Nipple tattooing
I am scheduled for nipple and aureola tattooing on March 12. I'd love to hear from those of you who had that done. I've had bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction, so I know this is a very minor deal in comparison, but the thought of tattooing (even though I have no feeling in my nipple area) just makes me a little…
Want to apologize about my question about recurrance...
Dear friends, Just wanted to apologize about my post about recurrance after treatments. I should know better than that,but I wrote it when I was in a funk. I'm sorry if I scared anyone or gave anyone bad feelings because of it! Love,Patty
Liv-Kit, for breast self-examination ....
Olivia Newton John, a breast cancer survivor herself, Is a tireless advocate for breast cancer research and other health issues. She has been a product spokesperson for the Liv-Kit, a breast self-examination product. Newton-John's cancer diagnosis affected the type of music she recorded. In 1994, she released Gaia: One…
Radiation tattoos!
Did anyone get or have their radiation tattoos removed after your treatments were done? I am thinking about it. I really hate them. I only have 4 and they are hard to see except for one that is in the middle of my chest. It is just a reminder of this crap and I think I might get it lasered off. And, why do they use black?…
Tanning after Radiation???
How soon did anyone tan outside in the sun or go to a tanning salon after radiation to your breast? I know the Doctor's say NEVER, but, that isn't realistic. I know that I tanned the following summer outside in the sun after having radiation on the other breast in 1985. I just wondered if anyone had tanned since their…
How much time between chemo and radiation?
Now that Moopy is coming up on the end of her chemo (one more infusion left, on April 24, YAY), we want to start the zapping as soon as possible. Moopsy is a so-called "triple negative," so we feel there is no time to waste. We're counting Moopy's official "end-of-chemo" as May 15, which is 21 days out from her final…
AC followed by Taxol
A good friend of mine is going through chemo for breast cancer right now. They are not sure if it is Stage I or Stage IV as she does have some tiny spots on her pelvic bones but they are too tiny to biopsy so they are not sure if they are cancer or not. She is having 4 AC treatments, every other week, followed by 4 Taxol…
I've come across 3 things that have made my life a bit better as I travel this journey. You may already be familiar with any or all of them ... but if not .. 1. Bali bras (not for you Bill!)with the little "petal" things inside with a little padding and NO wires! They are sooooo comfortable ... and the little bit of…
Okay ladies who are in the throngs of recon or have been before I have a question. Tomorrow I go to see my surgeon for more fluid to be put into the expander, if you recall he put 200 cc's in the last time for a total to date of 400 cc's. Since then I have been quite uncomfortable, no quick movements because they hurt,…
left breast radiation
diagnosed with left breast dcis high grade. i did have a lumpectomy but must decide soon if i want to go with radiation. my concern is radiation to my heart and lungs since it is left side. also has anyone gotten broken ribs after radiation
Intamcy problems after lumpdectomy
Ok I am having intamacy fears, I had a lumdectamy in October and have a nice 4 inch scar, and yes I know that my scar is just part of my badge of honor in survival. However I am very self consious about it. I just cant seem to bring myself to be intmate due to the scar, and the cancer. This problem has nothing to do with…
Exemestane (Aromasin)
Hi: I am going to be taking Exemestane (Aromasin) as part of a clinical trial. I had to have ovarian suppression and chose to have my ovaries removed (instead of radiation or monthly Lupron injections). I had them removed on 12-17 and have had hot flashes, which haven't been too bad, I just use an icebag. What I would like…
I miss you!!!!!!
Hello "Roomies"!!!!! I have been out of town, my Reggie was singing/dancing at a Native American convention in Phoenix, and now I am in Northern California for my sister's 50th birthday~ and I haven't had the time to get online! Imagine that! LOL So, Big Congrats to all of my sista's who have finished treatment!!! And…
Hello, I'm a new member here.
