MGN 1703 by MOLOGEN,AG of Germany has rec'd positive
review at Phase II, no further info outside of its "prolongation of progresion free survival..." from email from stock,not cancer,site
Colon Palooza 10, Buffalo, NY, October 11-13, 2012
Hello all, I will be hosting the 2012 Colon Palooza. It is a fun time by all. Mark your calendar for CP10, Buffalo, NY, October 11-13, 2012, at Embassy Suites, www.buffalo.embassysuites.com Rate per night: $149.95 + tax for a double Queen Suite or Single King Suite. Please use code “CPA” when booking a room online or when…
i thought the fight had been fought weeks ago
poor Pete, was being picked on and I remember saying just bypass anything you don't like and let it go. Now someone may or maynot want some information from Pete and all hell breaks loose.....those of us doing things out of the norm just kills some...I have mets to the liver, not doing chemo---shot me--I am dying my…
I need as much advice as possible!!!!
My mom recently has been diagnosed with colon cancer and she's planning on getting treatment at Sloan Kettering in NYC. We live in NJ and there is a NJ sloan facility but apparently they were talking about waiting until mid Septemeber to start chemo and that they were understaffed or something.It made my mom very unsure…
Manwithnoname/Tony has sent me a link to his Facebook profile
Ok, folks, it appears apologies may be in order. I've looked at Tony/MWNN's profile and I'm pretty confident he's legitimate. It has both recent posts referencing his son's surgery (but preceding this argument) and older posts referring to the fundraising efforts. There are also photographs of his son post-surgery. As…
Update on my mom
She went in today and had the spot of skin cancer on her nose removed. The doctor got it all on the first try and she goes back next week to get the stitches out. Last night she finally broke down and told me that she was "scared as hell" so we talked about it for awhile. Finally, she was at ease enough to go back to bed…
Doc called and it turns out to be squamous cell rectal cancer
Well just found out this afternoon that this is indeed what I have not so happy but it is what it is.If anyone has info on the cancer please let me know the world wide web always direct me to colon/rectal cancer and I want details on my specific cancer.I go in the morning to john hopkins to see susan gearheart so that has…
Liver pain
If there is such a thing? I had a CT guided biopsy in April 2012 for met on my liver. What was believed to be met in my liver turned out to be peritonial mets on top of the liver. That's a good thing I guess. Ever since then, I've had pain in my right side where the biopsy was done. For those that have mets to the liver,…
anyone try zaltrap chemo
I'm currently in week 2 of my 8 week 24/7 5 f/u treatment. Monday my Dr was excited telling me there is a new chemo for colon mets patients called Zaltrap. Has anyone tried this chemo yet? He said I could try this instead of this 8 wi treatment. Pray everyone is doing well. Jeff
Biopsy results in - lung nodule likely metastatic from CRC
It took a while but I finally have my pathology report. They used Cytokeratin 20 and 7 and TTF-1 to identify the cancer. The report doesn't seem conclusive to me with language like "compatible with colonic primary" and "supports a colonic primary" but I'll get more information when I see the oncologist and surgeon next…
Avastin news
short video. Avastin & Improving Survival or June 2012 article ASCO 2012: Continuing bevacizumab with second-line chemotherapy after first progression extends survival for advanced colorectal cancer
Connecting on Facebook
Someone mentioned that we can ad a link to our FB page. I haven't found out how so I would like to put my FB out here if anyone is interested. I don't play any of the games and I am particular about "why" someone is a friend (I don't like to share my FB with people that I don't trust), I think that there are some here that…
Plucky & Braelee
Are you still doing Folfox? How are you doing? Has it gotten any better? I was thinking about both of you, both of you are ahead of me on treatment. I did treatment #3 today, feeling very tired and queasy tonight. Let us know how it is going. Have you reduced dosage? Hoping everything is going well. Sandy
Waiting for treatment
Hi so my 56 year old mom was diagnosed with colon cancer about two weeks ago and we got two opinions so far. My parents decided to go with Memorial Sloan Kettering hospital in NYC. They have an appointment with the oncologist there on the 28th of this month and they still haven't put the port in for my mom's chemo. I don't…
Bone mets - symptoms?
my wife will undergo several scans in a few days, including a bone scan to try to get to the bottom of her pain. She has pain at top of thigh in groin area when she moves her leg. also some pain in upper right arm when she strains, it as in pushing her self up. she is concerned the doctor thinks she has cancer in the bone,…
Just wondering how the surgery plans are coming along.
