DCIS - Non Invasive
Hello Everyone, I love reading everyone's posts about different topics. I think this is a great site with a world of information. I would like to compare stories with someone who has the same dx as me. I had DCIS - non invasive cancer in both breasts with a bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. Doctor says no…
I think I'm jealous of other women without BC
I'm two years out from my initial diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer. I'm doing really well and getting back into shape-trying to shed the weight and get fit. However, I've noticed that my self esteem and body image are messed up. I've never been the jealous type but it hurts me so deeply when I see my husband admire other…
Radiation therapy leaving me with a burnt sence in my olfactory
I started Radiation therapy last week. I just completed my 6th radiation treatment, and I am experiencing a strong burnt smell in my olfactory. The smell is constant and makes me nauseated. Has anyone else experienced this side effect from the radiation therapy? If so, how are you coping with it?
I was diagnosed with stage 2 triple negative breast cancer in May 2015. I have had 4 doses of A/C every two weeks.Now I am getting taxol for 12 weeks. The tumor has not responded to the chemo. I will be getting 2 doses of carboplatin to try and shrink the tumor. Can anyone told me the side effects they may have gotten from…
Back pain
I am trying to get answers on why my back pain is so excruciating. ;My family doctor thinks I have fibromyalgia.;But the pain I have is excruciating in lower back tailbone area .;Hurts to sit and stand .. OTC pain meds do not do much. I have had a bone scan and it was okay. I just had regular X-rays and didn't show much.;I…
Hi i have post treatment aching hurting and weakness. Have been told that it could b nerve damage.
Have had this the whole time after and during tx. would love to here if anyone experience this. have been tested for fibromyalgia and other nerve issue but nothing showed. would love to hear from anyone experiencing these same things. doesnt seem to matter if its in morning noon or night. just therre most of the time. i am…
HELP! Severe diarhhea!
Help, Just this afternoon i had a huge bout with diarhhea. I almost passed out from it. The cramps were so bad, and i think i started to panic. I have not had it this bad before. I am past my 4th treatment, and i have had it before but this was really bad. I have been taking Immodium before too but usually that will stop…
Taxotere-Carboplatin-Herceptin Regimen Question
After my third diagnoses of breast cancer - left breast in 2003 a stage 1 and then in 2006 in the right breast a DCIS then again a lump in the left breast. I had a bi-lateral mastectomy two weeks ago today and will have my first reconstruction expansion tomorrow. I met with my oncologist to review the pathology report and…
Worrying time... Breast Cancer Concerns post treatment can anyone explain?
Hello. I'm new here, and I wonder if anyone can help explain something to me? i am in the UK. The treatment I have had started with the discovery of a lump in my left breast. The lump was removed along with the surrounding tissue. This was analysed and I had DCIS to the edge of the tissue so I was told that further tissue…
What help is out there?
I am on short term disability... I only get half of my income.. this is barely enough to pay my bills... Is there anything out there to help with funds for groceries, and other living expenses. I have two little girls too. and it is getting very difficult to support everyone in my family.. I don't know what to do.... I…
Tumor has shrunk! But now other things to think about.. Help!
sWent to see my surgeon. I have had 4 chemos and still have two more left. WE did ultrasound and the tumor has shrunk significantly! yea for that..She said my lymph node is a little swollen but was not concerned as she said that it was do to something else. But my main concern is the type of surgery she wants to do. I did…
Today is Deb18's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you day is filled with wonderful surprises and lots of fun! Best wishes for a year filled with happiness, health & love! Jenny
pink bus
Pink Bus-I haven't seen any requests for the pink bus-so I am hoping that means everyone is doing well and NO Dr appts for awhile. Densie
United Health are Denied Ibrance!
