Got scan results today.
Not what I really wanted to hear. Finished 12rds chemo in April and this was my 2nd scan post-chemo. My last one was all clear cept 2 small nodules on lung. This one liver ect all clear but now noudules have grown some and have 6 of them now. Onc said being a smoker (light less than 1/2pk a day) this would not be a concern…
Caregiver to Husband with Rectal Cancer
Hello Everyone, I am 31 and live in Los Angeles with my 33 year old husband and two dogs. Nearly a month ago, he was diagnosed with stage II rectal cancer after many months of pain and discomfort. It's very treatable, but there is a 95% chance he will need a permanent colostomy bag after his surgery in April/May 2012.…
Update on Tony
Yesterday was treatment 2 out of which was to be 4 and then a scan in December to check the liver tumors. something about Tony having constant diarrhea concerned the doctor. although he hasn't lost any weight, his blood work is fine and he has basically been telling the doc he has had Intestinal issues for over 6 months…
CP 9
WOW is about the best word to describe, oh and AWESOME, I use those words to describe all that came!!! AND A BIG THANK YOU to Ms. Suzann for all the great things she did and all the hard work she put in, Thank you GIRL< I miss you already!!! Pictures will be coming after editing...LOL just kidding... We had some first…
Update on Lisa42 from her husband
This is Andre Dider, Lisa's husband, with good news to report on my wife's condition. As Gail reported yesterday, there is a chance that the two new lung masses (a 5cm in the right lower lobe and 2-3cm in the upper left lobe) may be pneumonia related and not actual tumors. We will wait and see on that. Other good news is…
Funny. Just had to post this. Not me:)
WARNING : ONLY Read This When You Are Able To LAUGH OUT LOUD. I went to Home Depot recently while not being altogether sure that course of action was a wise one. You see, the previous evening I had prepared and consumed a massive quantity of my patented 'you're definitely going to **** yourself' road-kill chili. Tasty…
Clear PET
Hi all - I had a PET on Tuesday and was a bit nervous since I've been off Avastin since late April (after being on it for 2 years). Anyway, just got the call that is was beautiful/negative/nothing to worry about. So happy, Betsy diag. Stage IV, 5/05, liver met lap sigmoid colectomy, 6/05 6 cycles Xeloda/oxaliplatin/Avastin…
still fighting but Oncologit is not optomistic
I was diagnosed Dec 2010 with my second reaccurance of colon cancer. Went in for my 6 month bllod work and CEA went from 2.4 to 797. Had PET scan and have 2 large tumors in my liver and several small ones Dr say inoperable. I started on Avastin and Xeloda ...CEA numbers went down slightly and back up. Had CT scan in August…
Scan results
I am a 6 year stage IV survivor. Everytime I have a scan done I have to bug the hell out of the doctors office to get my results. One time a few years ago I went down there in person and read them myself. I had a scan yesterday and I can't evan leave a message with the oncology nurses. It has to go through the triage…
Thank you
Hi All, I just want to say thank you to all who kept good, positive thoughts and prayers for my dear family member. She had her rectal surgery today, and we were told that she came through with flying colors! I know from the very helpful posts you have shared, that her recovery will be a long and fairly slow process. But,…
Is it possible to have mental problems while on chemo???
My dad has stage 4 colon cancer and has been doing chemo for 1 year. He was on Oxyplatin/F5U/Avastin for about 6 months and now is on Avastin/leucovorin/f5u for the past 4 months. He also went thru a breakup. His girlfriend moved out 4 months ago and said it was because he has cancer and it is too hard for HER knowing that…
I'm back and a bit worried...
Hello everyone, Ever since my husband's surgery to remove his colostomy bag back in September 2010 everything was going GREAT. Absolutely no problems. After going through rectal cancer in October 2009 we had every reason to enjoy life. We just got back from the oncologist's office and he is concerned that his CEA level has…
They recently found a new tumor after 4 years of remision on the 7th segment of my right lobe. Suddenly I am having pain on my right side but seems lower than where the tumor supposedly is. I won't be able to se a surgeon for 3 weeks. Any advise. I have been resected twice in the same spot before. I never had any pain but…
Herman Cain - Stage IV survivor
Hi all, I thought I'd share this CNN post since it's such a positive article for Stage IV colon cancer patients. All my best, Cyn ----------------------------------------- Herman Cain took some hits in Tuesday's CNN Republican presidential debate, but so far the biggest opponent he has ever faced appears to be cancer – a…
not famour but still survivin
i thought I would share a tiny bit of my onc visit this week.....for newbies i am colon Stage 4 with mets to liver twice and two liver resections and chemo... I was first diagnosed in 2005 and after first liver mets was given the death sentence. My onc says the fact that I am alive is producing a new vanguard of folks who…
"Could aspirin be a Viable Adjuvant Treatment for Cancer?"