Liver Resection
I was just wondering if there are any people with interesting stories about their Liver Resection surgeries. I am a candidate and tomorrow I will find out if they can perform this lovely operation. If they do the surgery, what can I expect? Thanks! John
The Sundance Channel: “Redefining the Definition of Family”
Well, after the funeral was over, we decided to go home and change clothes and see what we wanted to do that evening – as a family. My nephew wanted us to go to dinner at a local diner that they go to, when they go out. It’s called the Sportsmen Club and the prices are very reasonable, if not downright friendly. It was…
getting family and friends to get colonoscopy!
I am 4+ years NED- so that grueling battle is behind me. The tougher battle has been to get my 4 siblings in for a colonoscopy. I know this is an issue with a lot of us- one would think that if any sign would be needed, having your sister dx'd at age 50 along with a strong family background, that the neon flashing mile…
SUPPORT FOR Colorectal Cancer patients and caregivers
That is what this board is for. This is not a place for pushing agendas for anything else. It is not a place to come and disrupt everyone in the name of some treatment idea have if you are not a patient or caregiver for CRC. There is a reason ACS split this board into cancers by categories. Stick to your own category…
Scan results, not good. :-(
Well folks, things didn't go so well today. We were just informed that folfiri/avastin has stopped working. Doctor gave Rick weeks to a few months. I'm kind of numb right now.... Cynthia
Jennie Idlehunters
Has anyone heard from Jennie.
C-Reactive Protein Test?
Has anyone had this test? I read in the Anti Cancer book that it is a predictor of inflamation...disease...cancer. I have CC 3b, had the surgery and 11 of 12 chemo rounds. I was curious if I should request this test? Your wisdom is appreciated. Alice
Waiting for things to happen
Just my Ramblings on this whole Cancer fight thing.... The Cancer beast has been prevailing for several centuries now and unfortunate that no noble laureates has been able to crack a formula to prevent or treat the same.... Dont get me wrong, Some time i get a feeling that In this whole episode of Cancer fight, the role of…
More beach , family, boating ( if diarreha allows ) and friends watching olympics ( hope we reach the final in Basket against Kobe & Lebron and friends!). What about you mates?
Xeloda and Oxaliplatin - Hip pain? Severe bowel movement pain? Anyone?
I am not even on a chemo week but Friday I had severe hip pain (seemed like gas). Gas went away after a day with Zantac, still having pain right under hip on one specific spot and then on an angle to the crease of my leg. Also TMI but when I have a bowel movement it HURTS. Just sitting hurts. I'm only on week three.…
Colorectal cancer caused by toxic chemicals
I am in desperate need to find information regarding the relationship between toxic chemicals and colorectal cancer. To be more specific, any info on Xylene toluene alcohols and colorectal cancer. If anyone has any info at all or any resources that might help me out will you please respond to this post? I have less than 30…
This sounds promising:a personalized approach to cancer treatment,
though nonCRC cancers in response to erlotinib are discussed here,why can't the same be done with CRC? eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-08/vumc-nmm081312.php "New method may allow personalized clinical trial for cancer therapies."
Looking for a Family Practice or GP who specializes in or has a lot of experience treating cancer pa
I would love it if there were a patient referral website out there, I haven't been able to find one yet;(. I am a survivor since 2004. I have recently moved to Florida. I disliked my former GP and vowed to find a personable and caring GP here in the Florida Panhandle. I have been here for almost a year and have been unable…
Selenium supplementation and irinotecan
I was doing some reading and i figured this was worth sharing, besides selenium general anti cancer benefits, the synergy with irinotecan well grabbed my attention and i thought i might as well post it here for some of my friends on chemo irinotecan. You can read the summary below. I have mentioned these lef guides before,…