It's Dutch St. Nicholas day today!!!!
http://www.stnicholascenter.org/pages/netherlands/ Hugs to you all! Kathi
Twin Cities new support group
Our new group meets again tomorrow. All affected by the colon, anal, and rectal cancer world are welcome, whether you are a patient, caregiver, medical professional, or nonprofit fundraiser. Anne Carlson of Get Your Rear in Gear will speak at our next meeting on 20DEC. This has been rescheduled from tomorrow night because…
Xeloda and dizziness
My husband has been on Xeloda now for 4 weeks (except weekends) and he is dizzy a lot of the time. Just wondering if anyone else experienced this. His oncologist was concerned so I'm assuming it's just a side effect. Michele
Got PET scan results today...
...And not what I really wanted to hear.Appears my cancer has metatisized to lungs. Multiple 5-7mm nodules in lungs all new compared to my last scan. Most have mild FDG activity with a SUV max of approximately 2. Onc basically said I'll be on indefinate chemo. Had already done 12 rds of 5/fu and now wanted to put me on…
Husband Half Way Done
Hi everyone. My husband is half way through his treatment. He has done 6 of 12. We notice that he is not due to go get the 7th treatment until the 19th of DEC. This means that he should get a treatment tomorrow. He also gets a follow up with his Oncologist. Is it normal to skip a treatment half way through? Last follow up,…
cea levels
just wondering if it is normal not to have the cea level tested during the routine bloodwork...my dads onc has not tested his since start of treatment.. he is now starting his fourth round tomoro.
Last Post so Take Care
It's been quite a while since I posted here. For those of you who don't know me I had rectal cancer stage 3c. 1n 2006 usual treatment radiation/chemo/surgery/chemo then NED until summer 2010 about four and half years later. Colon cancer stage 3c again but this time in the ascending colon by transverse with three localized…
Wheezing after liver resection
Hi everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. My husband has his liver resection onWednesday and has wheezing bad all day? The nurses don'tseem concerned but he has never has asthma before and he isn't able to breathe deeply. He is able to walk but has hard time getting up and down. They took 10% of his liver but the incision…
3 year anniversary
Yesterday was the 3 year anniversary of my diagnosis, it is weird the way I will start to get stressed when it gets close to that date, even still. Yesterday though I bought a bottle a champagne and celebrated still being alive. I feel that every year I am alive steals one year back away from my cancer. Thank you to…
cea dropped
update. My cea came back 3.7 from a 4. yea!!! also, since my feet now look like Rocky's face after a fight, i am done with chemo. Yea!! CT in jan so i have a month off from everything. yea!!!! I have my Christmas present, now am praying everyone else gets the news they want to hear. Hugs to all, Judy
Hi mates it's FRIDAY any interesting plan for the week end ?
I'm in the hospital nothing important but a bleeding ulcer caused by old chemos hope to be at ohm on monday!
erbitux and acne/rash?
my mom started erbitux 2 1/2 weeks ago and started to get acne on her rose....i hear thats the norm with erbitux. does anyone have any remedies for this? ive heard of docs prescribing antibiotics, how effective are they? i brought this up with my moms onco and she says shes hessitant of prescribing a full blown antibiotic…
Abdominal Pain a year later?
Does anyone have any idea why I would be experiencing pain a year later where my resection was done? It's a dull ache that comes and goes. I see the surgeon Monday for dilation, but was going to ask her about this too as it is bothering/worrying me. Your Friend in California~
Liver resection and chemo following
Hello and happy Friday- Tony and I visited UCLA this week and he is getting set up at the liver cancer center with an amazing Doctor to have liver resection surgery very soon, within the next 10 days. I am a nervous wreck, as I know many of the other wives or caregivers on this board have expressed. I am thankful we have…
Hello ALL, Just wanted to send a friendly reminder that the deadline for submitting your info if you want to be apart of the CHRISTMAS CARD EXCHANGE this year is rapidly coming up. For all the newbies, this is something we started a few years ago, you supply your name address and email address and when its all compiled I…
just merry xmass and love
Dear friends, First merry xmass to everyone and if you sent me a card, thanks. they are next to my juicer. we are all real people with real lives and real challenges from all over our beautiful planet. i hate the false names. i like using first names but thats me. the present i want for myself is awareness and insight and…
my friend...
