What Timing
Well, friends, what timing it was for your words of wisdom the past few days! Because of you I took some time to have a "me" day and refresh my soul. Thank you all. Today, we learned the results of my husband's bone scan. He has cancer in his bones. Dr. says it's too soon after his firstline chemo to start chemo again, but…
A place that tears built
Hello, We are trying to get volunteers together that would like to help with a special project for terminally ill patients and families. I had a mother and daughter that was diagnosed with cancer and sadly have lost both of them, however, my husband and I are looking to help others that are currently going through…
Tomorrow is the Day - UPDATE 9/16
Tomorrow my husband will have a big hunk of his throat removed where the tumor and cancer is, some lymph nodes, a flap taken from his arm and put in his throat (to cover hunk removed), and a skin graft from his hip to cover the flap taken from his arm. He'll get a trach and won't be able to swallow for several months if…
Blood Clots around the port
Has anyone had any issue with this? How do you avoid it? My mother was put on Cumodin (?) if there is any suggestion or comments anyone has to add they would greatly be appreciated. -Ketz
Traveling Domestically for care...
Hi Everyone - I was wondering if anyone here had any stories to relate to me about traveling domestically to receive treatment? What are some things to consider in deciding where to go etc? Thanks so much.
Sometimes I think I need glue to put all the pieces together. Seams so many parts to our life is falling apart, dreams of things we plan to do .Silly things come to mind like a bottle of glue that will cement anything together. I wonder does it work? I hear people say , They are tired of people walking up to them and…
When this is over, will I ever be okay?
My mom was diagnosed with OC two and half years ago. She has defied all odds again and again, but I can not tell the cost on her, my sisters and me. She is scared of dying and has made it clear she will fight until the last breath - no DNR and we are NEVER to "pull the plug" no matter what. She has been completely bed…
My mom, my best friend, my hero, my rock....
Every day since August 9th, I have sat by her side. Caressed her face, talked with her, laughed with her, cried alone.... I have done her nails, helped bath her, change her, feed her, given her every minute of every day, much like she gave for me when I was a baby. Work can wait, told them I would be back when I got back.…
get it together HOW
How do you get it together? I am having one of the days no one wants . I feel so alone even the dust left the room. I want to just cry and scream and maybe kick a door , but I know I would have to fix it. I am so sure I am lossing my mind or at least forgot where I put the darn thing. I am so sad and can not explain why ,…
need advice 4 after surgery
Hi everyone, since all of you have been so helpful in the past I was wondering if any of you knew about partial gastrectomy and how that changes the persons eating habits and diet. My husband is having surgery on the 21st to remove cancer from the stomach. Hopefully it hasn't spread and it won't be a full gastrectomy.…
It has been one week
Tough week, the days come and go so slow. It seems so surreal. I just can't believe he is gone. I am getting some strange vibes at night. I know it is him. The phone calls are overwhelming. I just listen to the messages. There is no way I can reply to all, maybe someday. I find myself just wandering around the house,…
To all you Caregivers
Today my caregiver wife and I celebrated our 36 years anniversary; we did some little simple thing like going out and sharing an ice cream together. It was not much but just my way of saying thank you for all you have done for me. As each of us cancer survivors go through hell and back we sometimes forget the chain that…
Update - Heard from Doctor
Heard from doctor today and the great news just keeps on coming.... of course the biopsy was positive for cancer, we found that out yesterday. Today's good news is that he will have to have the "big" surgery. He will have modified neck dissection surgery where they will take out a couple of lymph nodes on one side. He will…
A very hard year...
I'm excited to say that today is my mom's final chemo treatment! I am so overcome with happiness to close this chapter of the battle. It has been a very difficult year for me - I was diagnosed with a pre-cancerous lesion on my cervix last fall(had surgery to remove it)and earlier this year my mom was diagnosed with breast…
All I Seem to Want
All I seem to want to do is CRY. I shared my husband's story about his upcoming surgery in the other thread. I am not a cryer and I don't understand or like what is happening to me. During his first round, I was a rock. I dealt with every blow and got through the days of radiation and chemo like a freight train. This time,…
Overwhelmed and scared
On the day I moved my mother to hospice due to her terminal breast cancer, the doctors called and told us my husband needed to go on a liver transplant list due to his Hep C. Mom died 3 days before Christmas 09, after six months of travelling to and from hospitals and nursing homes, working full time, and dealing with a…
Fight is over.
