Leaving hospital today.

lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member

I have been here a week and as it has been planned they are letting me go home. My brother is coming to get our stuff since my wife has been here with me the whole time we have some laguagge. She will drive us home that will take about two hours. Have to make stops cuz I can't sit yet, so ill be laying down on the back seat. 

My stay was very pleasant considering that it was a big surgery. The worst part was the constant hiccups that didn't let me breath and sleep. And of course the hospital food lol.

I still have 2 drains that will be removed this Friday alongside the sutures. Also have to master the stoma care. We will have a nurse at home helping us. 

I still have about 6 rounds of chemo and please join me in prayers that this will do it. Thanks for all your support so far, which effect on me has been immeasurable.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Happy Happy

    So happy to hear that you are headed home.  Oh, you are going to so love sleeping in your own bed.

    Your an intelligent chap, and you'll pick up the workings of your stoma in no time. 

    Will definitely keep you my prayers both for continued healing and that the chemo will finish off what the surgery started. 

    Take it easy now, don't go overdoing it when you think you're feeling good.  Listen to your wife, she will keep you in line. 


  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296
    Getting home

    So glad you are going home.  Make sure you get all the instructions on the stoma.  It took George a few months to get the hang of it.



  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    You may find dealing with you stoma difficult at first,but as you learn your needs you will find life much easier.  Good Luck !!!

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Welcome Back Home

    So glad that you are coming home and you surely will sleep so much better without someone poking you every 45 minutes.  Glad that you are getting a home nurse, she will definitely help you with the adjustments that you will be getting used to with your stoma and please make sure that your wife is there with you to get the same information.  My husband had to help me several times, so that is very important.  So glad that everything went well.  I'm praying that your upcoming treatments go well and you heal completly and fast.


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member

    Welcome Back Home

    So glad that you are coming home and you surely will sleep so much better without someone poking you every 45 minutes.  Glad that you are getting a home nurse, she will definitely help you with the adjustments that you will be getting used to with your stoma and please make sure that your wife is there with you to get the same information.  My husband had to help me several times, so that is very important.  So glad that everything went well.  I'm praying that your upcoming treatments go well and you heal completly and fast.


    Dear Laz

    Glad to hear you got the OK to go home..always a good feeling to escape back to the warmth and comfort of home.

    I hope the trip wasn't too bad for you and that your recovery progresses smoothly.


    Marie who loves kitties

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Home, sweet home.

    The trip went well, my wife made a nest for me in the hatchback and I was very comfortable. When we got home it shocked me how colorful our home is after the pale colors of the hospital. We have to rearrange a few things, because I can't sit for awhile and have to roll in and out of the bed. My sister in law made me chicken soup again, which is the best TWM (Traditional Western Medicine). I still have these darn hiccups , but getting better.

    Take care all of you,


  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    Nothing like home

    I'm so glad you are home.    Everything is better from you own house.  Recover fast and I pray no returns to the hospital.  Jeff