New here- need support
Hi everyone I have been hanging around here for a while now- terrified and inspired. I am in New Zealand and have found these posts and support on this site truely inspirational. A few months ago my world fell apart - my 48 yr old mother- my best friend- my life- was diagnosed with a huge tumour that was blocking her…
Husband Depressed
We had our pre-op meeting with surgeon today for what we thought was a Dec. 6 surgery. Surgeon said Dec. 6 was booked and now our options were Nov. 30 or Dec. 13. Husband had hard time making decision, wanted me to make it. I tried to tell him that this was one decision that only he could make. He opted for the early date…
Happy Thanksgiving
I don't get on this board as much as I would like and just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Found out from the surgeon yesterday that my husband's LAR surgery will finally take place on Jan 30th. He will need a ileostomy while he recovers. Lots of new info and we are both a bit intimidated but preparing…
Let's talk turkey
Both my dad and my husband made their living off of turkeys. My dad started a feed business to feed livestock and then started growing out turkeys. At that time most turkeys were raised in a barn until they got big and then were finished on the range. The turkeys were either black or white. Eventually the black turkeys…
Happy, poor Turkey Day!!!
Gobble! gobble!!! Hope you get to relax some tomorrow, and enjoy the closeness of family! I am thankful for all of you!! Raquel.
Happy Thanksgiving
Hi dear all, Just a quick update,my dear husband just had a follow-up colonoscopy yesterday,it went well,the result was normal.I have so many things to be thankful for and grateful for in the last 2 years and 7 months since I moved to the U.S.I am going to set up my first Christmas tree in life this weekend and listen to…
Thanksgiving on chemo, one family's coping strategy
My family celebrated Thanksgiving on Sunday due to my having chemo scheduled on the day before Thanksgiving. We made big servings for a small group and my husband and I took most of the leftovers home. We ate leftovers of turkey and dressing and cranberries and the works every meal except one since Sunday so that we would…
chemo breaks ?
Hi, have not posted for a while, my husband nearly finishing his second line of chemo treatments, oxaliplatin, avastin and xeloda. Has done very well so far but feeling the side effects after cycle 6 a lot more. Last scan shown no malignant ascites in peritoneum, and spot and liver and lung not noticeable on ct scan, very…
Remember the lump in my daughter's cheek?
Im not sure if you guys remember last month when my daughter Kacie, she's 10 showed me the lump in her cheek? Well, a month and a half later, after the Doctor visit, lab test, face Xray which recommended a CT with IV contrast (her Pediatrician seemed to want to talk me out of) and then finally had the Cat Scan with IV…
Does anyone know where I can find Jeremy Scott Adidas stuff?
Just wondering...
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center transcript
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center transcript Traditional Chinese Medicine and Cancer Treatment M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Also: (BIG file - 6meg download) Herbs Therapy in Pancreatic Cancer Be Well. John
This was part of a reply to a question on another cancer site. I found it extremely interesting and was wondering if anyone else knew anything about this: There is no evidence that Avastin works alone. In fact, there is some evidence that it doesn't. A clinical trial with three arms compared chemotherapy alone,…
Linda - Imliess - How you doing?
Linda: Haven't heard from you in a long time and just wanted to know how you are doing. Think about you often as I'm thinking you were diagnosed about the same time as me. Hope you are doing well. Kim
Giving Thanks
Hey Gang, I hope all the Americans on the board have a great Thanksgiving and extend warm thoughts to everyone else here who doesn't live in the US :-) Despite being diagnosed this year and having periods of being sick as a dog sometimes, I have a lot to be thankful for and have learned a lot about how tough I am, and how…
To those with lungs mets- do any of you have trouble with coughing or getting out of breath?
To those with lungs mets- do any of you have trouble with coughing or getting out of breath? Many of you know I recently was hospitalized with pneumonia. I started getting a little cough and was always short of breath for about three months prior to going into the hospital w/ the pneumonia, so I don't know if my pneumonia…
Anyone on Campostar?
