great results
As most of you know, I started my 2nd clinical trial a couple of months ago at Lombardi (Georgetown). I got scans on Friday and the results today. Most tumors have remained stable and even had a slight decrease in a few. My doctor is very pleased with the results and of course we are continuing on with it. This is a phase…
White counts still low, but good enough for chemo tomorrow!
I went for labs today so i wouldn't have to go all the way to the farther office where I get my chemo, just to be sent home again, if my counts were too low. They are finally coming back up. They are still really low considering it has been 4 weeks since the last chemo. I'm glad they are high enough I can get back to…
Cancer Centers of America
I'm heading to a Cancer Centers of America location in IL. for a second opinion and possibly treatment. I like their mind,body soul approach and use of supplements and nutrition, Anyone else use one of these centers?
Off topic , Sending my best vibes and prayers to
Chilean miners rescue has started! Good luck!
getting close to dream
Hey people: Well, I had to share this with you guys, as I'm so happy about it. Okay, as some of you know I've got the chance to start high school earlier than the average kids (I'm smart, what can I say? jk!). Well, anyway, I am taking biotechnology and they did a testing at the beginning of the school and if you got…
Can someone make me understand
Today Jorge is acting very down and i'm not understanding it at all. Yesterday we got some awesome news that his CEA count was at 11 when i told him the news about it he wasn't happy about it well he wasn't acting like he was .Last night i was thinking that he was acting like that because he was having a hard time having a…
How Many out There on Third Line Chemo?
What are you using and how is it going? Thanks, Catherine
Thanks Craig!
I received my package, plan to grab some coffee in the morning and sit down and read it cover to cover. Thanks again!
2nd opinion at Vandy Monday at 1..........*******UPDATE with GOOD NEWS*******
I have an appt with another Onc to see how my protocol matches up with my wants against the Onc I now have here at home. I am now looking at maybe getting another opinion that gives me a wider range of choices in the longevity of my lifespan in case something comes back up and exactly how I can do more with less so that…
Cancer FREE at 21 months
I just got my results from my CEA on Oct. 7th and I remain CANCER FREE at 21 months! I give glory to God, my Great Physician! Psalms 116:8 I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. 9 No wonder my heart is filled with joy, and my mouth shouts his praises! My body rests in safety. 10…
I know can be a hard job but
l would appreciate if one day some of you with time ,can explain me your healthcare system , assurances ,and so.It's difficult to me understand you by not knowing your public and private system. HEre in Europe everything much easier, you choose your assurance ( if got it) or social security. Then everything free in both…
this appears to be the end of the road for me. the big turn around happened back in July when i checked into ER with an obstruction. yes, it was an obstruction caused by cancer of the omentum which is strangling my intestinal tract. i also have kidney failure so i've decided only to have fluid removed during dialysis no…
Vegetarianism and cancer
I was reading one of the other posts, and instead of hijacking that topic, i'm starting a new one. I was amazed at how many vegetarians are getting colorectal cancer. I was a veg head for thirteen years before my diagnosis, and i always thought colorectal cancer would be the LAST thing i got! When i started hearing about…
Jorge's CEA count
Jorge's CEA count is at 11 from 54 3weeks ago .I'm so happy now i do see the light at the end of this road.Thank you all for your paryers and hope i know it's far from over but it's a great start.
Prayers for scan tomorrow
Hi Friends, Well, our little break is over and I am asking for prayers for **** as he has a PET/CAT scan tomorrow. A little background. Diagnosed 1/12/09 with stage 3c. Surgery 1/29/09 FOLFOX 6, 12 treatments. One lymph node still lighting up. FOLFORI + Avastin 12 rounds, lymph node shrinking but still there. Surgery May…
2011 Colandar
Here is the 2011 Colandar. If you look under crazy projects, go to colander and pause the months will come up and you can read each person's story. http://www.colonclub.com/colondar.html PS....I'm ordering the necklace.
Some good news for a change!
I didn't know they did CEA with my labs yesterday. I think it was a slip-up because my oncologist said we'd wait and check after my next round of chemo. The nurse called me today. My CEA was at 2 last December and stayed there through May. At my first 3-month check in August it was 8. CEA has been a good indicator for me -…
OOOhhh OOOhhh OOOhhh Question Scar Tissue
A post just made me take a pause and think. I know I'll ask my onc in three weeks, but heck, seems like some of you know already. I'm wondering about scar tissue, I just saw a post about that, and it set me wondering. Can they kind of mess up scar tissue with cancer? (okay I know I have cancer, and it's in the colon and…
Looking for Treatment Options - 14 tumors in liver
My brother at age of 38 has colon cancer mets to liver with 14 tumors( 1 to 3cm in size). First round of chemo(avestin, 5FU, osciplan) is not effective, tumors continue to grow. Surgery is not an option now. I'm looking for treatment option with good doctor and contact info. 1 SIRT, where is best in US to treat multiple…
Normal gets better and better
Finally fully recovered from what I hope was my last surgery (in June.) Today I went kayaking, bicycling, and curling. I'm happy exhausted. Yes, there is life after cancer!
Friday Riddle Answer
This week, Sigma34 got two out of three answers correct. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is Zenyatta's nickname? - The Queen What colors does she race with? - Pink & teal Who trains Zenyatta? - John Siffets (sp?)
To scan or not to scan
I started dancing to Disney songs with my granddaughter. Usually for 30 - 45 minutes a day....I also cut out all desserts, not that I eat them regularly but I am known to have a cookie or two. I lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks, and my bloating is gone! I expelled so much gas in a two week period it was crazy!!! Not sure if I should…
1st chemo done
Well we spent six hours getting Folfox6. I had no reaction to anything and other than being tired (didn't sleep much last night)I feel pretty good. Onc said he didn't think under the slow timed infusions that they employ that I may not get Hand and Foot Sydrome. I hope he is right. He also for the first time said this is…
Shinnin' my boots, practicin' my Howdy!
2 more days till CP8.....Fort Worth, here we come!!! YEA!!! BTW, is there a Coyote Ugly saloon in Fort Worth or surrounding? ROFLMAO!!!! Hugs, Kathi
My new photo
I've had several write and ask when the photo was taken. We had a couple of very cool days the end of September. That was taken on Sept. 30th, 2010. Thanks for all the compliments! If I'd only known how much I'd love my gray hair, I would have stopped coloring it many years ago! Looking forward to another milestone! I turn…
Cool Semi-Colon Thanksgiving Story (true and hot off the press)
After a very trying week in which I lost my boxer, Scout and oldest cat on the same day (Thursday) I was expending energy doing mindless things in the yard yesterday when it came time to take a water break. I came in and had a message on my answering machine from a man, Ed XXX saying I did not know him but I knew his…
You look like you are having way too much fun in your new photo! Cheers!
"40th Wedding Anniversary"
Today, 10/10/10, is our 40th Wedding Anniversary. Looking forward to many more!
casseroles......update clear scan
Tomorrow is the beginning of the Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. I was at my kitchen window baking oat cakes when I looked out the window and saw a gal walking down the street with a big casserole wrapped up in a towel. my heart gave a lurch....thank you I thought....someone who is ill is getting a nice warm supper and I…
Concern about twins ***UPDATE
Hello semis, This afternoon my son called and he said that my daughter in law went into early labor last night. She is 23 week pregnant with twin boys. We are very concerned. The labor was stopped and she is getting steroids to help the babies lungs develop. The doctors had originally wanted her to go to 34 weeks, but now…