I have to switch to stivarga, and I can't stop crying

abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
edited August 2021 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I have to switch to stivarga and I feel like it means I will die soon.

I can't stop crying. And what really sucks is that they accessed my port so I can't even leave until they take it out.


  • Tueffel
    Tueffel Member Posts: 327 Member
    I dont know

    I dont know how you feel. Ican just imagine how many possibilities are now running through your mind, most of them bad. I have been through it, others here as well. 

    I can just say: try to look for clinical trials for you! 

    Good luck!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited August 2021 #3
    I am so sorry to hear of your sadness.

    There is nothing I can say that will take this fear away from you; though of course I will try, by saying it doesn't mean you are going to die soon.  But I understand that saying it, will not ease your fears. 

    We are all here for you, to help boost you up and do whatever we can. 


  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    Trubrit said:

    I am so sorry to hear of your sadness.

    There is nothing I can say that will take this fear away from you; though of course I will try, by saying it doesn't mean you are going to die soon.  But I understand that saying it, will not ease your fears. 

    We are all here for you, to help boost you up and do whatever we can. 


    Some teeny tiny far off voice

    Some teeny tiny far off voice deep inside is saying maybe I will be that 1 out of 4 that it works for, and maybe it will actually shrink them instead of just keeping them stable or minimal growth like how it has been going. And that maybe the side effects won't be as bad 

  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member
    edited August 2021 #5
    It's hard to be positive

    It's hard to be positive about any of this given the numbers game we have been playing. New drug, new hope, perhaps. I hope you can continue to share on this board if you feel up to it.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited August 2021 #6
    abita said:

    Some teeny tiny far off voice

    Some teeny tiny far off voice deep inside is saying maybe I will be that 1 out of 4 that it works for, and maybe it will actually shrink them instead of just keeping them stable or minimal growth like how it has been going. And that maybe the side effects won't be as bad 

    Not maybe, but will

    After the initial shock of diagnosis, I decided that I WOULD be part of the 18% that survived.   Now, I'm not saying that is why I AM surviving, but heck, it doesn't hurt to try. 

    So, drop the 'maybe will' to just WILL, and see what happens.  Sure, it could go either way, so think the good and let the cards fall as they may. 


  • sreekanth
    sreekanth Member Posts: 57 Member
    abita, i can't even imagine

    abita, i can't even imagine what you are going through. Please try to enjoy whatever you enjoy- be it Youtube videos, music. I wish you peace and a long life.

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited August 2021 #8
    It has some not common side

    It has some not common side effects that are really bad, like heart and liver failure. And there are only 2 drugs left that are currently approved for me. Stivarga and Lonsurf. And they don't seem to be coming up with any new treatments. Maybe something came out for mutations, but not for my type with no mutations.

  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    edited August 2021 #9
    Keep positive abita and know

    Keep positive abita and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Maybe this will help you.

  • myAZmountain
    myAZmountain Member Posts: 417 Member
    My heart hurts hearing this

    So sorry Abita, my fellow lung mets friend.  Praying there is some new treatments on the horizon .

  • Gabby T
    Gabby T Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited August 2021 #11

    Abita, reading your message last night concerning Stivarga is what prompted me to finally become a member. I am stage 4, with mets to my lungs, and I am currently halfway through my third  cycle of Stivarga. Because it is rather new I had not heard of it prior to my oncologist telling me that this drug was next.

    So10 weeks in, I have to say that my worst side effect has been issues with my feet. However, I just discovered cooling socks on Amazon and cannot recommend them enough. (You will want to  size up since they are difficult to put on with the frozen gel packs inside.) Other side effects are pretty standard.... fatigue, occasional queasy feeling and loss of appetite.

    Now for the upside. My CEA has always been a good indicator for me, and it has dropped from 19.4 to 5.2 to 3.2 at 3 week  intervals. I'm hoping for stability. I haven't lost my hair... already have done that twice on chemo cocktail infusions.

    I hope you will find a little comfort in my some of my experience with Stivarga so far. You are not alone.

  • worriedson714
    worriedson714 Member Posts: 333 Member
    edited August 2021 #12
    sorry to hear this

    This sucks to hear abita all I can say is something I have heard on here and have always remembered " your not a statisic " . There is always hope and we are here with you . 

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited August 2021 #13
    Gabby T said:


    Abita, reading your message last night concerning Stivarga is what prompted me to finally become a member. I am stage 4, with mets to my lungs, and I am currently halfway through my third  cycle of Stivarga. Because it is rather new I had not heard of it prior to my oncologist telling me that this drug was next.