can be read at your leisure at: cancernetwork.com/colorecal-cancer/content/article/101165/1972309 Adding this 10/24:"Can NSAIDs cut CRC Deaths in Older Women?" at: http://consumer.healthday.com/Article.asp?AID=658100
Mom sees new doctor Thursday
Mom is going to see a new doctor Thursday at UAMS (University of Arkansas Medical Science). Heard very good things about them. Hope they can do something for mom. At least she will have a team of doctors working with her. Please keep her in you prayers. I was telling someone today that my prayer list is getting longer and…
Good News & Bad News
Good News & Bad News. Good News first. My colonscopy today went well. No polyps! YES! The bad news. I met with my Oncologist this afternoon. He said that there are 3 new spots on the CT SCAN which show great concern. He said because they are in 3 different areas - it probably is not good. There will be a PET Scan this…
PET Scans Dos and Don’ts
PET Scans Dos and Don’ts Just wanted to give you a heads-up for your next PET Scan. I was told to: Eat Nothing and drink nothing after 12:00 pm the night before. Although water is ok to drink. No chewing gum, mints, etc. Wear Sweats or pants and shirts without metal closures. No bra. They will hook up an IV and have you…
Did you have a question for me?? I had put down my personal email for you. Raquel.
I would like to know if any of you had Crohns prior to your CRC. Our daughter was diagnosed at age 12 and now with her dad having CRC and her paternal grandmother passing from it, I worry that CRCt is in the cards for her future. When I asked her gastrointerologist about this concern, she said that she was probably less at…
Lisa called....what a relief to hear her voice
Here is a little update from earlier today. Lisa asked to let you all know some new news from her pulmonologist at the hospital. More news about Lisa....she called about an hour ago. She said the Pulmonologist that is following her with this visit said there is a possibility the new masses that showed on the chest CT might…
Caregivers what did you do?
Help!! As my husband's only caregiver, (no family here), holding it together for my children and teaching 27 kindergartners all day I am stretched thin. This is only the 4th week into all of this and my anxiety level is through the roof. I would love to hear what other caregivers felt, experienced and did especially those…
Phil ,Buck , Buzz how are you
just want to know about you!
Buzzard how are you?, just notice we need you here !
Have a big hug my dear friend!
I'm poor and my doctor has talked about surgery, but as in "It is expensive, you know, and you don't
I sometimes feel that I am not getting the best treatment. I don't have insurance and I am overweight and I get comments about how if I lose weight and get my counts down, he will tweak my spots on my liver. Also, at first the internal medicine guy said that I would get a colon resection after I got some chemo, but once I…
Being prepared
Hubby is still in the hospital for complications. Last week someone asked me if I was "prepared" for what was going to eventually happen. How do you prepare? I have thought about this question a lot in the last few days. I have gotten so confused in the last two years, he has been so very ill that I thought he would only…
Update on Lisa42
I know we are all worried about Lisa so I thought I would post an update from Andre. I have sent him a link to csn so hopefully he will join. Amazing thing is, Gail sent Lisa a text last night, and she managed to reply. Hopefully we'll have more news ................................................................. From…
Text from Lisa this afternoon
Lisa is doing better and coughing less, but is still pretty winded. She is hoping that she does not spike a fever again. If she goes 48 hrs without a fever they will consider discharging her. She was very tired and was going to get some rest. It was so great to hear from her and I know she appreciates all the prayers and…
Everyone's caring/committment for our online family
Cancer is a monster, no doubt about it. But what I've witnessed firsthand is how it cannot--repeat cannot---destroy what makes us human. The love, goodness, caring, humor, compassion cannot be diminished. I am holding you all esp. close today. Seems as if many are going through some dark times. Think of each one of us…