I think thats what it is called. My dads cancer has started growing again so they just started him on Campostar. I think thats what its called. He did ok with the 1st treatment but has been really tired. Can anyone tell me about this drug?
advanced cancer...NOT a death sentence
I just wanted to say I am so pleased to see all the brave people on here posting about their journey with advanced cancer and sharing their positive stories of living a great life without a death sentence!!! Let me hear more :) You guys are great!!
WoW that's all I can say
Well today Jorge had a appt at the onc. And our youngest had a appt. So I had to go with Natalia and I felt so bad that I couldn't go with Jorge but when he came home he was so happy his Cea was at 1.8 before the liver surgery and that was 2 weeks ago . Today the doctor told him no more chemo un less something starts to…
update on my condition
when i joined this site i entered a post and got some good responses. unfortunately i cannot find those posts now and i wanted to update folks. monday 11/21/11 i will be having surgery AGAIN! this time an ileostomy. the general consensus is removal of the remainders of my colon is the best way to avoid further colon cancer…
WoW that's all I can say
Well today Jorge had a appt at the onc. And our youngest had a appt. So I had to go with Natalia and I felt so bad that I couldn't go with Jorge but when he came home he was so happy his Cea was at 1.8 before the liver surgery and that was 2 weeks ago . Today the doctor told him no more chemo un less something starts to…
decided to do genome sequencing...wonder what it'll show about cancer?
My husband is an immunologist and participated in a genome sequencing project called 23andMe. The name comes from the 23 chromosomes that are on each DNA strand. We decided to order the kit (online) for me. There is so much to say about this innovation but I will stick to cancer-related subjects. Curious to find out what…
Time to rejoice!
Just got home from Jake's latest chemo. His onc had the results from the PET scan he had on Saturday. Here are some of the findings: "The only slightly warm residual area of adenopathy is just lateral to the left lobe of the thyroid gland, with a max SUV of only 2.7, and this node is markedly reduced in size from the prior…
1 Join me in Meditation UPDATED
this thread is not spiritual in a sense, its not based around any religion. its purpose is to simply share our experiences of meditation. its not a forum to discuss its weaknesses. don't read this thread if meditation upsets you. if you have complaints about my or others faith in meditation then post it as a separate…
Immune system and nutrition, off to a conference this weekend to focus on these areas
This is my favourite explanation of immunity, great reading if you have the interest and time. http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/immunity.html The key message is nutrition is key to your immune system. It is important to note that PEM usually occurs in combination with deficiencies in essential micronutrients,…
AHCC along with chemo
My husband (age 78) has stage 4 colon cancer - diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago. Transverse colon was removed. He is on his 3rd round of chemo (5-FU) - and has been taking AHCC (active hexose correlated compounds) with the chemo. Takes about 3 grams per day. His CEA goes steadily down when on chemo & AHCC - but he stopped the…
uggg....Hairy Ostomy Question here......ugggg
OK, so DH is a hairy dude! Nuff said! I got used to it over 30 years ago and moved on. But, now we are having a problem with his wafer. We shave it with an electric razor and I bought one of those little "ear/nose hair trimmers" to get up close to the stoma. But the dang stuff keeps growing. We remove the wafer and it…
Blood and mucus in stool
The key question doctors kept asking Tony was "do you have blood or mucus in the stool.". His answer was always no, but this morning he said he did have it. Any ideas, what does that mean? Thank you Alex
Happy anniversary to US!!!!!!!?
I am ecstatic! CT scans came back clear on my hubby. Lots to celebrate good reports, last chemo and 27 great years of being married to the love of my life! Blessed..... Simply blessed! Stephanie
Let me introduce myself.....
...my name is Dario, I am Italian, 37 years old and I live in NYC since 3 years, last July the first I went to Bellevue Hospital for a terrible left side stomach pain, after that ct scan, blood analysis and other checks didn't show anything they did a colonoscopy and they found a "tennis ball" in the middle of my…
CT scan results
He had is scan at 11:00 to get results at 1:15. It was so quick that when the doctor came in the room she had not seen the scan yet. She opens the report and sees that there is something different since his last scan on the left side of the liver so she opens the scan to see what they saw. She says..."hmmm, I wonder what…