    So10 weeks in, I have to say that my worst side effect has been issues with my feet. However, I just discovered cooling socks on Amazon and cannot recommend them enough. (You will want to  size up since they are difficult to put on with the frozen gel packs inside.) Other side effects are pretty standard.... fatigue, occasional queasy feeling and loss of appetite.

    Now for the upside. My CEA has always been a good indicator for me, and it has dropped from 19.4 to 5.2 to 3.2 at 3 week  intervals. I'm hoping for stability. I haven't lost my hair... already have done that twice on chemo cocktail infusions.

    I hope you will find a little comfort in my some of my experience with Stivarga so far. You are not alone.

    Thank you so much! It really

    Thank you so much! It really helps to hear from someone having an okay time on it, with some good results. Especially since you are lung mets also, which for me are so hard to get rid of whereas my liver mets responded well to other treatments. 

    I guess my hair and eyelashes growing back is something to look forward to. I lost my hair rather quickly on erbuitx/irinotecan and my eyelashes thinned and are very short. My profile pic was about 4 days before my hair started falling out, and I was bald within 2 weeks.

    I will be starting about where you are. My CEA jumped to 20 this last bloodwork.

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited August 2021 #14
    thanks for the support

    thanks for the support everyone

  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    edited August 2021 #15
    abita said:

    thanks for the support

    thanks for the support everyone

    Your not dying!

    i just won't let you :) there is no reason to think Stivarga won't help until it doesn't. so that's what you can focus on. if your eyelashes grow back I am going to message you for your  address because I have found kick butt mascara and I am going to send you some. When they grow you messsge me! You totally can do this! 

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited August 2021 #16

    Your not dying!

    i just won't let you :) there is no reason to think Stivarga won't help until it doesn't. so that's what you can focus on. if your eyelashes grow back I am going to message you for your  address because I have found kick butt mascara and I am going to send you some. When they grow you messsge me! You totally can do this! 

    Thank you!

    Thank you!

  • Gabby T
    Gabby T Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited August 2021 #17

    My lab results are continuing to improve on Stivarga, and today my CEA was actually 2.0, a good reason for cautious optimism. And Ruthmomto4 is absolutely right. We have to believe that something will work.... until it doesn't.

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited August 2021 #18
    Gabby T said:


    My lab results are continuing to improve on Stivarga, and today my CEA was actually 2.0, a good reason for cautious optimism. And Ruthmomto4 is absolutely right. We have to believe that something will work.... until it doesn't.

    That is so great! And thanks

    That is so great! And thanks for keeping me up on th success 

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited August 2021 #19
    End of day 1 on Stivarga.

    End of day 1 on Stivarga.

    Forgot to take my blood pressure or cream my hands and feet. Will do tomorrow. 

    Fixed a nice bowl of chickpeas, rice, and tiny touch of vegan butter for my "eat with a breakfast that is no more than 30% fat" Ate half, put down to answer a work chat. Cat was chowing down on it when I was going to finish the breakfast.

    Had heavy leg syndrome at one point a couple hours after taking them. Also had that feeling I used to get right after I finished an infusion bag, but that went away qucik.

    Took a nap. Not sure if was stivarga or because I had been so congested from Friday to yesterday that I was coughing and throwing up and taking zyrtec.

    Had a meltdown yesterday. And I do mean meltdown. I called because they sent my nausea meds to the wrong pharmacy, and casually asked when they would be scheduling the boosters. She said now. The meltdown was because I called on the 17th, mentioned that it would be great if I could get it between chemo as the chances of it working would be better. She said the doctor okayed it and they would make the appts when the software to do so was ready. Not once did she say, keep calling back though, because we don't have any paper or online notes to keep a list of those that want appts. And yes, that was my sarcasm, so Stivarga has not affected that. So, thanks to them not making a list, I now get my booster 2 days after starting chemo, and have to just hope that it worked while I am on chemo.





  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 721 Member
    I hope the booster works just

    I hope the booster works just fine since it's only been two days.

    I hate to hear of your hard times like you don't have enough on your plate with cancer and work.  I have found I have to double check everything to make sure it's right.  It's frustrating sometimes for sure.  A meltdown is what it is and evidently your body was telling you to get rid of the frustration right then and there.  Good for you.

  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member
    edited August 2021 #21
    Stay strong

    I know how easy it is for the attitude to slip. Stay strong Abita, I know you can do this. Monday I will start on the Lonsurf. I will be with you in thoughts and prayer's. We're gonna be fine. We're not in charge and don't ever be affaird of anything. Keep the faith.    Tom