Please BUZZ let us know you are okay?????
I just want to know you are okay Buzz, can you do that for us? There are many worried about you. Please just drop us a note or a PM to someone just so we know you are okay.. Missing you Beth Buzz, I am so worried about you, can you please please let someone know your okay anyone, please....I am scared and so…
husband newly diagnosed
My husband was just diagnosed with colorectal cancer less then 2 weeks ago. I feel so numb. But I'd like to tell my story. He's 39 years old, first off. I have bipolar and an anxiety disorder and we have all had it really hard with that for about 4 years. I've been in the psychiatric hospital 4 times in that time. So…
To Cancer,
Cancer, It's unfortunate for you that I have had enough of you. I allowed you ruin my weekend and make me feel hopeless and scared but I have too many better things to do. You see, I have three children that are a lot more fun to hang out with and they depend on me to be the strong one, the funny one and the one that knows…
having biopsy on liver and getting 2nd opinion
Fisrt I want to thank all of you who responded last week when I was down and feeling like I wanted to just give up...well I am up and fighting again. I do have a fighting spirit and have won the fight before and can do it again. Thanks again for the heartfelt advice and comments. I am getting a second opinion and having a…
I am going crazy
I posted before that a routine scan revealed a new spot on my liver after 4 years NED. My oncoclogist told me to have the receptionist make an appointment with my surgeon. Well she didn't even have the number so I called to make the appointment myself. The earliest he is available is 11/10. A 4 week wait so in the meatime…
Found mets in lungs
I've been on this board since Aug; not posting much but definitely been reading posts daily…. Dx’d Stage 4 back in February (post-surgery PET clear), just completed my 12 rounds of Folfox on Sept. 7th, and had my post-chemo PET last Thursday. Being diagnosed as Stage 4, I knew that there was the probability of it coming…
Vectibix only as 3rd line...
Hi everyone, I haven't posted on this board for a while but keep an eye on files, rejoicing at the good news when it comes! Unfortunately I am the bearer of sad news myself - Folfox (after Folfiri) has stopped working for my mum, the liver tumours are growing and the onc is now only giving her Vectibix (even though we…
Mags - How did it go this morning?
Mags - How did it go this morning? What are your going forward marching orders? Hugs, Lizzy
The word Cancer
I can't say the word cancer out loud without squirming. I know my husband has it but to say it makes it all too real. Did any of you have this problem or do have this problem? I still can't believe it (it's only been a week and a half since diagnosis though), it seems like a dream, someone else. I don't know the word just…
Growing again
I've been on Vectibix for 15 months, along with Irinotecan on and off and have been doing well. The last scan shows more growth in my lungs. 1.4 cm new nodule plus many other new growth while on vectibix and irinotecan. This hit my husband and I pretty hard as we thought I would be stable again. The new drug protocol is…
The Guilt of getting Cancer
Hello fellow cancer fighters and caregivers. I wanted to touch on a subject that I seem to be going through and I’m sure some of you other have gone through or are going through. I call it Cancer guilt. As some of you already know my story I’m sure that some of you have never seen me post because I’ve been more of a lurker…
Article on Yitrium-90 radioembolization for liver tumors that can't be surgically removed
I'm doing the caregiving Happy Dance.....I got fired!
