Clinical Trial
After 6 months of NED after right hemi-colectomy, liver resection and SBRT as well as 12 rounds of chemo (6-folfox, 6-folfiri) a new met has shown up in my liver. My oncologist has suggested a clinical trial that he is part of at UTSW that is using cetuximab with durvalumab w/without monalizumab. Sounds like it's all…
When are you considered a survivor?
I go for my first scan since surgery tomorrow, and I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I shy away from the term "survivor" because I don't feel I've met that goal yet. I'm interested in know what all of YOU think the term survivor means. Anne
Had my 10th erbutix/irinotecan infusion Tues, and cannot get enough sleep and rest. I am so exhausted. I wonder if the fatigue is cumulative, or if it is because my flight back from my reunion was 12 hours before my infusion Tuesday and the combo of fatigue from vacation is making this rounds fatigue worse.
Another Ned for Sandy.....yippeeeeeeee! 3 1/2 years now. I'm so thankful for finding this site it's helped me so much along the way.
Hope for Neuropathy?
I came accross this article in abstract form only that may provide some hope for those with neuropathy (please note that this appears to be a very preliminary mouse study): Oxaliplatin is a cornerstone chemotherapeutic used in the treatment of colorectal cancer, the third leading cause of death in Western countries. Most…
Lonsurf costs and is it worth it?
The doctor wants to put my mom on Lonsurf but it is apparently around $12,000 per month? Not sure if Medicare or the drug company will cover any of it, she is going to see about completing paperwork tomorrow. How much are most people paying for it? Second, is it even worth it? I saw studies only showed an extra 2 months of…
Happy Birthday, Cinda
Happy Birthday for tomorrow, 21st. I will be heading off to the airport early, and did not want to miss your celebration. I hope you have a wonderful day, filled with love and light, family and good food. This will be me tomorrow, celebrating you as I fly high through the sky. Tru
is there anything else we can do?
I'm afraid my mother is reaching the end stage 4 with mets in liver/lungs since September 2017, we tried everything we could (Folfox, Folfiri, avastin, lonsurf) - nothing worked for long, now off chemo for a couple of months as we have run out of options. She has been hospitalised quite a few times over the last month, now…
Afraid to do chemo
Hello everyone, Beginning of July 2019 my husband was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. He just had his surgery and is 8 days out. He had 18 in of his colon removed (oddly the surgeon said he had extra colon), surgeon said all cancer is gone and he is recovering ok, little rocky here and there. Now in about 4 weeks he…
Hi all I just came home From my first scan since I have been away from chemo for 2 months. NED My break from chemo was just extended another 3 months, then i’ll get next scan etc . I don’t have to go back till mid January. Go Science!!! (feel like dancing) SK
Anyone use Subsys (fentanyl under tongue spray for severe pain?
I was called by my oncologist's nurse this afternoon with an update on my pain med refill. We have been trying to get my subsys refilled for the past two weeks (since my last treatment) and it was taking much longer than usual to get a call from the specilaity pharmacy to schedule a delivery day and time. When the nurse…
ovarian and colon cancer
I have ovarian cancer and colon cancer in 2 areas with large tumor almost causeing complete blockage, lucky a small path so I can go to bathroom. I was told I had the colon cancer 1 year ago all they do is keep sending me for test . I did do radiation and 5fu. but it just burned tumor and didn't swink it. Now its in female…
Tears come too easy
Does anyone else cry easily at emotional scenes now on TV? I had to stop watching This is Us after I was diagnosed. I love the show 911 but I am guaranteed to cry. I wonder if it is hormonal and has an actual physical cause or if now I truly know how easy it is to lose it all and it is all my fragile mental state.
Metastatic Colon Cancer
Hi all and let me say that I am so sorry that we are all here but thankful for others to talk to. I know we are not doctors but we do have experience so I'd like to ask advise based on that. My husband's cancer has returned in his lungs, a lymph node and ribs. He was given one infusion of Vectibix and Irenotican. A few…
Started Irinotecan with Vectibix last week, help!
