Got a reminder how time flies...

toddi1973 Member Posts: 41 Member

Dear Fellow Cancer Assassins !

Its been a long time since I posted. I was lurking for a long time but was in no state of mind to actually post.

Been a tough time with a revised j-pouch, removing the last inch of colon, new temporary ostomy, reconnection, paralyzed bowels, TPN feeding, strictures, etc etc. The last 6 months I just needed to take a break an let pretty much everythin lapse that had anything to do with my health. Put myself in a dark dark place and just wanted to cuddle up and hide. Thankfully the better half gave me a harsh but much needed wakeup call about 2 weeks ago.

So off to make appointments, get a CT, get a pouchoscopy, get a dilation, get bloodwork, etc etc.

When I went to my Oncologist to get the results, I realized that the entire Oncology had moved into a brandnew building that hadn't been there when I last saw him. That just reminded me how long I hadn't seen him. 

Thank God the results were all negative and a 1.4 CEA was what I was hoping for. Little bit of post-op crap (Hernia, Partial Lung collapse, Scar tissue issues,...) but big C decided to not make a comeback. 

I still can't get "C" out of my head and its still doing a number on me. Going to see a Therapist on Tuesday and see if that is a path worth pursuing.

Wishing all of you the greatest possible results !!!!




  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Wow, great news!! I'm sorry

    Wow, great news!! I'm sorry that it dwells on you so much. I hardly think about it unless something happens to remind me or I have a test coming up. I didn't think I'd get to this point so soon but I'm glad I am. I'm just enjoying my life and not thinking about how short it could be. I'm so glad that you got such great results!!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Toughing it out

      that is a sad list of medical issues, Toddi. I am sorry it has been so tough on you. 

    I am happy for your positive results, and pray they will continue in that manner. 

    As for forgetting the Cancer, well, it's not something I can do, but I have learned to love the life I have at this time. Even though the thought of Cancer flits through my head several times during the day, I don't let it stay and plan to enjoy everything that I do, in the moment. 

    I hope the Therapist works out for you. 

    You know we're here for you. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member

    "C" makes me happy! I don't think any of us will stop thinking about it ever, seems impossible to me but we can make sure it doesn't rule our lives. I'm actually grateful for what it's taught me and I hate it for what it's done to all of us. I don't know if I'll ever make my peace with it but oddly I've made my peace with death. F&@ck cancer but hello life, let's get busy living!


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    It is part of us

    Sorry to hear of all the issues, and it makes sense to go talk to someone if you need to.  I know they offer it at my place as an option, but perhaps it should be part of treatment, this is rough road mentally as much as physically.

    I am still in chemo, but the thought of the C is part of the game.  I just do not think of it much (well as much as possible) because it brings me down.  I understand it all, but take the route of just doing as much as possible.  

    I am looking forward to the day I can go blow bubbles again :)