I was mistaken in the process. FDA only approved it for first line treatment. I am 8th line w/chemo, and 12th line if you combine the chemo and blockers. He just sent the 3rd appeal with an arvuement. But he is no longer optimistic. He would like me to sfart Gemzar, I told him I have chosen not to and gave.my rrasons. He…
Just joined...dealing with horrible side effects
Today I go in for my fourth round of six chemo treatments. I am doing herceptin perjeta carboplatin and taxotere and the side effects have just been horrible for me. I hear other cancer patients going through chemo and they are up and around, going to work and yet I feel like such a whimp for not handling this well at…
Adriamycin leak from port
Has anyone experienced a leak of Adriamycin from port? Six days aftet chemo I developed a spreading red rash, itches a great deal and skin is starting to flake off. I've been put on a 10 day regiment of antibiotics. My port was not used for yesterday's infusion. Will see surgeon for possible port removal if the rash isn't…
Does anyone live in NorthEastern Nevada
Does anyone live in Northeastern Nevada or around this area? I'm in need of a second opinion, my family disagrees completely and I can't drive. Would pay your gas of course. Just need someone's help, please?
steroids or chemo port
HI. I have the chemo power port inserted. It's still a little tender after three weeks. Took chemo on Friday. Feel a little swollen on the port side of my neck around the collarbone. Could this be a side effect of the steroids taken day before, day of and day after chemo, a side effect of the chemo itself or the port? I…
For those of you who knew and loved missrenee
any remedy for cracked lips, due to chemo
Hi, I am done with my 4th treatment of 6. I still get the sore mouth, and and my tastebuds are nuts for about 10 days after treatment. It is so hard to eat. I am dealing with the nausea o.k, I guess, with taking 3 different nausea drugs as needed. But now the last two treatments I have been getting really bad cracked lips…
DCIS Stage 0
Hi Diagnosed with DCIS stage 0, I was told by one of the breast surgeons that I was lucky but I do not feel lucky I have a masectomy scheduled for 2/16 with latissmus dorsal flap because the DCIS is in 2 areas of my breast, I am scared to death. Every time I think I can do this I get sick to my stomach. I have two young…
triple negative
Hi I am new here and have not posed before. I have been diangnosed with stage 2, triple negative breast cancer. I am 58 years old and very healthy escept for my diagnosis. I have no family history except that my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer at about the same time! She has the most common form of breast cancer…
US results shows BIRAD 3. I am Scared. Help!
Hi, I am a 19 year old girl and I have just gotten back my Ultrasound test results. This is what it says. Conclusion There are a few benign appearing breast nodules bilaterally which are probably fibroadenomas. These nodules may be followed up sonographically in 6 months time to assess for interval stability. No definite…
Unilateral mx
Hello, new to posting. Dx March 30,2015, unilateral mx May 13 with immediate recon. Will have 2nd of 4 rounds of chemo. No rads, no nodes involved. Whew hope I said that right. Now here's my question. What is it like to have one implant and one natural breast? Will one be more bouncier for lack of a better word? Will I be…
Just want answers
I hate to always complain but I have so many things happening that I don't know what's normal. I had bilateral mx in dec .. I had six rounds of aggressive chemo followed my six and half weeks of radiation as well as eleven more herceptin treatments. I am also on tomixifen for ten years, I am currently doing physical…
Scared New stage 4 cancer
Hello I'm new here so I'm just learning and apologize if I don't write things correct. I'm newly diagnosed stage 4 cancer patient that's had the cancer metasited to all my bones. I've been thru most trestments and I'm unable to tolerate them all. So my oncolgist has taken me off all my meds. So the only Mede I'm on are…
Thoughts about radiation...
Hi everyone, couple of days ago I was told by my surgeon that my oncologist wanted me to have radiation. She doesn't agree since I has just 1 node affected and it was microscopic, but my oncologist believes that is necesary. Surgeon suggested to talk to other radiologis for a second/third opinion (they talked about my case…
Do symptoms worsen as you go through treatment
I have had my first set of chemo which the Dr's said would be the longest. I am feeling fatigue and the smell of food cooking makes me very nauseous, but other that I am feeling ok. I have heard that you feel worst after every treatment and I have also heard that the first is the worst. Any input?
Arimidex during chemotherapy?
58 years old woman - breast cancer - (after 4x AT chemo, radiotherapy, surgery - breast and lymph node removal, ER+ tumors). Today, after a year of being cancer free, she has ovary and bone metastasis, and is taking nevalbine (vinorelbine), zoledronic acid, and arimidex (anastrozole). Last time she was in the hospital to…
Can anyone share their opinion or personal testimony of eating apricot seeds with cancer?
I have heard good and bad things about eating apricot seeds when you have cancer, as well as, eating as a prevention. I sincerely can't understand how something raw and natural can be detimental to a fight against cancer. Any thoughts? Thank you!