Started Irinotecan with Vectibix last week and I read about people getting a rash and nausea but the last 24 hrs. I've seen the redness worsen and it has gotten very painful. I also have mouth sores so bad, like I have never seen before. I had mouth sores on FolFox but this is twice as bad. I hope it peaks soon and gets…
Call me a lurker & Opdivo update
It's been a while since I have posted, but I wanted you all to know I have been checking in to see how everyone is. So sad to see some of the recent posts, so happy for others.....It really is a rollercoaster ride this horrible disease! I just don't want to keep posting the negativity going on since it could scare those…
Bent But Not Broken
It's 4:30 and I am wide awake...nothing new. I've had this post on my mind for a few days. So much has happened within the past year. September of last year was when all hell broke loose for me. My life did a complete 90 degree turn in a matter of days. Ever see the movie "The Perfect Storm"? There were days when I felt…
My husband starts chemo next week
he had some atypical cells come back in a scraping from his bile ducts. He has a structure in his duodenum as well that also had atypical cells. Cancer in Situ they called it. He has tissue growth around his common bile duct they are watching didn't biopsy it because he knew he was doing chemo so if it shrinks it was…
Help Interpreting Scan Results
I just got PET scan results in my online med chart, but don't see the doc until April 17…he's on vacation. I'm googling, but would love some help interpreting what I'm reading. I had colon cancer with resection 5 years ago. Stage IIIb. CEA levels have been steady between .5 and 1.8 until 6 weeks ago. Then they went to 7.9,…
My oncologist said NO to wine
I was hoping it would be okay to have a couple of glasses of wine towards the end of my 14 day cycle, so I asked my oncologist. He very adamently said NO! and gave me a mini lecture. How disappointing.
Newly diagnosed and need surgery
Hello. I was newly diagnosed with signet ring cell carcinoma in my colon. Seems the terminal ileum, ileocecal valve and cecum ate affected. CT shows non metastatic. But when I read about this it’s scary. Diagnosis was from biopsy during colonoscopy. I have kaiser. I hear mixed things. I’m meeting several surgeons because…
What date is YOUR Birthday?
OK, let me try again. My old thread got hijacked by JanJan's well wishers . If you would like to share your birthdate on this thread, I will make sure you are celebrated when your birthday comes along. I have taken note of the ones who shared their date on the hijacked thread, and thank them. Alright guys, go at it - and…
Wondering if something else is going on
I was diagnosed with signet ring cell carcinoma of the right side of my colon...from terminal ileum thru to cecum. However, I have a lot of pain in my upper abdomen. This pain is what first brought me to see a doctor in June. I was told it could be an ulcer and told to take Prilosec. Months later, I find I have colon…
signet ring cell cancer in colon
I am new to this site. My 30 yr old son was diagnosed with colon cancer in Jan. The tumor he had was an unusual one in that this type of tumor generally appears in stomach or liver, not in colon. Does anyone have any information on signet ring cell cancer? Thank you
Colorectal cancer stage 4 with mets
Hello everyone. I am new to these Boards. I am living with Bladder Ca stage 4. But that is not the reason I am sharing and looking for input. I am sharing because my best friend/neighbor just passed from colorectal cancer. She fought a good fight for approximately 5 years. She was being treated at the Mayo Clinic in…
HollyID has passed
While Holly had not been on here the last year, I know there are some of the "old timers" who will remember her. She passed away due to cancer on Sept. 25th. She was a wife, mother, grandmother, nurse and a great lady. She will be missed by many. Marie who loves ktties
Very concerned
Hello, hopefully I am allowed to post here. I am a 24y/o male and I've been having GI issues for about 2 months. Pretty much always diarrhea, been feeling kind of off recently, some mornings nauseous and my stomach/intestines have been making weird sounds and gaseous noises. As I lay here typing this out, my gut keeps…
IMPRESSION: No evidence of recurrent disease.
Is there any more beautiful phrase in the English language! Had my scan last week. its been 3 1/2 years since my diagnosis. I’ve endured chemo, radiation, surgeries, and yet more chemo and surgeries! This is my life and I will fight for it. Here’s to you all. Sending you, my supporters and life lines, love and strength!…
Stage IV - Pushing 5 Years - A Bit of Good News On Chemo Working
I have cancer everywhere, lymph nodes, lungs, muscle and spine. (My first warning sign something was wrong was the end of December, 2014. Not officially diagnosed until the end of January, 2015. First surgery February, 2015.) It came back inoperable two years ago. My scan this week showed that the spinal tumors are stable…
Hyaluronic acid promotes CRC?
Okay, this is a startling one for me, as I take a supplement with hyaloronic acid, but this abstract (full study not available for free) seems to indicate it promotes CRC. It is a key ingredient in Schiff Move Free Triple Action and a Costco knock off, Kirkland Triple Action Joint Health. Once again, this is from the "for…