just looking for more information on cyberknife procedure...
"Action in the face of uncertainty" by Dave deBronkart
A Good Read From e-patient Dave deBronkart: "Science seeks certainty. The problem in medicine is, the body is complex and our knowledge is incomplete. People who want certainty – physicians or patients – are kidding themselves. And if we expect docs to be perfect, it’s a setup for dysfunction. Sometimes I hear of patients…
im new :)
hi all just wanted to introduce myself because this is my first time posting. my name is erin and i was diagnosed stage IV last november. anyway i just wanted to say hi before i started posting and feel free to ask me any questions :)
Hospital again
Hubby admitted into hospital again today. Came home last Wed, after 23 days. So was home less than a week. Guess my caregiving abilities aren't so great. Feeling pretty low about that. The home health nurse called 911. Really am feeling useless. How do you guys do it? Brenda
daBeachBum ( Ray) How are you ?
Don't know anything since last 22th do you feel better? Take care my friend.
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: Five horses have just competed in the annual "Glue Factory Stakes". With the given clues, determine for each horse: its color, its number, its jockey, and where it finished. Finish: Win, Place, Show, 4th, 5th Horses: Ghoulish Pleasure, Infirm, Roughage, Seattle Slow, Secret Harriet Colors: Black, Red, Yellow, Blue,…
Still here...
Contemplated some bad stuff in reference to the Folfiri, this stuff is nasty to me, no diarrhea at all, exactly the opposite and thinking that is part of my issue, along with the never ending reflex gag when I smell anything cooking. I am tired and sick almost everyday due to nausea and just plain old sick as a dog...and…
symptom help
wondered if any one else fighting stage IV colon cancer has had symptoms related to changes in heart rate. My Dad's cancer seemed to also have spread to the heart area and recently he is com,plaining of odd heart beats..... could it be the cancer in that area or perhaps from meds? He is taking a total break from chemo for…
colon cancer survior just dx. with stage 3 lung cancer
I will be staring chemo and radiation on tuesday. I will be getting carboplatin and taxol. I know some of you have more than one cancer and have the differnt drugs. Just wondering what I might be able to expect. Please and thank you
SisterSledge how are you?
I have seen you posting recently just let us know how are you! Love to you ,hugs my friend!
Should I Throw Up Now Or Later?
Hello All, As we all struggle to survive in this horrible economy, isn't it just grand that our health insurance providers have the gall to double ,triple, & quadruple our premiums. I just got my packet for next years enrollment & my premium will go from $142 monthly to $350 monthly. The ironic part is my portion of that…
Ups and downs
Ups and Downs... I have NEVER liked roller coasters. ;/
How do you decide when you are ready for hospice?
Hello everybody - I have only posted a few times as I just found this board. We found out this week that mom's oncologist is recommending she go to hospice. He has already made the referral but mom doesn't feel like she is ready for hospice. How do you know when you are ready? Hospice came in for a consult and they told…
Biopsy Results - Metastatic Adenocarcinoma
Biopsy Results - Metastatic Adenocarcinoma Well, we expected to hear this with the pain I have had but we are still in shock. I am at peace with this and feel I have had many blessing in my life. The doctor has recommended chemo once a week for 3 wks and 1 wk off. He said it may extend my life by 3-4 months. I am walking…
Heart Changes
Just wondering if any one else had changes in heart rate, specifically slowing down... Dad's stage IV cancer had spread to all around the heart, and he was recently complaining of a slow heart rate?
Last Chapter of Sundance Book – In Progress – Nearly Finished
Well, the time is nearing – I’m nearly done with the book. I’m about 70% completed on the last chapter. This last chapter is not really about cancer – it’s just me spitballin’ through some more of my Texas tales – there are many stories in this chapter that will be fresh and new to you, since I’ve never told you about…
Folfox 6 days in
Hi again and first of all THANK YOU so much for the warm welcome after my last post. I am now 6 days into the first round of FOLFOX and I am wondering if my symptoms are typical. Basically I have very little side effect other then the first 2 days of cold sensitivity in my fingers. I am feeling a little 'under the weather'…
Any suggestions for chemo induced hiccups? My husband had his 4th Folfox treatment yesterday and has been hiccuping non-stop. I am not sure if it is the chemo or the nausea control medication that is giving him the hiccups since this is the first time it has happened. Thanks! Ellen c.
Hi,I finished my last treatment of Xeloda on August 10.Since September I have been having a problem with loss of appetite/stomach spasms and have lost weight.One or two bites of food fill me up.All scans came back clear but haven't had a endoscopy(which will be the next thing I ask for).Did anyone else have this problem? I…
Catheter after surgery
Husband had rectum resected 3 weeks ago and is still unable to go wothout catheter, anyone else have this issue after surgery? They have taken it out 3 times and waited an hour or two and he couldn't go. Any thoughts or past experiences? Thanks in advance. Brenda
Yep. Them fruit seeds again!
http://www.naturalroute.com/content/cancer/fruitseeds_cancer.html An Apple a day- and be sure and eat the seeds. Most of us have heard the term "an apple a day will keep the doctor away". There is an amount of truth to this old saying. If you also eat the seeds from some fruits you may achieve some protection from cancer.…
Blood Clot
I went to the Dr yesterday, i go every 3 wks and have blood work at the same time. My right leg started hurting the previous day. Throbbing behind my knee. Dr sent me to the hosp for an ultrasound. I have a large blood clot in my right leg. Now along with all the Chemo crap, I have to inject myself daily. I'm on…
Keep the faith - Still NED
Hi. It's been a long long time since I've posted and you can probably go back and search for hopefulone and find posts starting 5 years ago. I came back to post a note of hope for all newly dx and those dx stage IV. After a colon resection, liver resection, rfa, another major liver resection, rounds of chemo, my husband dx…
Hi mates, it is FRIDAY any interesting plan for the weekend?
Not too much here raining ,raining,raining!
Please HELP ... need your feedback
Hi everyone, This is in follow-up to my previous post regarding liver-resection ... here is some background: Mom was diagnosed on June 27th, 2011 with mCRC with two lesions (17mm & 7 mm) in the right lower lobe of the liver. Her primary was located in the sigmoid colon and was take out laproscopically on 6/29/2011 with…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO Googling or searching the Internet allowed, and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Five horses have just competed in the annual "Glue Factory Stakes". With the given clues, determine for each horse: its color, its number, its jockey, and where it finished. Finish: Win, Place, Show, 4th, 5th Horses: Ghoulish…
Michael back in hospital Jaundice
We have been consulting with different Doctor's all day. The final test show one of the tumors on his liver has got much larger and is blocking the flow of the liver in several places.Most specifically, the canaliculate and internal ducts with in the liver. What has happened is the tumor is in the center of the liver and…
Liver Biopsy results
Results came back today. They confirmed what we had feared that the cancer had spread to the liver. My father told me this afternoon.The Dr. told him there was no cure. He is to have a port put in and start his 48 hrs. of chemo. We are going to one of the top Dr.s At Penn. tomorrow for a second opinion. I have know clue on…
Hogkin's, now Colon, what next?
On my second battle...now colon cancer. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/8245829/hodgkins_disease_colon_cancer_what.html
CEA Levels
Hello everyone, I'm new on the board. I had a colonoscopy a year ago, had a polyp, no concern they took it out, sent it out for biopsy like normal.. came back with some cancer in it, 8ml or some small amount. Went to a rectal doctor. He marked the spot by tatooing me and then went in and took surrounding area out, been…