Anyone on Campostar?
I think thats what it is called. My dads cancer has started growing again so they just started him on Campostar. I think thats what its called. He did ok with the 1st treatment but has been really tired. Can anyone tell me about this drug?
advanced cancer...NOT a death sentence
I just wanted to say I am so pleased to see all the brave people on here posting about their journey with advanced cancer and sharing their positive stories of living a great life without a death sentence!!! Let me hear more :) You guys are great!!
WoW that's all I can say
Well today Jorge had a appt at the onc. And our youngest had a appt. So I had to go with Natalia and I felt so bad that I couldn't go with Jorge but when he came home he was so happy his Cea was at 1.8 before the liver surgery and that was 2 weeks ago . Today the doctor told him no more chemo un less something starts to…
update on my condition
when i joined this site i entered a post and got some good responses. unfortunately i cannot find those posts now and i wanted to update folks. monday 11/21/11 i will be having surgery AGAIN! this time an ileostomy. the general consensus is removal of the remainders of my colon is the best way to avoid further colon cancer…
WoW that's all I can say
Well today Jorge had a appt at the onc. And our youngest had a appt. So I had to go with Natalia and I felt so bad that I couldn't go with Jorge but when he came home he was so happy his Cea was at 1.8 before the liver surgery and that was 2 weeks ago . Today the doctor told him no more chemo un less something starts to…
decided to do genome sequencing...wonder what it'll show about cancer?
My husband is an immunologist and participated in a genome sequencing project called 23andMe. The name comes from the 23 chromosomes that are on each DNA strand. We decided to order the kit (online) for me. There is so much to say about this innovation but I will stick to cancer-related subjects. Curious to find out what…
Time to rejoice!
Just got home from Jake's latest chemo. His onc had the results from the PET scan he had on Saturday. Here are some of the findings: "The only slightly warm residual area of adenopathy is just lateral to the left lobe of the thyroid gland, with a max SUV of only 2.7, and this node is markedly reduced in size from the prior…
1 Join me in Meditation UPDATED
this thread is not spiritual in a sense, its not based around any religion. its purpose is to simply share our experiences of meditation. its not a forum to discuss its weaknesses. don't read this thread if meditation upsets you. if you have complaints about my or others faith in meditation then post it as a separate…
Immune system and nutrition, off to a conference this weekend to focus on these areas
This is my favourite explanation of immunity, great reading if you have the interest and time. http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/immunity.html The key message is nutrition is key to your immune system. It is important to note that PEM usually occurs in combination with deficiencies in essential micronutrients,…
AHCC along with chemo
My husband (age 78) has stage 4 colon cancer - diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago. Transverse colon was removed. He is on his 3rd round of chemo (5-FU) - and has been taking AHCC (active hexose correlated compounds) with the chemo. Takes about 3 grams per day. His CEA goes steadily down when on chemo & AHCC - but he stopped the…
uggg....Hairy Ostomy Question here......ugggg
OK, so DH is a hairy dude! Nuff said! I got used to it over 30 years ago and moved on. But, now we are having a problem with his wafer. We shave it with an electric razor and I bought one of those little "ear/nose hair trimmers" to get up close to the stoma. But the dang stuff keeps growing. We remove the wafer and it…
Blood and mucus in stool
The key question doctors kept asking Tony was "do you have blood or mucus in the stool.". His answer was always no, but this morning he said he did have it. Any ideas, what does that mean? Thank you Alex
Happy anniversary to US!!!!!!!?
I am ecstatic! CT scans came back clear on my hubby. Lots to celebrate good reports, last chemo and 27 great years of being married to the love of my life! Blessed..... Simply blessed! Stephanie
Let me introduce myself.....
...my name is Dario, I am Italian, 37 years old and I live in NYC since 3 years, last July the first I went to Bellevue Hospital for a terrible left side stomach pain, after that ct scan, blood analysis and other checks didn't show anything they did a colonoscopy and they found a "tennis ball" in the middle of my…
CT scan results
He had is scan at 11:00 to get results at 1:15. It was so quick that when the doctor came in the room she had not seen the scan yet. She opens the report and sees that there is something different since his last scan on the left side of the liver so she opens the scan to see what they saw. She says..."hmmm, I wonder what…
The CT showed....
