New to forum
Hello All I have learned so much by reading through the discussion forum. I am new to the cancer (stage III colon) world and wish that none of us had to go through all of the pain and suffering. After a PET scan and elevated CEA (3 after chemo and now is 13) the docs told me that there was a mass, which is guess is called…
Need advice
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I know it is sometimes hard around the holidays to celebrate when you are not feeling good. My husband's liver resection is 4 days away and I am starting my panic mode. For those of you who have been through this do you have any words of wisdom or advice for the caregiver? I have…
Another star in the sky. And the brightest to me, forever.
My beautiful, lovely, caring and devoted mum passed away yesterday. She was only 66. She left us quickly and the cancer lost in the end, it was on her own terms. Wishing all of you strength and courage in your fights against this disgusting disease. Liz
Dropping White Counts
Well today I had to forgo my 3rd Folfiri treatment due to a low white count. I was really surprised as I actually skipped treatment last week, pushing the time between treatments to 3 weeks as we were going out of town for Thanksgiving. My count today was only .46 and the minimum for treatment is 15.1. I asked about a…
Got the go ahead for cimetadine...
I called my husband's surgeon today (talked to her nurse) to inform her that unless she could give me a really good reason not to that I was administering his first dose today. I told her that I understood that the research was mainly on stage lll patients but if it won't hurt him to try then we are going to. The nurse…
Low Anterior Resection surgery
I hope my question is not so naive...but my husband is scheduled for LAR surgery on 1/30/12. His last Folfox treatment (for now) will be on 12/1/11. Is such a long wait between the end of chemo and surgery the norm??
met with surgeon
Well looks like a 4th lung surgery on dec 9 for me. The spot is small (8mm) but they have to use a more open incision due to the scar tissue from 2 pror surgeries.Can't sleep right now and am in a pretty down state... I do have the option of cyberknife which seems to have fewer side effects but the surgeon said that they…
too much exercise is bad for the immune, moderate is great . very heavy article
just an fyi, i am staying on the exercise theme http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21446352 from the article Because immune function is critical to host survival, the system has evolved a large safety net and redundancy such that it is difficult to determine how much immune function must be lost or gained to reveal changes…
I came this close...
to telling a family member where to stick it today... I ran into her in the mall when she sounded off at me about how upset her and other family members are that my husband isn't having chemo while he is in between surgeries. I realize she doesn't understand the strategies of his cancer team, (I don't either until I ask)…
Pick lines
Hi everybody, could anyone tell me a little about Pick lines? Hubby went in Thursday to have his port put back in, (the one he had for 2 years had fractured and been taken out Oct 2). The procedure was supposed to last 45 minutes. He was in there 3 hours. They weren't able to install one because the vein/artery had clotted…
KathiM , how are you?
We miss you!
numb hands and feet
If they had told me that my hands and feet would go numb to the point of discomfort.. I would nwever have taken the oxcaliplatin.. I have to use a computer and type for a living and this is totally disheartening.. you know the doctor could have cut this off prior to it getting this bad.. I am furious.. they way it will go…
does this mean i am stage 4 now ? need some prayers and rainbows
Dear friends, its back, my old enemy must have been hiding! i have had a few tears recently. I don't want to be a downer but where else can i go. I guess I am on the cea bandwagon now. The conference was fantastic, a wonderful, educational and inspiring weekend. I got home and had my regular blood tests and cat scan. I got…
lisa 42 are you fine?
Diagnosed with Stage 2A colon cancer April 2010, had resection and complete hysterectomy, which was all clear except for fibroids and endometriosis. Did not have any chemo as standard protocol does not recommend it (had 2 opinions on that decision and felt very confident). I am being treated at Johns Hopkins Hospital in…
Maintenance Chemo - Avastin only!!!
Hi there everyone - I hope all is well. Probably getting ahead of myself here a bit, but since the topic of maintenance chemo came up during mom's last visit (I brought it up), I thought I'd start researching in preparation. I brought up maintenance chemo and the doc suggested doing either Xeloda, Xeloda + Avastin, or…
Great to see such a powerful network. My mother was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer a year ago. There is a good possibility that the cancer has now metastasized in her lungs. I was wondering how many of you out there have changed your diet upon learning you had colon cancer?? From what I've read it can help right?…
Husband is just mad
Is that a part of it. He's mad at the world. Mad that he's tired all the time and weak (he's doing chemo and radiation right now, plus on some heavy duty antibiotics). Mad that it is holiday season and he loves the holiday's but he's not getting excited and doesn't know if he'll enjoy Christmas this year. Were any of you…
Just had to share!
I decided to buy my 11 year granddaughter an iPhone. She is at the top of her class, she is the best at gymnastics, and dance! Heck, she sings pretty good too. An all around great kid! So, I thought , she has wanted a iPhone for so long, you know the past couple years. So I did it! She was over joyed. We walked through the…
perifosine-clinical trial at OSU
Hi, My husband is still undergoing treatment, (he had four months off after getting ablation to his liver in June) but has exhausted many of the therapies. He started folfox again but had an allergic reaction on his third treatment of his second cycle. I'm not sure what his doctor will put him on next. One option is a…
Three Years Ago
Wow it's been three years since going in for my colonoscopy and them telling me they found something. Actually it was the 26th, but it was the day before Thanksgiving and remember going through Thanksgiving day so scared for the biopsy results. Well I'm very thankful for many things, including this board and the friends…
my oncologist appt & his thoughts on my decision
I saw my oncologist today- the first follow up with any doctor since being released from the hospital 2-1/2 weeks ago with the pneumonia (although I did have nurses coming to the house to check on me a few times until mid last week). He wants me to have my next CT scan in about two weeks from now- still giving a bit more…
I just don't remember last year
It's so strange. I really dont remember much about the holidays last year. At Thanksgiving I was post op iliostomy reversal by 2ish weeks. My daughter helped with cooking, but we had a big dinner.I don't even know who if anyone was here. All I know is I made the best stuffing EVER. Even I remember that and it's almost the…
No RFA for me
So today my doctor phoned me (not a holiday here) to tell me that she would/could not do the application for out-of-country funding for my RFA procedures in Texas. She said that it was not "medically necessary" for me and that there was no proof that rfa was better than doing nothing. Apparently she never read the articles…
No news is good news I hope. R u ok? It is a beautiful day today, hope u r cruising pch in your convertible. I am ready to go for a surf myself. I hope u r well.
Hi mates it is FRIDAY any interesting plan for the week end?
Saturday cinema (TINTIN) Sunday family lunch. Hugs Mates !
sad news
One of my husband's friends that had imflammatory breast cancer two years ago just found out that it is back in her liver.:( I am so tired of cancer and the pain it brings to so many. I am so sick of hearing about people who are denied treatment because of the country they live in and the insurance polocies they practice.…
Chemo Fever
Good evening y'all, I am close to the end of FOLFOX round 2 and I have started to develop a fever. 99.8 to 100.5 so far. I was so careful to stay away from possible infectious places so I doubt I've caught the flu or something like that. I did notice though that I didn't drink enough today and wonder if that could be part…
So thankful...
I've been quiet but I have been reading everyone's post and praying for each and everyone of you. I am so thankful for this site, I just refuse to think what it would be like if I hadn't found this place. I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all. God's blessing to you. Brenda
New here- need support
Hi everyone I have been hanging around here for a while now- terrified and inspired. I am in New Zealand and have found these posts and support on this site truely inspirational. A few months ago my world fell apart - my 48 yr old mother- my best friend- my life- was diagnosed with a huge tumour that was blocking her…