Ugh. We had an argument last night because he is refusing to leave maessages when he calls the doctors office, and is angry that he can't get thru to speak to a person. (Veterans Affairs)So I told him that I didn't think he was proactive enough in trying to communicate with the doctors, that he has to leave voicemails and…
Feeling kind of numb
Hey all, I have been thinking about you all and hoping you are doing ok. My husband has Liposarcoma in his leg.. I posted before, but we went to Roswell Park in Buffalo to meet with a Sarcoma specialist. He said the odds are 85 percent that he will be alive in ten years. (5 percent of that is with disease) so 80 percent…
New to all of this...
My fiance was diagnosed with testicular cancer 18 months ago and after having surgery was deemed "cancer free". He continued with his regulary scheduled follow up appointments and we recently found out he had a recurrence. He has stage 3 testicular cancer and is now beginning his chemo treatment. He goes for 5 days, for…
Chat.are you using it?
davexx Posts: 25 Joined: Sep 2010 September 27, 2010 - 9:08am I would think more people would be on thruout the nite.When your up and alone it's a good way to get a quicl response.I,m sure there are people here from all over the world that are up at any given time.It took me severay lonely days to find it and I am…
Lung cancer
Hi, I am new to the site. I found this website very interesting. I thought I was the only one (well you know what I mean) going through the hard times as a caregiver. I am taking care of my Mom. She has had a 2nd lung cancer removed this Spring. The one before was in 2007. She is not very strong and has zero energy. We met…
I've been working real hard to find this in my life lately. The feelings that come with it pass through me in great waves and there are days that I find myself kneeling on the floor with deep emotion. This life shouldn't be filled with so much suffering. At least not in 1 year. This man, my husband who for 10 years has…
Horrible Guilt Justified?
Hi. I posted this in the lung cancer topic but realized I probably should have put it here in the caregivers group. Hi. I'm new here and have met some of you in chat. You all are so encouraging and generous. My husband, Gary, was dx'd with nsclc 3 wks ago. After the initial shock wore off I have been having thoughts that I…
funk day
ever have one of what I call funk days, well this is mine and I hope I don't have them to much. Like everything around me I just can't get into it. Cooking , Cleaning (With O.C.D) not a good thing. Husband is the one sick ,he laid down today .I set and worry. I just can't seam to find words or feelings. It is like why why…
How to cheer up my depressed family and myself?
Dear all, Before we found out that my mum has cancer, my family had always been depressive. We are all loners. Have no friends. Stay home all the time. My dad has always been abusive, and my mum never stopped him from hurting me. Now that my mum has cancer, I feel the huge responsibility that I have to bear to take care of…
How do you handle it?
Was told by hospice today my wonderful wife of 52 years has days to hours left.She hasn't eaten in 2 weeks.Trying to keep her comfortable.That's all we can do.I still can't beleive this day has come.Don't know what to think or say.How do you cope.dave
Caregivers using baby room monitors.
I have onlyy been a caregiver a little over 2 weeks,1 of the first things I did was by a baby room monitor so I could hear my wife call. I went thru several and they all had a lot of static etc.I fianally found one that is wireless.has a unit in the room and a portable unit you carry around and can talk back to the other…
Needed Prayer For My Mom
Hello fellow caregivers, Most of you know me here from being a caregiver for my dad. Now it is my mom's turn. She has been diagnosed with a leaking heart valve, and P A D. P A D is peripheral artery disease. This means that the arteries in her lower legs are blocked. I am reaching out to all of you for prayer. We are going…
Husband is a horrible patient
My husband finished treatment for Stage IV throat cancer. He also had a melanoma removed. Now he has to decide whether to have surgery or not for non-small cell lung cancer. I try to talk with him about the cancer but he doesn't want to discuss it. It's taken him over a month now to think about surgery or some other…
2 down, 8 more to go
Today was the second day of brain radiation. So far, so good. My hubby has been blessed with no side-effects, just a slight headache early this evening, which was handled with Tylenol. To kick-off the treatment, our dear son took us to Dallas to see the Bears and Cowboys game. The Bears won, which is a good thing, since…
More Tests
Today: Blood tests, meeting with the oncologist, Tomorrow: Follow up CT scan to the embolization. We won't know the results of the scan until probably next week at the earliest. God, I dread going into the "no answers, don't know anything, hurry up and wait" phase again. Hopefully the tumor has started to shrink, but since…
Recovering On Schedule
My husband appears to be recovering on schedule, according to the doctors. I'm not sure what I expected, but I didn't expect THIS. Wow... this really knocked him for a loop. Surgery was Wednesday (this being Sunday I think, my days are all merged together!), and he is just now really coming around. The catheter has come…
I feel tired and alone
For the last 6 months, since my husband's sclc diagnosis, I have cried, I have been by his side through it all. I have spent endless hours on the computer searching and researching,while he sits and watches sports and re-runs, and then tells all that "we" found this, and "we found that. I kiss him, I hold him, I tell him…
how do you know it's the end?