Here is what the CT said. And what our Peds Dr said. And what my friends at work said. .....CT report: "Small tooth abcess involving maxilary premolar. Small area of cortical bone destruction mandible adjacent to a premolar. Recommend dental x-rays of both of these regions. No soft tissue abcess seen."..(but he did not…
I am scared of the future
See I have bipolar and an anxiety disorder. I am on Social Security Disability Income because I can not work. I have had 4 hospitalizations because of self harm. I'm a mess. I worry so much about my husband because I love him so much but I don't know what we would do without him. First financially it would be a disaster, I…
NEW PIC.....
Just posted this on FB and thought it was time for a new pic here too. This pic fits in right now since its hunting season.... the time of year I become a hunting widow and the only way I can get my husbands attention is by wearing antlers..... or "Doe in Heat" ..which is basically deer pee..... no thanks..Guess I will go…
Yay, it's time for liver resection
My husband is scheduled to have liver resection on 11/30. The surgeon said he was going to go in laparscopically first and look around but feels like he will probably have to do a traditional incision since the mets are on both sides. I am just looking for any advise on what to expect, things that the doctors don't always…
Hi mates it is FRYDAY any interesting plan for the weekend?
just watch television , walking on the city ,some shopping and Sunday lunch with mum ,brother and wife!
Possible mets to lungs ?
Hi all, am new to this site, but not new to my husbands cancer and treatment. Condense version is stage IV colon cancer with mets to liver on diagnosis. This from a routine screening colonoscopy 3 years ago. Now a new concern. Colon resection, chemo to shrink the liver mets, two staged liver resection so the liver could…
Mouth Ulcer-- any tips?
I've just completed my second post surgery chemotherapy treatment. I am on folfiri and first round developed an ulcer on the inside of my bottom lip. It lasted about 2 days and resolved. Now, this round, I have one in the exact same place although I've had this one 4 days. Any tips to make these heal faster. I've just been…
Bone mets?
Middle of the night and I'm scared of course. My onc finally called late this afternoon to let me know my lung mets were about the same but there were three suspected small bone mets. Said we would test for Kras mutation and see about Erbitux but it will be after thanksgiving. Now I'm scared and don't know what to think.…
Some of you have told me that your doctor said you could take Miralax daily (sorry can't remember who it was). I've asked my doctor and when the nurse called me back my doctor said I could too, however, forgot to ask how much to take. What amount do you take every day and do you think it helps to keep you regular? Hugs and…
My husband is running a high fever again. Last time he had an absess on his tumor was on heavy duty antibiotics for 2 weeks and everything was ok. Now this weekend he started running a high fever again, we went to the ER on Sunday and they didn't see any absess and high blood work came back ok but he's still running a high…
Colorectal Cancer -> Lungs -> Brain
Hi Everyone, My mum was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer about 4 years ago, she underwent chemotherapy and all was well till she had a second relapse about 2 years later. Later on it spread to her lungs, and it has now spread to her brain as well. She hasn't spoken to me much about it but I have a feeling radiation…
losing taste for food from side effects of chemo..any suggestions?
does anyone have suggestions to help with the metallic taste that happens with chemo? di it last for a long time?
Hi Everyone, I will be starting a new course of chemo in a few days this time, for the first time with xeloda, 8 pills a day .. I have never taken chemo in pill form and have not heard great things from friends that have (side effect wise), the Dr. said that's how this drug is taken... so..... if anyone can share what I…
RFA and a little worried
I am stage IV and have no standard treatment left according to my onc. So I have decided to go to Texas for a thoracic surgeon to perform rfa on my 8 lung mets in 2 sessions. I'm a little apprehensive because: 1. my onc is against it (too risky she says) 2. I don't know this doctor (found him on the internet!!) 3. the…
Phil had his first set of scans yesterday since surgery in March. So this is my first experience with scanxiety! He had pre testing but fortunately (or unfortunately) early on I was not as aware of just how important these were. How long does it take usually to hear from your onc? He has his last chemo scheduled tomorrow…