My best friend has had surgery they took part of her liver. later they went back in and removed some stuff from her colon and lymphnodes. After all this, they now say...Oh, you had stage 4 colon cancer. It didnt start in your Liver! She is now back in the hospital. having scans, looking for more! she is getting ready for…
Talking About Chapter XIV - "The Cure?" - Things I Wanted You to Know Beforehand...
The more I thought about this, the more I thought it probably deserved its own thread, since the book post has played itself out and folks may not read it again and see this. I wanted folks to see this, so they would not be blindsided if the book makes it to print and you come across this chapter. As I said, this book is…
♥ Recipe Sharing Project
Hello everyone :) . I'm a member/survivor from the Lymphoma board. I recently started a project that allows CSN members to share recipes in one place. An announcement went out about it on 11/15/2011. If you like the idea, please contribute your favorite recipes and/or spread the word to others. We look forward to your…
After my app with my onc I asked him wat would be the next step in case I get Ned for a certain pe
but we get a further recurrence , he told me some options sine I'm a Kras, mutant, he told me among others vaccines! don't know about ,does any of you hear about it ?
aspirin and tumeric i am giving both a try, remember study about tumeric and folfox.
READ THE BOTTOM POST, I HAVE ALSO BEEN A WILLOWBARK WHICH IS EQUIVALENT TO ASPIRIN ANYWAY if i die from some weird interaction at least the crc did not get me. we talked about aspirin and tumeric a while ago below. http://csn.cancer.org/node/214539 note the study indicating tumeric potentiates folfox, of not a large double…
Health Insurance - Open Enrollment
A thought just occurred to me: it is now Open Enrollment for health insurance plans for many businesses. Now is the time to review your options, and see if you can change for January 1. Many United HealthCare plans have a Cancer Resource Services plan that will pay for you to go to certain cancer Centers of Excellence -…
Just how powerful IS positive thinking?
There was just a segment on CBS Sunday Morning called Just how powerful IS positive thinking? The results were surprising to say the least. While I believe that attitude is everything when fighting cancer, the data doesn't back it up. For every one of me, which I'm sure some of you think is one too many ;-) there are a…
My reason to be thankful today!
Four years ago today I was lying in a hospital bed in a lot of pain, but buoyed by the statement from my doctor that they "thought they got it all." Still holding to that thought, because as of today, I'm 4 years cancer free!!!! *hugs* Gail
Note on sending cards....international is more....
For our friends in the US, it's standard mail rates, But, for our friends in Canada it's .80 per ounce. Our friends in the U.K., Spain, and Australia it's .98 per ounce... Oh, and it's good to put U.S.A. after your zip on the return address... (sigh, from a confused person that doesn't know WHAT country she's in...*smile*)…
Something tells me I am back in the fight ...
It has been a little bit since my last post, but I have been lurking and reading post pretty routinely. Anyway, I finished treatment in April of this year and have had clean scans since with a normal CEA. However, over the past couple of weeks I have noticed some blood streaks when I empty the bag and I have had the same…
oh oh 8 polyps
Have been around checking up on all of you wishing you all the best . my brother who has gmb stage 4 is doing well tremador and avastin has been keeping the cancer from growing it will be 2 yrs soon i am so thankful that the meds have been working for him. Well i finally went for my colonoscopy on tuesday to my surprise…
blood sugar reducing strategies UPDATED new proof, spend 1 minute to read lef article
some believe sugar feeds cancer, i have accepted my naturopaths advice in this area. my diet is no sugar, i am sweet enough. i am still interested in the science behind what is a healthy blood sugar level. who wants to beat crc and have a stroke ? not me. based on the current lef magazine's article on blood sugar. i am on…
Newbie went thru surgery
Hi! I am new to this network, and read a few threads with interest. My name is Scott and I am 41. I went to the emergency room November 3 in severe pain. While in the ER they hooked me up to IV and gave me morphine for the pain I was in. They sent me to get a CAT scan and found a blockage in my colon. The surgeon on call…
Is PET scan a must?
Is PET scan a must at the end of t the end of adjuvant chemo therapy treatment for rectal cancer stage IIIc? My mother had surgery and then chemo + rad. She hasnt been thro PET scan till now. chest x-ray + CT - abdomen was taken before to confirm no metastasis. Will it show up some false positives? will it have any…