Chemo advice
Dad is to start chemo on thurs. 10 weeks of folfox w Avastin given bi-weekly. The dr. said it effects people in different ways. Does anyone have any advice on things he should do and not to to prepare for this. Eating habits, pain med, vitamins.
My husband heard that you can only get so much radiation in a lifetime. Do any of you know if that's true? Not that he's not going to get radiation but was just wondering. Michele
Gday all, If you look at my joining date you will see that I have been on this site for ten years now. It has been a journey of mixed emotions,some hope mixed with a lot of sadness. I have lost count of friends that I have made and lost over the years. For those who don't know me I was dxd in 1998 with aggressive st3c into…
Newly Diagnosed
Hello all, I joined the CNS website today and have been browsing while at work. From what I see this is a great network with many knowledgeable and helpful people. Quick description of myself: On 10/6 I went to my family physician with stomach pains; other than the stomach pains I had thought of myself as a very healthy 24…
Cancer in history
An interesting article about two examples of prostate cancer in men who lived over 2000 years ago(one in Egypt was only in his 50's): http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2057026/Prostate-cancer-2-000-year-old-Egyptian-mummy.html
which type of Dr. to call?
My takedown surgery was last Oct., and those of you with rectal cancer know the learning curve that followed that experience. However, I am in so much pain a couple times a week whenever I have to go to the bthrm....which is way too often. Do I call a GP? the Onc? The Surgeon? The Radiologist? What do you think? PS:…
Michael back in hospital Jaundice
We have been consulting with different Doctor's all day. The final test show one of the tumors on his liver has got much larger and is blocking the flow of the liver in several places.Most specifically, the canaliculate and internal ducts with in the liver. What has happened is the tumor is in the center of the liver and…
5 Years!
Wow, it's been 5 years since I was diagnosed with stage II rectal cancer. I can't believe it. Treatments, surgery, Treatments, ileostomy, some more surgery, recovery....seems sooo long ago. I reflect back and realize that I'm a survivor, a lucky one. I realize that this discussion place helped me through many dark nights…
TCM being offered at cancer support center and bowel cancer seminar.
The leading integrative hospital in sydney is adding a tcm practioneer to the services cancer patients have access too, how fantastic and reassuring is that. now i know what the onc and surgeons think of anything lacking a double blind clinical trial but nethertheless this is a miracle. i won't name the hospital, i don't…
INFORMATIONAL: Got Extra Meds? - A Possible Solution
Karen_Karen brought up a great topic. What to do with extra meds that you no longer need. I found this post on the Colon Club website. The general consensus is that one can give them back to your oncologist and often they can get the meds to those who can not afford the meds due to lack of insurance coverage or other…
any one have diberticulosis?
I have had this for about 10 years. They say its hard to see polyps with this.
Is there anyone who isn't able to do any kind of chemo. Mom can't do any kind. She is only on Eribitux (weekly). I wished there was SOMETHING out there she could take to help kill this damn cancer. FM
Preparing for a liver resection ... need your feedback
Hi everyone - I am reaching out today in preparation for tomorrow's appointment with the oncology surgeon to discuss liver resection for mom. In the past two weeks, she has had a PET/CT, an MRI, and her blood work which all indicate great response to chemo after 6 cycles. Now, the time has come for a few weeks of chemo…
New to forum
Hi everyone, My name is Monique, I was diagnosed in July 09' with stage 4 colon cancer and have been through several different chemos and am currently on Erbitux and I was wondering if anyone has been on this one and what you did to get through the side effects of the rash/acne.
Enterocutaneous Fistula
Does anyone have an Enterocutaneous Fistula or had one. Does anyone have any insight about fistulas. I would appreciate feed back from anyone. Thanks. Gerry
A little levity
Hi All, I just wanted to share a quick bit of humor. My sweet relative is just home from the hospital after her big rectal surgery. After two weeks away, she is glad to be home and on the mend. Home health was ordered for her to help with the ostomy. Today was the first day for the ostomy nurse to come and help out. In…
Mom diagnosis - any ideas and help???
Hello all - I am new to the boards and am hoping for some insight or help with my mom. She has had quite the run of bad luck lately and I am curious to know if any of you have similar cases (although I have to say I hope not). In August of 2010, my mom had a colonoscopy. They found a 6cm tumor in the right ascending colon.…
Problems with PowerPort?
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. I have a question for anyone with a powerport. My husband had his put in in July right before his chemo started. They had problems with it last month getting drawing blood and it recently started to hurt so they ordered a port study which he had today. The doctor said that the catheter…
CEA question
I really don't understand the CEA thing. I told my mother to ask what hers was. The doctor told her that it's always been normal. What's consider normal? Do they go by this see see how bad the cancer is? FM
On the count down
Well Jorge and I are on the count down for surgery on his liver he's having it on nov.8th we got his CEA count and it was at 1.8 so I'm hoping his count stays down . Hugs to you all Tina
I just need to vent!
Hello everyone. My family is devasted- yesterday one of our best friends' 17 year old son died unexpectedly. Our children have grown up together and we are neighbors. I am beyond sick to my stomach! I worked today in my raggedy anne costume with my kindergarteners. (some of them think I am the "Wendy's girl!") It's hard to…
And another newbie recently diagnosed
Happy Halloween y'all ! Didn't expect to have to worry about Cancer in my thirties but apparently plans for me were different. I was taken to the ER on 9/1 and was diag'ed with diverticolits. Unfortunately the drainage of the abscess did not yield the expected results and the surgeon went 'digging' to find the source of…
Simply sharing: First celebration of Halloween in a couple of yrs
Most, if not all, of the people on this board have been to hell and back and can relate to missing holidays and other important dates because of cancer. I am getting ready to celebrate Halloween with my family for the first time in years. When I had cancer--and didn't know it yet--I opted out of trick or treating in 2008…
I am having my second recurrence. Every time A spot shows up on my liver it is in the same general location. Maybe I should insist on having my entire right lobe removed. Any thoughts or similar cases.
Husband had 4th treatment today-stage 4
My husband had his fourth infusion today. He has to wear his pump home and get it taken off on Wednesday. His treatment is every other week. He seems to be doing well but I hear he may get leg pain in the later treatments. He has stated that the feeling comes and goes in his hands and feet. The taste of food is real…
Booooo! Happy Halloween
Have a freaky weekend! Biker Chic!
thanks everyone
connectedness a huge help in the healing journey this board is so valuable. this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year its here. i am simply so grateful for this board. its not the servers, the routers or the disk space. this board is made up of real people, with real and amazing stories its the people, each and…
Miilee 1000
Don't know what this is, but looks funky. Just a heads up for possible scam or virus. Luv, Wolfen
Has anyone heard of this doctor?
Has anyone heard anything about Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD? He has a clinic in Texas. A friend sent me his name, but don't know anything about this doctor. I would appreciate any insight you may have. Thanks, Gerry
Friday Riddle Answer
Wolfen came close this week, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: In a Little League Baseball game between the Braves and the Yankees, there were only 5 kids who had RBIs (Runs Batted In); two of them were on the Braves and three of them were on the Yankees. Each person had a different number of at-bats, of hits, and of…