Nana B
How you doing? Haven't seen you post lately. Hope your job is going good and keeping you busy. Just thinking about you. Kim
Thank you to those who shared your thoughts with me - my talk from today's service posted on my expr
Hello, all - Thank you so much to all of you who responded to my post last week sharing your thoughts about Breast Cancer Awareness Month and pink ribbon mania. Our "Surviving October" worship service was this morning, and was an inspiring and emotional service for our congregation. I've posted the text of my talk on my…
Question about metastasizing.
I was checking to see anyone's input on this. Not my concern at this time, just checking. Does Rectal cancer ever recur further up the colon? Or, visa versa, does colon cancer ever recur in the rectum or anus? Since rectal cancer is sometimes treated differently and has different mortality rates is it considered metastatic…
Would rather jingle jangle jingle but I tingle tingle tingle
Just dropping in to say hello and update where I'm at. Checking up on where everyone is in treatment. Very sorry to be reading about some setbacks and sad news. I just finished round 8 of oxilaplatin and have 3 more days of xeloda. Then I get a two week break and I start radiation with just xeloda. So glad to be rid of the…
Hurricane Sandy - may all be safe
This massive storm is forecast to bring very strong winds, torrents of rain and considerable flooding to a good portion of the US east of the Mississippi. I hope that all who are in the potential field of this storm have made their preparations for power outages. Special prayers and thoughts for all at this time of…
Another arrow in the quiver?MGN 1703
cancernetwork.com/colorectal-cancer/content/article/10165/2107224 More info available as well at the first item on today's (10/29) issue of: oncologypractice.com (May need to enroll, so try this:oncologypractice.com/oncologyreport/news/top-news/single-view/immunomodulator-mgn1703-cuts-risk-of-colorectal-cancer-progressing/…
My daughter had colon resection August 13th , then liver resection Oct 17 th . all went well, now she wants a vacation, is 7 weeks after liver resection , 16 weeks after colon surgery too long of time. She has never had chemo at all yet. Just wondered if anyone out there knows, thanks
Hitching treatments
Thought this might interest some people. pasted from curetoday.com Suzanne Lindley has become so busy that her husband, Ronnie, added a tracking device to her cell phone so he could keep up with her—not the life you’d expect from someone living with metastatic colon cancer. Just recently Lindley was in Florida for the…
After Cancer
Hi, This is my first time to do anything like this. I have recently been completely cleared of cancer (2 months) and am kinda at a loss of how to feel about it all. Surprise, it is hard not to have cancer now (weird huh)...I have spent the past year and a half dealing with colorectal cancer, stage 3, and really didnt get…
Hi mates IT IS FRIDAY , any interesting plan for the weekend!
Going to see a movie " the impossible ". dinner with wife , and try to find some sun for my face in the beach , but forecast is announcing Snow near Barcelona, so it's going to be difficult ! What about u mates?
Scan Tomorrow Morning
Last year my doctor told me this year it wasn't necessary for a scan and it would be up to me, so last month just to make sure, confirmed it with her through a phone call and said if you want me to have one I'll do it, well she said again it wasn't necessary. Then yesterday when she walked into the room she said "no scan."…
Anybody tried maple syrup/baking soda (Na Bicarb)?
Just read about this and there appears to actually be a few doctors using catheter delivery of Na Bicarb to treat cancer. The explanation for how it works is that cancer cells take up 15X more sugar than normal cells (why PET scans work), and then the Na Bicarb causes the cells pH to get really high which kills the cancer…
Colonoscopy results
After 2 days cleansing and numerous sleepness nights of worrying, the day was there. Another colonoscopy, wondering about the pain in the lower right side. lt went smoothly and the end result is, Queecky clean colon or what is left of it. Do not have to do this again then in 3 years time. So relieved. The pain is probably…
Have been thinking about you and your family. Have the plans to come with hubby to the mainland for consults been solidified? Please know that there are good vibes carrying lots of hope winging their way to you all. Hugs, Marie who loves kitties
How did the port intall go? Was thinking about you today and hope you did ok. Did you find out what type you got and did you see my post on other thread about asking your oncologist a prescription for lidocane. Hope you are doing well. Kim
My husband is having a terrible time with neuropathy in his hands and feet. My question to those of you who experience this is whether or not we can expect improvement and what period of time it may take.
Forgetfulness, inability to put my thoughts into words..
Does anybody know of any foods or supplements that will help with bad memory and inability to express your thoughts?
5 year past!
It is a good morning. 5 years has now passed since my last chemo treatment and I am here to tell you all that I'm still dancing with NED (no evidence of disease)! I used to come here a lot 5-6 years ago and get help and support and everyone was such a big help. I also like to think I offered help and support for my sisters…
Kenny H - how are you doing?
Dear Kenny, I saw your reply to another post and was glad to "see" you here. How are you doing? Prayers and hugs for you, Marie who loves kitties
newly dXed.
How can we reach the new cancer patients so we can soften their fears and give them a hint of the future for them? I think our stories can help, encourage them, and perhaps allay some of their fears, but how do we get to them?
Fell off my chair...self pity over
I coundnt believe it today but I got treatment today after feeling so bad for the last two weeks. I thought for sure I would get an extra week off before next treatnent. But my oncologist made sense when he said "I want to get ahead of this". And I just had to think back a mere two weeks earlier that my tumors were growing…
Almost clear colonscopy
Colonscopy this morning. Still amazed that after a double dose of meds they still couldn't get me "out". Rather crampy when he went around corners. He took one polyp out. Thinks it is benign :) and says if so he will see me in 5 years. No reason he could tell for the bleeding. Hasn't been an issue in a couple of weeks,…
JMB2096 Sounds like my sister and your wife has similar cancer. She is 44 and stage IV for mets to the liver and bilateral lungs as well. Diagnosed Nov. 2010..They started her on a new FDA approved drug 3 weeks age. WOuld love to here more about your wife..My brother and law is so upset over this as well. They have a 15…
Hello everyone, My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon cancer in 2010 with mets to the liver. I wont go into details about previous surgeries or treatment but was told it came back this September in her rectum,liver and lungs. (she has already had right hemicolectomy on her colon and 2 liver surgeries previously with…
Anybody Interested?:Plus-latest re;Avastin and aspirin
fiercebiotechresearch.com/node/9779/print "Theralase Photo Dynamic Compounds Destroy Cancer" fiercebiotech.com/press-releases/roswell-park-launches-landmark-immunotherapy-vaccine-trial (just noticed this was first published back in January) This is from one email i just rec'd; there's always something new out there,lots of…
where's Buzz?
Anyone knows where's Buzz, and how is he doing? :(
My Father
Hello, I am from the Uterine Cancer Board. I am writing because my father has just been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in the colon. The onco suspects the liver, and therefore the lymph nodes, is involved. He wants to do surgery, because according to him there is room to cut and saw the colon back together. I am concerns…
First Folfox Infusion Today-Vision Went Black???
I had my first Folfox infursion today..went home with 5fu in pump..been about 3 hours. Stood up and vision went black but only about half way down my eyes. Top of vision black..bottom could see..super weird. Lasted to about the count of 10. Really freaked me out..anyone else had this happen? is that normal? Thanks so much,…
clot formed in picc line
Hi all, has anyone else had a clot form in the picc line and what do they do about it. Just had an ultrasound and waiting on Oncologist to let us know what happens next. Cheers dinkydi8