This is just a morsel of good news, but I feel like maybe we reached the top of the mountain today and are beginning to roll down. I know, you are all saying, what is she blabbering about? Surgeons visit today was great. He fired me from packing DH's rear end. I'v packed it twice a day for 119 days, for a total of 238…
colonoscopy gone wrong update
My sister had a colonoscopy on Friday the 14th. The general surgeon in Viroqua, WI, decided to remove a 5cm mass from her rectum. Because? He is stoopid. She nearly bled to death, transfered to ICU via ambulance in LaCrosse, WI, had a total of 4 surgeries, 6 bags of blood and a week in the hospital. Lesson learned: not…
Renewed Pain
My husband just finished his 11th round of 5FU + Avastin. The pain (gassy feeling) he had at diagnosis disappeared after the second round but reappeared a week ago. Scans show chemo is working very well. I want to believe pain is more related to the treatment than the cancer but worry that something else is going on. Did…
treatment 2 leads to very unusual side effects
Tony is on avastin, xeloda and oxipilatin and today is day 3 after the 2nd iv treatment. well starting yesterday he has very bad pain in both calves. one worse than the other. it can't be attributed to exercise. he is prone to blood clots but it would be weird that his both calves hurt. has anyone experienced this? thx.…
I guess I am afraid... ***UPDATED
My husband is finally going for an endoscopy tomorrow. He's had upper GI problems for years, but kept insisting that it was nothing. However, he has frequent, if not constant nausea, and frequent diarrhea. His colonoscopy a few months ago was fine. He's finally agreed to have an endoscopy after insisting that our 24 year…
What a roller coaster I am on emotionally, I hate to think of what my husband must go through in a days time. I stole some time to ride my horse yesterday thinking that all I needed was some equine time but it didn't do the trick. I think I am depressed, I feel hopeless and doomed. The thought that life is so fragile is my…
my mom has stage 4
I'm new here. I really need some positive energy and hope. My mom is my everything my best friend. Were inseprable. My life has been a trainwreck since I was 5. My dad is a former heroin addict who used all my familys money and almost lost his life with a infection. My mom stood by him. He constanly demeans my mom and me.…
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: If you use a certain formula on 13, you end up with 7. Under the same formula, 2352 becomes 16, 246 becomes 14, 700 turns into 16, and 1030 becomes 14. What would 9304 become ANSWER: 19. Convert the number to binary, add one for every zero, and add two for every 1. 9304 becomes 10010001011000, which has 9 zeros and…
Colonoscopy isn't perfect
[Dr. Herman Kattlove is a retired medical oncologist. For the last seven years, before he retired, he was a medical editor for the American Cancer Society where he helped develop much of the information about specific cancers that is posted on the website at [url]www.cancer.org[/url]. He trained in hematology and oncology…
Need prayers/ good vibes etc for Lisa42
I know she wont mind this, please, please send all you can her way. Got this from facebook Hi, This is Lisa's husband Andre. I wanted to post some unfortunate news about Lisa's health. We had to cut our Jamacian/Grand Caymen cruise vacation short and get an emergency flight home from Florida because Lisa developed…
Firday Riddle
Remember NO goolging or searching the Internet allowed, and good luck!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: If you use a certain formula on 13, you end up with 7. Under the same formula, 2352 becomes 16, 246 becomes 14, 700 turns into 16, and 1030 becomes 14. What would 9304 become
Hubby's 59th Birthday Saturday
And by golly he's going into it completely SOBER!!! It's been almost 3 weeks, and he's still on that wagon and doing an amazing job of it. We actually went out to dinner last night for a early birthday dinner, and then out to a spaghetti dinner at my college for a fund raiser tonight. We haven't gone out on a evening…
Mom met with new doctor
The doctor is wonderful! He suggested no surgery. He is going to start her on: XELOSA (pills); Avastin; CPT11 (chemo); eribitix (which she is already on). Other than her cancer he said that she is in good health. Mom's gonna do it. He gave her some hope. Although this isn't going to cure it hopefully it will give her some…
Scan: good news!
I've been so worried about a couple of folk on our board (family!) -- but I know we all believe in sharing good news no matter what -- so here's mine: Two weeks ago I finished 8 cycles of FOLFOXFIRI for multiple bone mets and I'm currently on a chemo break. I had scans yesterday (PET plus MRI bone) -- to evaluate the…
Good news with improved viamin D levels
I just had my first dexa (bone density) scan since my drs got my D-levels into the normal range, and was happy that all bone density measuresimproved, and moved back into "normal". Several had been slightly below normal, and had decreased over the previous 5 years. It's nice to know that Vitamin D can help you restore your…
Hi Mates, it is FRIDAY, any interesting plan for the weekend?
Just nothing , plant some flowers and go to airport to drop my wife Tote, she is going to Qatar! Hugs!
Last week was rough...
Hey gang, I'm not sure if it was because of my allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin last Friday, the ascites, or an impaction, but this last week really sucked, even worse than the last one. I was pretty miserable. I hadn't been able to eat for a long time and it got to the point where I couldn't even keep water down. My belly…
Always interesting
Defrauding the government is bad, but not as bad as giving needless treatments to cancer victims, just to ride the money train. The Department of Justice Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program You can check out your own medical provider *here* The local major treatment center here is "MIMA". Isn't life grand? Best of…