Greetings ! I just figured out how to read and post messages ...yeah !!! My surgery is scheduled for this coming thursday - 4/16 ... I'm having left breast complete mastectomy + sentinal node biopsy. I feel some anxiety coming on about what to expect both immediately after surgery .. i.e the same day/night and any tips/…
Washington DC May 10th 2009
Is anyone out there close to DC? and doing the walk on May 10th?
Woohoooooo!!!!!!!! I DUN IT!
Thank you all for your wonderful messages.........I GOT THE JOB! They hired me on the spot and seem to be lovely people!.. It's a family run greenhouse/growing/garden centre and I am the first "Outsider" they have ever hired! Man I am so delighted. Thank you all for your encouragement in this and everything else.. I love…
Nail discoloration
I have read on other posts that nail discoloration(black/brown) is from Taxol but I'm not on Taxol yet. I have had 3 treatments of AC and one more to go next week and then I will be on Taxol w/Herceptin once a week for 12 weeks and then on Herceptin alone every three weeks for one year. I just want to know if others had…
Vitamin D Levels, Test
Hi, have any of you been tested for your Vitamin D level? I have asked for the test a couple of times, but it is never ordered. Just wondering if this is something I might want/need to pursue. Thanks in advance for any info or advice.
side effects of Aromasin
I have been on Aromasin for 3 month now, and am experiencing a totally atypical "cold "Symptoms, such as scratchy throat that seems to linger ,or come and go. Has anyone experienced similar problems?
Has anyone ever used the fentanal patch????
I know i spelled that wrong but you sisters no what i mean. I'm trying to find some relief from this damn bone pain and my oncologist gave me a rx for the patch. I hear its really powerful stuff and i wanna know before i have it filled if anyone eles has ever used it and what does it make you feel like. I need all the info…
First post dx interview tomorrow!!!!!!!!
Hey friends, I have an interview tomorrow at 10 am, The first in 2 years, I am not going to mention BC at all and I am now ready to go to work, earn my keep and become part of society again!! I am pretty excited, I also picked up a client today (85 years old) who is lovely and just wants me to plant 8 taxus (Yew trees) in…
on the journey but no sense of direction
So I was diagnosed on 2/17 stage 4, two lumps in my right breast, lymph node involvement and several plaques on the lining of my right lung that caused a plueral effusion to fill the space between the linings of the lung with fluid. I had two 'taps' each about 2 liters, about a week apart and then started on the four…
Chemo patients, take heart
Just wanted to give an encouraging word to those of you who are currently doing chemo and wonder if you will ever feel good again. Well, you will! My last chemo treatment was Feb 10th and my last radiation was last Friday. This morning, I tore into my bathroom and cleaned it from top to bottom--vanity drawers and all. All…
Is there a way to delete a post?
I'm kinda new here, and admit I'm still learning how to navigate the site. A few minutes ago, and for the 2nd time, one of my posts appears 3 times! Sorry to all for this inconvenience. Am embarrassed! I don't think it's me - it's either my computer doing goofy things, or it's my sometimes goofy ISP. I've tried to find a…
? Neulasta shot with Herceptin
Does anyone know if you still have to have the Neulasta shot when you are receiving Herceptin alone? I still have 3+months of chemo and will be getting the Neulasta shot for that but didn't know since Herceptin isn't a chemo drug if you still have to have the Neulasta shot. Thank you for any information. Hugs, Margo
new member additonal info
It would probably be helpful to tell you all that I have been Dx w/ DCIS ... one positive site and one questionable one. K
Tamoxifen..How did everyone do on it??
I am to take tamoxifen for 5 years after I finish my radiation treatments. Anyone that has been or are on it now....what are the good and or the bad of it? Thanks!
Party time!!!!!!
I just had my last radiation treatment and I *know* that there are several ladies here that are having their last chemo today. I think it's time to party and do the happy nekid dance! Maureen
Chemo induced cataracts
I saw my Ophthalmologist yesterday because my vision changed during chemo. The good news is my vision is back to normal after treatment. The bad news is he found micro-cataracts that he felt were a result of chemo. It appears that light sensitivity and blurred vision are symptoms, but I'm not having any problems. Only time…