getting family and friends to get colonoscopy!

Patteee Member Posts: 945
I am 4+ years NED- so that grueling battle is behind me. The tougher battle has been to get my 4 siblings in for a colonoscopy. I know this is an issue with a lot of us- one would think that if any sign would be needed, having your sister dx'd at age 50 along with a strong family background, that the neon flashing mile high sign could not have been more clear.

My identical twin had one immediately after I was dx'd. Her's was clear and clean.
My 47yr old brother had one 18 months after I was dx'd at the insistence of his doctor at the VA hospital. They found and removed 3 pre cancerous polyps. My younger sister at age 53, just last spring FINALLY had one done- she had several large polps removed, none were cancer- but the small town Wisconsin general surgeon who did it, nicked her bowl in the process. She was transferred via ambulance to a larger hospital, 2 emergency surgeries and an ICU stay later....My mother, age 75 has had her second colonoscopy since I was dx'd and this time they removed 3 pre cancerous polyps. My twin sister has had a second colonoscopy last week, this time they removed 2 pre cancerous polyps.

WOW- feels as though the reason I had colon cancer was to make sure my siblings and mother never did.

I still have one sister left- who went through breast cancer treatment several years ago. She insisted she did not need a colonoscopy because the PET scan showed no cancer any where else in her body. Can't get through her head with this one, she doesn't seem to hear on any level that the colonoscopy is for polyps BEFORE they get to the cancer stage.


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Patteee
    Glad to hear of your positive push to get the family in for colonoscopies.

    Now you just have one more to go!

    May you and yours have continued good health.

    Marie who loves kitties
  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    Keep working on your sister. Because of the nasty prep,I didn't have my first one until I was 77. Too late!!! Chemo, radiation, resection, iliostomy,and takedown(with complications) later,I too am now NED. In December it will be 3 yrs since I was dxed, Last years colonoscopy was clean. Learned how to take prep with gatoade, Not great but tolerable. Tell her I want her to get on also, GOOD LUCK
  • scared99
    scared99 Member Posts: 72
    Keep working on your sister.
    Keep working on your sister. My mom refused to get a colonscopy, even after her sister came down with colon cancer and 4 of her cousins had colon cancer. She was supposed to get her first one this june at age 60... it was to late. She was diagnosed stage 4 before she even went. My dad started going for them in his 40's and they removed several polyps about ten years ago all clear since. Had he not gone both my mom and dad would have had colon cancer.

    I just turned 32 and asked my doctor if I should get one. When he heard my family history he said absolutly. I am now going for my first one in Sept.

    Your sister will thank you later.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    What a tough battle you've faced. Some people still think that cancer only happens to "other people"...
  • Kenny H.
    Kenny H. Member Posts: 502 Member
    PhillieG said:

    What a tough battle you've faced. Some people still think that cancer only happens to "other people"...

    Using myself as an example
    Using myself as an example Ive inspired several friends and former coworkers to have it done.
    Most had large polyps removed and are ahead of the game. Thanked me alot to. Enjoyed that, maybe can save a life you never know.
  • ketziah35
    ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145
    My mother would not leave us
    My mother would not leave us alone until we got ours. Personally I enjoyed the propophol nap, but I didn't take it home.

    Stay on your family members!
  • relaxoutdoors08
    relaxoutdoors08 Member Posts: 521 Member
    My family going for Colonoscopies BUT 2 Reluctant
    In my family of 5 brothers and 5 sisters, all have had their colonoscopies except two brothers. My two younger sisters had theirs in their 40's because recommended 10 years before I was dx. Two sisters with polyps so will have one again in 3 years, one brother had one large polyp so he too will have one in 3 years BUT two brothers have not had their first colonoscopies. In the next few years I will need to encourage my children to have their's early in their 40's.

    Happy for you on your 4+ years. I will have my two year in September and I am hoping to be able to share in your good health
  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    scared99 said:

    Keep working on your sister.
    Keep working on your sister. My mom refused to get a colonscopy, even after her sister came down with colon cancer and 4 of her cousins had colon cancer. She was supposed to get her first one this june at age 60... it was to late. She was diagnosed stage 4 before she even went. My dad started going for them in his 40's and they removed several polyps about ten years ago all clear since. Had he not gone both my mom and dad would have had colon cancer.

    I just turned 32 and asked my doctor if I should get one. When he heard my family history he said absolutly. I am now going for my first one in Sept.

    Your sister will thank you later.

    Try taking the golitely with lemon gatorade. Still no picnic, but tolerable. You will be glad you had the colonoscopy!!!
  • Doc_Hawk
    Doc_Hawk Member Posts: 685
    My dx got all three of my siblings as well as several friends to go get checked out. When mine was done it was along with an endoscopy (I refer to that combo as a both-endoscopy) and due to acid reflux, I was more concerned about esophageal cancer and figured my bowel problems was Chrone's or something along those lines. Thinking about it, it's been two years so I need to start pestering them to get checked again.
  • Psalm37bl
    Psalm37bl Member Posts: 25
    I have a question along
    I have a question along these lines. I have a 38 year old daughter and my oncologist said she should have a colonoscopy at 40. She has no insurance. My question is, does anyone know of any financial assistance for colonoscopies?
  • ketziah35
    ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145
    Psalm37bl said:

    I have a question along
    I have a question along these lines. I have a 38 year old daughter and my oncologist said she should have a colonoscopy at 40. She has no insurance. My question is, does anyone know of any financial assistance for colonoscopies?

    She needa to have health
    She needa to have health insurance.
  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 543 Member
    My sister still has not had
    My sister still has not had one. She is now 47 and I was diagnosed at 40 in 2008. Colon cancer has killed our mom, grandma, and our mom's cousin. Yet she does not go in for one. I have uncles who think that colon cancer only happens to the females in the family, since it has killed none of the men. I have told them if you have a colon you can get it, yet no one will listen to me. I pray I am the last one who gets it. But they are so foolish about it.