Husband cancer at 35. Anyone out there our age?

mommysescape Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
My husband was recently diagnosed with colon cancer that has spread to the liver. He is only 35 years old. He has been through 2 surgerys and is now doing chemo. He is making strides, but the chemo really makes him sick. I feel helpless, but mostly alone. Everyone that I have ever known of that had cancer is older, much older. No one understands, I just feel alone. Does anyone feel this way.


  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    My husband is stage 1V colorectal age 53- please join us at the colorectal site- you will find many in your age range.
    I am so sorry that you ar having to go through this at such a young age.
  • rthornton
    rthornton Member Posts: 346 Member
    I was 35 when diagnosed with stage four colon cancer that had spread to my liver. I had a total colectomy, and then six rounds of chemo. Then all the cancer was gone, but I am still in treatment to minimize the possibility of recurrence. Trust me, you are not alone! There are several young people on the colon cancer area here that are in their 30s, even some in their 20s. But I know how you feel. When I was first diagnosed a few months ago, I thought that I must be the only 35 year old man to ever get colon cancer. I was wrong! Feel free to send me a note if you or your husband have any questions or concerns.

  • mommysescape
    mommysescape Member Posts: 5
    rthornton said:

    I was 35 when diagnosed with stage four colon cancer that had spread to my liver. I had a total colectomy, and then six rounds of chemo. Then all the cancer was gone, but I am still in treatment to minimize the possibility of recurrence. Trust me, you are not alone! There are several young people on the colon cancer area here that are in their 30s, even some in their 20s. But I know how you feel. When I was first diagnosed a few months ago, I thought that I must be the only 35 year old man to ever get colon cancer. I was wrong! Feel free to send me a note if you or your husband have any questions or concerns.


    Thank you for your reply. What type of Chemo did they give you? Did it attack your white cells? He is taking the chemo hard. The chemo is leaving his white cells low and he has severe acid reflux. I worry sometimes that he will give up. Do you have any ideas on how to help him?
  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    Hi Michelle:
    Not sure how often Rodney comes onto this board but he is pretty regulat on the colorectal cancer "discussion and chat" fact he nicely gave me great diet and supplement suggestions..go to the thread "rodney please elaborate"

    as for acid reflux they gave my husband zantac which does seem to help (maxeran too)

    I know it is so very hard to stay positive- some days I just want to stay in bed with covers over my head and cry til there are no more tears left..but ofcourse I don't do it- since positivity breeds positivity..and my hubby needs all the postive thoughts I can send his way.
    but yes, I feel so very much me through this site if you'd like-
  • bud1234
    bud1234 Member Posts: 1
    I have just lost my wife to cancer she was 51,I think we all feel alone ,it,s so hard to watch your love of your life fade away and suffer soo much.I don,t think I can ever get over this I miss her so much