Doc called and it turns out to be squamous cell rectal cancer

Well just found out this afternoon that this is indeed what I have not so happy but it is what it is.If anyone has info on the cancer please let me know the world wide web always direct me to colon/rectal cancer and I want details on my specific cancer.I go in the morning to john hopkins to see susan gearheart so that has me excited.But thank you to everyone who leaves me info on this cancer in advance.The doc is starting me on 2 new chemos next week and leaving me on one and taking F5U out of the equation.I will keep everyone updated:)


  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    I have no experience with squamous cell colorectal cancer. I remember reading on the Colon Club board about squamous cell. Perhaps they may be able to offer you some additional information.

    Good luck with your appointment at Hopkins.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Info here
    I too was diagnosed with squamous cell rectal cancer a little over 2 1/2 years ago. Everything I have read says it is rare, but I beleive it is becoming more common as the years pass.

    Here is a web page, but use caution as you read it and the prognosis section as this paper was done in 2009:

    I did surgery only with removal of the rectum, anus, and full hysterectomy. I have a perm colostomy. This radical of a surgical approach is not necessarily what you will have, but I felt comfortable (after some serious thought) with removing all in the area of the tumor in hopes of preventing a recurrance.

    It is generally treated like colon cancer with the same chemo and radiation proticals.

    Wishing you the best and praying for good results with the treatment plan you and your docs come up with.

    Marie who loves kitties