The fight is finally over now. Doug passed away Aug 24th after several days of the absolute worst hell I have been through. I won't go into details, but it was a blessing he is no longer in distress and pain. Now it is time for getting on with my life, including the grieving. I had a good few days after the funeral, but…
worries over new biopsies
I've also posted this on the Head and Neck cancer page on this website. Just know the Caregivers here understand what I am feeling right now. Prayers needed for my husband. Jim has just finished treatment for hypopharyngeal and base of tongue cancer. When the gastroenterologist placed the feeding tube prior to treatment,…
Cancer is like.....
My husband was told the FANTASTIC news that he is in partial remission (Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage 4). The Dr. is really pleased with the progress. He tolerated the chemo well. He is now on "maintenance" drugs. Then I asked "Where do we go from here?" The Dr. looked at my husband and said, "Remember I told you I…
He is gone
It is a dark and rainy day and Dale is gone from this world of pain and suffering. He passed peacefully early this morning. The tears are non stop. I will keep in touch. Cynthia
Am I a terrible daughter?
I already know my mom will, likely, die from brain cancer. And, I know it will probably happen soon, statistically over the next few months. But, she lives overseas and cannot move to the United States for lack of health insurance. I give her all the support I can from a distance. For example, we speak on Skype two or…
Stressful eating habits
We all know about the challenges of getting enough sleep and keeping up with all of the household and medical/caregiving requirements but lately I have found myself doing what I call "stress eating". I try to keep several things around the house for me to eat when my husband has just had a full round of chemo or fatigue…
sad, mad, glad....ho hum!
my dad is at the point where he cannot be left alone. he was DX with NSCLC Adenocarcinoma w/4 mets to brain 04/21/10. has had two craniotomies. they removed the biggest tumor in his brain, which was in the cerebellum, but the other 3 are too imbedded. the lesion on his lung was too close to his heart to biopsy and because…
Caregiving and Sleep
I am a caretaker for my partner and our sleep schedules seem to be the largest point of frication between us. The chemo that she's on causes her to have an unusual sleep schedule where she takes multiple naps during the day and then gets up at 4 or 5 in the morning and then can't get back to sleep. I usually stay up until…
Help for the caregiver
Does anyone know of a volunteer organization that would come into my home a few days a week and help me with yard work, cleaning, laundry, errands? My hubbies energy level is just done and he really can't help me. I work 2 jobs to keep things going here, and friends have not really been helping. the 2 or 3 that do, I don't…
checking the genetic pool
My mom has colon cancer and I jut had my first colonoscopy. It was clear , but I thought I was going to have sme issues. I sometimes have stomach probs. I have to help take care od my mom so that wouldn't have been a good thing right now. I feel blessed. Ktz
Need to vent, stupid people
I just need to vent. I am so hurt and upset by comments made by stupid people. Today, someone said his color looks good. I wanted to reply with "Yes, I guess so as opposed to death". Then another one laughingly says "Aren't you glad you can play charades and he can't talk anymore". I had to excuse myself and go elsewhere…
Advice please
It seems that time is moving too fast and in the wrong direction. But who can tell GOD what to do. I have been told to prepare for the end which is suppose to be somewhere in the coming 18 months timeline - and that is where I need advice. I am feeling well now and want to plan my exit well before I start losing control.…
The hard questions
With out going into too much detail my husband was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, which ultimately lead to the removal of most of his jaw & all of his teeth. Jaw was replaced by bone from his leg. Six weeks post surgery additional tumor found on opposite side and it had invaded the jaw. Having gone through…
You can't be denied health coverage
http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Insurance/InsureYourHealth/you-cant-be-denied-health-coverage.aspx You can't be denied health coverage States and the federal government now offer temporary insurance to buyers who have been denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions. If you've been denied health insurance…