Pain during treatment
I'm looking for some help. I'm only on my second week of chemo/radiation and I'm starting to hurt. My cancer is very low. In fact, I have a tumor that popped out which I at first thought was a hemorroid. It was not. So I'm getting radiation very low. I already have redness and soreness between my legs. I asked my doctor…
Cancer and vision loss
I was recently determined to have with colorectal cancer. I even have abnormalities in vision. I went for an eye check yesterday and the specialist prompted me to take the Lasik eye surgery procedure from any nearby facility in Toronto like the Goldberg centre(https://www.goldbergcentre.com/lasik/ ). But I don't know…
Next Steps
I finally heard from the surgical scheduler today. The call was not what I wanted to hear. They couldn't get me in to see my surgeon until April 15th. Really? You do know there is cancer involved here right? Well sorry that is the best they could do. Did I want the appointment or not? Well duh. So I get off the phone and…
Maybe 3 times will be the charm and I can beat this
Hi All, A few months ago, my counselor advised to help with my PTSD it might be a good idea to step away from all things that reminded me of cancer for awhile and try to see if I could move forward. I did that. It wasn't completely successful, but I started putting my life after cancer back together, traveled, started…
Need Help, after treatment...
Hello there, Define Irony, God gave you a beautiful daughter and 2 months later told you that you have cancer. Yes that’s me, my daughter was 2 months old when my doctor told me I had collateral cancer. Now exactly a year later after 2 surgeries and 6 months of chemo I am back……. But back to where I am not sure. One thing…
the new girl has some questions................
On 3-18 I was told I have stage 2 colon cancer. I had colon resection surgery. The mass they removed was a T4. I have a follow up on the 31st to have staples removed and to meet with the onocologist to see if I will require chemo or other treatments. I am looking for someone else that has stage 2 to see what I can expect.…
Conversation with my coworker - cancer in a word
My coworker asked me how I felt now that I am post cancer. I wanted to say, cancer doesn't really end, it may disappear out of your body but it often leaves behind body damage, permanent disability, and awareness of how fragile life really is, things we just don't talk about. Instead I said . . . . in one word, during…
Using your horn while driving
Granted:this has nothing to do with cancerbut other threads refer to impacient horn blowers. One of my co-workers had the following solution to horn blowing. If he was waiting at the head of a group of cars at a red light and was honked at when the light turned green, he would respond by turning off his motor, Leave the…
I am almost 2 months out from my last Folfox treatment. I had 10. My neuropathy is getting worse and worse. Anyone found anything that seems to work? Thanks, Summer
Hi all. I had my sigmoidoscopy today. The area where the CT showed a shadow and the PET scan lit up was completely clear inside my colon. The dr who did the test was sending the results to my surgeon and oncologist and they will have them tomorrow. At this point my results are inconclusive. He says next step will likely be…
Recently Diagnosed Stage 4
I'm 51 and a father of four (17,16, 8 and 3). I've also been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer with mets in my liver. At first I had a CT scan with contrast which showed the thickening of the bowel and some lesions in my liver and involvement of lymph nodes. I had a sigmoidoscopy where they found this ugly doughnut…
Anyone know of a good book on meaning?
I've read a number of books on or related to, the meaning of things, of life, of purpose, many of the pop philosophy type, "Jonathon Livingstone Seagull", Leo Bugscalia books. I've also read things like Victor Frankel's "Man's Search for Meaning" and "far out there" stuff like Edgar Cayce and Carlos Castenada. I've read…
Who am "I" Pre-cancer and Post cancer
Team, A little off topic for me but something I have really been thinking about alot recently. A little background, I am 4 year NED this past Jan 2016 from stage 3b signet cell colon cancer. Had the surgery then 6 months of the lovely 5fu/oxi. I looked inward and really can see I have become different before/after cancer.…
Stupid Things People Say to Cancer Survivors
Ok Semis! Let's start our own list of Stupid Things People Say to us: A friend wrote me a long letter saying that my sister was dying because she had unrepented sin in her life. A friend of mine said she couldn't think of me as having colon cancer and a tumor removed but that I just had a wart removed. (ok, in her defense,…
Oxaliplatin Gone!!
Finally, after 12 treatments of Folfox w/Avatin the Onc. removed the Oxaliplatin from the treatment!! Husband's neuropathy was was awful! I am happy it is done, but pray that this won't hurt his chances of becoming NED. He will get his second scan sometime in April.
