mean time!

    The Pills
    Okay...3 hours after I took the pills, the flood gates opened. My stomach feels gross. Is this normal? Also, I wonder how my body will handle the prep is I'm getting cleaned out this well with the pills....
  • PamPam2
    PamPam2 Member Posts: 370 Member
    becca1291 said:

    The Pills
    Okay...3 hours after I took the pills, the flood gates opened. My stomach feels gross. Is this normal? Also, I wonder how my body will handle the prep is I'm getting cleaned out this well with the pills....

    flood gates
    You will go and go. You won't believe how much sh** the intestines actually store. It will get more and more watery, should be a yellow color towards the end. Every time you drink some prep you will go some more. Try to drink plenty of liquids along with this, gatorade is good, anything to keep from getting dehydrated. As far as eating after, I had my driver stop at a sub place and got a big old, bad for me, greasy Italian sub and ate it in the car on the way home. Due to the after effects of the sedation, I didn't realize what a mess I made, I looked at my clothes and the car the next day, there was Italian dressing and food everywhere! But man did it hit the spot at the time. Good luck.
  • becca1291
    becca1291 Member Posts: 21
    PamPam2 said:

    flood gates
    You will go and go. You won't believe how much sh** the intestines actually store. It will get more and more watery, should be a yellow color towards the end. Every time you drink some prep you will go some more. Try to drink plenty of liquids along with this, gatorade is good, anything to keep from getting dehydrated. As far as eating after, I had my driver stop at a sub place and got a big old, bad for me, greasy Italian sub and ate it in the car on the way home. Due to the after effects of the sedation, I didn't realize what a mess I made, I looked at my clothes and the car the next day, there was Italian dressing and food everywhere! But man did it hit the spot at the time. Good luck.

    Thanks Pam
    The flood gates have opened 4 times already... and its already looking yellow! I still have to drink the prep.... I'm a little worried that the prep will be overkill!
  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    becca1291 said:

    Thanks Pam
    The flood gates have opened 4 times already... and its already looking yellow! I still have to drink the prep.... I'm a little worried that the prep will be overkill!

    I counted
    becca I counted my trips to bathroom with my last colonoscopy....I just kept a little piece of paper in the washroom and made a check-mark with each trip

    It was 21 times becca....try not to is tiring

  • becca1291
    becca1291 Member Posts: 21
    maglets said:

    I counted
    becca I counted my trips to bathroom with my last colonoscopy....I just kept a little piece of paper in the washroom and made a check-mark with each trip

    It was 21 times becca....try not to is tiring


    Jimney Christmas.... that a lot of times to get to know your bathroom! I said I was going to start drinking the prep at 4, its now 4:15. I guess I'm stalling. The instructions said from 4-6. My thinking was to drink earlier and get it over with but now... I just want to stall for a little while. Some people are telling me to stop drinking when I am running clear...the instructions and others are telling me to drink it all. I think to be on the safe side I should drink it all!
  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    becca1291 said:

    Jimney Christmas.... that a lot of times to get to know your bathroom! I said I was going to start drinking the prep at 4, its now 4:15. I guess I'm stalling. The instructions said from 4-6. My thinking was to drink earlier and get it over with but now... I just want to stall for a little while. Some people are telling me to stop drinking when I am running clear...the instructions and others are telling me to drink it all. I think to be on the safe side I should drink it all!

    you surely would not want to have to go through the whole routine again because you were not "clean" enough becca

  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    maglets said:

    you surely would not want to have to go through the whole routine again because you were not "clean" enough becca


    You're over the falls already, Becca.....
    Procedure itself shouldn't take more than thirty or so minutes and you'll sleep right thru it but its vital that you be as clean as possible for scope to accurately see whats going on.....steve
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    maglets said:

    you surely would not want to have to go through the whole routine again because you were not "clean" enough becca


    don't need a repeat
  • becca1291
    becca1291 Member Posts: 21
    coloCan said:

    You're over the falls already, Becca.....
    Procedure itself shouldn't take more than thirty or so minutes and you'll sleep right thru it but its vital that you be as clean as possible for scope to accurately see whats going on.....steve

    Drinking it down
    I'm totally drinking all of it! I don't want to do this again. I want to be able to get the procedure tomorrow and I'm praying to hear the all clear, bleeding from internal hemms.....