been chosen for cancer rock stars
WOW they want to tell my story and maybe I can be inspiration for someone else battling cc I am so excited I am like a little kid. Never thought that something so cool could ever come from something so nasty that wanted to kill me. Any way I didn't get scared I grabbed my Bible and started swing....
ICE should be in every cell
when you have an emergency like lisa the emergency/police will look into your cell ph for contact info you need to have that person listed under ICE incase of emergency they know that is the one you want them to call...
Hi Marie: What is the laatest update with your sister? Please let us know. I have been thinking about your family. Amy
My latest update
Thank you to all of you who have been so encouraging in my last post. Today I got more news. The biopsy of the nodes in my abdomen did show cancer cells. The PET scan lit up nodes in my neck, breast, and abdomen. What's next? A biopsy of the brest, possibly another biopsy of the abdomen. The dr. isn't sure yet if these are…
Diarrea and cramping
Hi everyone.New to this. Have been reading alot of your stories and the struggles all of you go through. The love of my life has stage 2 rectal ca and will have his last radiation treatment and will be finished with his 5Fu chemo on Tues. Then a 5 to 6 wk rest period before his surgery. Here is my questiion. The cramps and…
Our own rep starring on Celebrity Apprentice
I'm watching the season opener of Celebrity Apprentice tonight on NBC. I've never particularly been interested in this show but this time it's must watch for me as I am inspired watching fellow colon cancer survivor Sharon Osbourne and her team fight to win money for their favorite charities. Sharon's favorite charity is…
good news
blood work all came back good the back pain is just old age and all the perks that come with it. Go back in May for a follow up and he said he would see me off and on for a yr. and than I will have another look at the colon. He said I beat the odds I had a 50/50 chance when he saw me the 1st time. PRAISE GOD......I will…
nana b
have we heard from her since surgery
Don;;t forget to move clock an hour ahead this Sat nite/Sun morn:
That time of the year again to change clocks one hour ahead. For those in pain or not feeling too well, thats one less hour of suffering; for those doing OK-thats still one less hour of suffering....Hope all are well this rainy Friday in New York......steve
Liver Resection Here I Come
Leaving for NYC sat morning and freaking out and trying to get things ready as I leave my daughters for almost 3 weeks for my next stop on my journey to HOPE. to all on the board, I wish you health, healing, support, love and strength as each of you deal with your own daily challenges....While I may not post to every…
Sarah Update
Hi, Last Monday we made the decision to bring in hospice. As I write this, Sarah is sleeping comfortably and will be taking the next step in her journey within a day or two. For those of you doing battle with this monster, do not be disheartened by this news. Sarah has fought with every ounce of strength in her body, and…
Just got home... Disneyland pic's posted
Hello everybody. We just got home from Disneyland late this afternoon. We had a great time!! When checking in on Thursday morning they asked if we were "Celebrating" anything. Well, You know me. I told them "LIFE" and about how I just got finished with treatment for stage 3 colorectal cancer. Well, to put a long story…
New Member Lexern
You said: Lymph node not attached to lung Hi John 23, I wonder what you have heard about distant mastisis in lymph nodes only, I have a few in abdomin and left side of neck found with PET/CTscan. All organs are clear including lungs and liver. I need a permanant colostomy but my oncologist says I have no shot at living so…
Clarification on Blood Test (CEA?) prior to Surgery!
Don't recall the exact name of this test but it was done prior to surgery to see if there were cancer cells in the blood...I think. None appeared and I thought the oncologist said that was a good thing. But...recently heard that because there were no c cells appearing--they have no margins to go by. Also--I was just told…
new here
I had my first colonoscopy at age 37. I was having lots of diarrhea and that is why they did it. They found some polyps and did nine biopsies. They discovered I have Ulcerative colitis. I have had anemia and also Take asacol at every meal plus lomotil as needed. I had health insurance when I was 37 but at age 42 I have…
My husband (Stage 4 recurring colorectal cancer with mets to liver and lung) has recently been prescribed Marinol to help encourage appetite as he is only in his second month of chemotherapy and has lost ten pounds. He has not taken it yet as he has read that it can cause some psychic disturbances and that it is difficult…
Hernia Surgery tomorrow
Wish me luck! I take prayers!!!! Hugs! Raquel
CT Scan vs. MRI
From your experience: Are the results from a MRI more detailed than CT Scan if the Dr. is reviewing liver mets? My husband had CT Scan and will be going for MRI next Friday...just thinking...
How to tell a child their parent has cancer....
From your experiences, what do you think? We have one son, thirteen.
XL518 drug testing
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone had any information on XL518. I may be eligible to participate in a study and am trying to gather as much information as possible before I make a final decision. Thank You, Jamie
Advice Needed - not really treatment related
I don't know where to begin. My Father In Law was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in Jan 2009. After what seemed like forever he got surgery and then chemo treatment afterwards. He was "cleared" of cancer in November 09. he went in for his yearly check feb 2010 and after blood work and a Pet scan they found cancer in his lungs…
Radiation completed
Well today was the last of five radiation treatments for my liver met. All in all, the week went by quickly and the treatment went smoothly. Some fatigue and a constant "mouthful of pennies" taste (yuck!) was the worst of it. Scheduled for follow-up blood work and scans 4/19. Dr. visits, med-onc/rad-onc, on 4/20. Looking…
Out of Pocket expense that I did not expect....ERGH!
Got a unexpected bill for ostomy supplies today...dummy me thought that because the doc's office wrote a script - that they were like a medication...NOPE! Ostomy supplies are durable equiptment supplies - SO - there is a deductible to meet - oh well..it's only money....and I learned something new today..... Michelle
SF Marie
I have been thinking of your sister, how is she doing? Tina
Great news so far - Update -
Hey everyone, Great news all around. The trip to NYC was great. Kim and I had a wonderful time walking around the city. The highlight was a stroll and a carriage ride through a snow covered Central Park. That type of touristy activity is usually not my kind of thing, but the warmth of Kim beside me, the rhythmic clip clop…
Friday Riddle
Remember no GOOGLING or SEARCHING the Internet allowed and good luck !!!!!!!! RIDDLE: A man worked for a high-security institution, and one day he went in to work only to find that he could not log in to his computer terminal. His password wouldn't work. Then he remembered that the passwords are reset every month for…
HIFU treatment for Rectal Carcinomia
Has anyone out there gone to say China (or any other place)to recieve HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) for lower rectal cancer? If so please share your story. I am at the cross roads of having to agree to the standard treatment of long term chemo/RT and major surgury which may result in a permanent bag. This…
Hey everybody!
WOW! It seems like it's been forever since I've been with you guys. Thank you everyone who thought of me, prayed for me, called, messaged...just everyone! I'm still in quite a bit of pain, so I'm going to keep this short and to the point. I am so happy to be home. That seemed like the longest 10 days I ever spent! This…
I'm lurking, but I've come out like the groundhog
Hey to all my semi colon family, just to let you know I'm still lurking around, I visit the board everyday it's become part of my daily routine, my life, you all have. I just haven't been posting much because I might not be fighting cancer for now touch wood (my forehead) but I'm fighting severe depression. The cancer…
Second opinion?
Today wife have chemo and I spoke with onc and ask him is it possible to do radiation on her liver mets(she have lung mets also).He told me that is impossible!I just can't believe,We have Novalis near us but he tell me this is no option for her.Should I have second op.Is it even possible to do radiation with…