Just starting my journey
It's been 3 weeks since I first found out there was a mass... next day colonoscopy showed rectal cancer t3n1. CT scan confirmed. ..next week MRI and another CT scan for radiation targets. 6 weeks chemo/radiation, temporary ilostomy...then we see where we are at. This has all been overwhelming and strange. I'm 63 and…
catchy dont cha think? so I want to know if any of you guys have the same problems I have or am I just special. I had stage 2 rectal cancer last year, tumor was very low in rectum but i didnt have to have a colostomy bag. Went thru chemo and radiation.. so I have to use the bathroom more frequently and the urgency is…
A Year Ago Today
My first day of chemo. Pretty easy for me to remember, it is my wife's birthday. I also got discharged from surgery on Valentine's Day. Man I can treat my wife right. Promised her a better Valetine's Day this year (check) and birthday (currently in progress). Despite my ruining those two days, she took me to all my…
Perianal Invasive Squamosh Cell Carcinoma - Re-Excision or Chemo/Radiation Therapy
Hello Everyone, Today, I had my first appt with the Oncologist. My PET/CT scans came back clean. No cancer inside my body or lymph nodes. What a blessing!! The Oncologist is suggesting chemo/radiation, because, the SCC is still at the margins. My tumor size was only a 4 mm, very small. I asked the Oncologist about having…
Returning to previous failed treatments.
Hello...Haven't been on the board in a while. I have officially used up all the treatments available to me. Trials are out of the conversation because of chronically low platelet counts, and, recently plummetting blood counts in general during a trial of a new drug. trial stopped and counts look better. Liver is in sad…
Liver mets recurrence - Looking for help and similar experiences
Good morning to you all I’m new in the forum and decided to write looking for some support and help. Hope I can help someone else too Here my story (my moms story) My mom was diagnosed June 2014 with colon cancer with liver mets. Colon Cancer with KRAS Mutation. Same June she had a Partial colon resection and started…
Choosing a Clinical Trial
I have posted this on the anal forum as well as its a general topic. My first scan to see the efficacy of Erbitux is in a couple of weeks. As I have never had a chemo that has made a dent on my liver, lymph etc. mets, I don't hold out much hope here either, so I've been researching clinical trials, again. How is one…
MRI scan yesterday,, Good news and bad news
Hi everybody, hope everyone is doing well, or as well as can be expected since we are here because we have or had Colon Cancer! My update: I had an MRI scan yesterday to find out if that Y-90 (SIRT) procedure (done on Nov 24, 2015) worked. There's good news and bad news: The original 7.7 cm liver tumor in the upper right…
For what its worth:"Addendum on regorafenib in mCRC:Added benefit no longer proven"
Just diagnosed with colon cancer...Need advice about finding surgeon in Northern VA
Hello everyone, I was in the hospital with anemia last weekend after some occuranced of dizziness and general fatigue and had been having stomach digestive issues. I had a colonoscopy this past Tuesday which revealed a "circumferential stricture at 20cm in the sigmoid colon". Result of the biopsy was an "invasive…
WE DID IT!!!!!
Well actually my wife did. We are officially 3 years NED. Got a clean scan and bill of health today. Now I can put away the Xanax and Ambien until next year.
repeat tubulovillous adenomas?
I am meeting w/GI today for results on my 3rd colonoscopy/polypectomy. I am 46 years old and adopted with no familial history. * 1 year ago I had a 55mm pre-cancerous tubulovillous adenoma removed. (first and only). The Dr was more shocked than I was that it was not cancerous given it's incredible size. It was removed via…
Hi Guys!
It's been a hectic couple of months. Our 12 and 14 year old dogs have been sick. The 12 year old had cancer in the nasal cavity. We had it removed and are trying to keep him happy. Our 14 year old dog has kidney disease, so we're working on that now. My brother's magnesium is starting to rise, which is good. It was at .8…
Prayers and thoughts requested
They will make a second attempt to drain ascites from my belly tomorrow. Please pray that it all goes well.
SCAN SCAN SCAN SCAN - Why survivors should ALWAYS BE scanned -
Hello Fellow Survivors ~ I was on these boards 10 years ago - almost to the day. I was 32 went in for a colonoscopy and went straight to surgery. I did 6 months of hard core chemo - my kids were 2 and 7. That year was a total blur. About a year into remission there discovered a tiny nodeule on my lung - biopsy showed it…