I brought my 88 year old grandma ("Nanny") to live with me back in the end of August...just 3 weeks ago. The reason I brought her here was because she's got Alzheimer's Disease. Well, I just kept noticing things that made it seem like something else was wrong, so I took her to the doctor. After a week long hospital stay…
What Timing
Well, friends, what timing it was for your words of wisdom the past few days! Because of you I took some time to have a "me" day and refresh my soul. Thank you all. Today, we learned the results of my husband's bone scan. He has cancer in his bones. Dr. says it's too soon after his firstline chemo to start chemo again, but…
A place that tears built
Hello, We are trying to get volunteers together that would like to help with a special project for terminally ill patients and families. I had a mother and daughter that was diagnosed with cancer and sadly have lost both of them, however, my husband and I are looking to help others that are currently going through…
Tomorrow is the Day - UPDATE 9/16
Tomorrow my husband will have a big hunk of his throat removed where the tumor and cancer is, some lymph nodes, a flap taken from his arm and put in his throat (to cover hunk removed), and a skin graft from his hip to cover the flap taken from his arm. He'll get a trach and won't be able to swallow for several months if…
Blood Clots around the port
Has anyone had any issue with this? How do you avoid it? My mother was put on Cumodin (?) if there is any suggestion or comments anyone has to add they would greatly be appreciated. -Ketz
Traveling Domestically for care...
Hi Everyone - I was wondering if anyone here had any stories to relate to me about traveling domestically to receive treatment? What are some things to consider in deciding where to go etc? Thanks so much.
Sometimes I think I need glue to put all the pieces together. Seams so many parts to our life is falling apart, dreams of things we plan to do .Silly things come to mind like a bottle of glue that will cement anything together. I wonder does it work? I hear people say , They are tired of people walking up to them and…
When this is over, will I ever be okay?
My mom was diagnosed with OC two and half years ago. She has defied all odds again and again, but I can not tell the cost on her, my sisters and me. She is scared of dying and has made it clear she will fight until the last breath - no DNR and we are NEVER to "pull the plug" no matter what. She has been completely bed…
My mom, my best friend, my hero, my rock....
Every day since August 9th, I have sat by her side. Caressed her face, talked with her, laughed with her, cried alone.... I have done her nails, helped bath her, change her, feed her, given her every minute of every day, much like she gave for me when I was a baby. Work can wait, told them I would be back when I got back.…
get it together HOW
How do you get it together? I am having one of the days no one wants . I feel so alone even the dust left the room. I want to just cry and scream and maybe kick a door , but I know I would have to fix it. I am so sure I am lossing my mind or at least forgot where I put the darn thing. I am so sad and can not explain why ,…
need advice 4 after surgery
Hi everyone, since all of you have been so helpful in the past I was wondering if any of you knew about partial gastrectomy and how that changes the persons eating habits and diet. My husband is having surgery on the 21st to remove cancer from the stomach. Hopefully it hasn't spread and it won't be a full gastrectomy.…
It has been one week
Tough week, the days come and go so slow. It seems so surreal. I just can't believe he is gone. I am getting some strange vibes at night. I know it is him. The phone calls are overwhelming. I just listen to the messages. There is no way I can reply to all, maybe someday. I find myself just wandering around the house,…