Exemestane (Aromasin)

cnwrn Member Posts: 28
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

I am going to be taking Exemestane (Aromasin) as part of a clinical trial. I had to have ovarian suppression and chose to have my ovaries removed (instead of radiation or monthly Lupron injections). I had them removed on 12-17 and have had hot flashes, which haven't been too bad, I just use an icebag. What I would like to know is are any of you taking Exemestane (Aromasin) and if so, have you had any side effects?




  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Aromatase Inhibitors
    I just read your profile and was surprised that you are a grandma. You are so young and look so great, hair or no hair and your grandbaby is precious. Now to your question. I'm on Arimidex, which is a sister to Exemstane and Femara. The only side effect of which I'm certain is joint pain in my wrists, hands, and fingers. Occasionally, I have leg aches at night but arthritis strength Tylenol takes care of that. I am having some problems with depression, but like you, I've just recently suffered a loss. So whether my depression is meds related or situational, I don't know. My PA told me that for many women, taking Arimidex is like taking a daily vitamin, with no side effects at all. So I guess you'll need to take a wait and see attitude. Of course, as breast cancer surivors we know what waiting is like. Yuk! But, that's the way it is. Take care kiddo. Keep posting. All of us on this site are here for you and if we can help, we will try. Hugs, Marilynn
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Hi Cathy

    I have been on Aromasin for about two years. I have had no side effects from it. One of the lucky ones I guess. However I have had some pain in my toes. We here on this board have wondered if toe (or joint) pain can be a side effect. My vitamin D level is low. That can cause joint pain also. I am taking a perscription vitamin for that. Time will tell.

    What a beautiful grandchild. So sorry about the loss of your mother. Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing with the Aromasin.

  • cnwrn
    cnwrn Member Posts: 28
    mgm42 said:

    Aromatase Inhibitors
    I just read your profile and was surprised that you are a grandma. You are so young and look so great, hair or no hair and your grandbaby is precious. Now to your question. I'm on Arimidex, which is a sister to Exemstane and Femara. The only side effect of which I'm certain is joint pain in my wrists, hands, and fingers. Occasionally, I have leg aches at night but arthritis strength Tylenol takes care of that. I am having some problems with depression, but like you, I've just recently suffered a loss. So whether my depression is meds related or situational, I don't know. My PA told me that for many women, taking Arimidex is like taking a daily vitamin, with no side effects at all. So I guess you'll need to take a wait and see attitude. Of course, as breast cancer surivors we know what waiting is like. Yuk! But, that's the way it is. Take care kiddo. Keep posting. All of us on this site are here for you and if we can help, we will try. Hugs, Marilynn

    Thanks for your reply

    Thank you for your nice comments on how I look and on my grandson. I am a young grandma, having just turned 47 on Christmas day, but when I look at it, I was 23 when I had my son (the baby's Dad) and he was 23 when Braedon was born. I just wish my Mom could have seen him and held him at least once. She was so looking forward to his birth.

    I have heard of Arimidex and Femera also. I have heard about joint pains, but I was told about the probablility of having joint pains with the Neulasta I took after chemo and never had any, so with luck I won't have to deal with that. I found out today I will be starting the Exemestane in a month (6 weeks post-op). I will post to this board to let you know how it goes. The gynecological oncologist who removed my ovaries told me that the medication would cause worse hot flashes than the surgery. Like you say, I'll just have to wait and see.

    I am sorry for your recent loss. I haven't had any trouble with depression, although it was a bit hard for me on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, being the first Christmas (and birthday) without my Mom. It wasn't as hard when I lost my Dad because he died in January (1997) and the holidays were almost a year later, plus he wasn't a holiday person. My Mom was and she always tried to make my holiday b-day special. But I had plenty of family with me and made it through OK. I am doing much better now. I think being a week post-op and having such a hormonal upheaval didn't help either.

    Take Care,

  • cnwrn
    cnwrn Member Posts: 28
    Jadie said:

    Hi Cathy

    I have been on Aromasin for about two years. I have had no side effects from it. One of the lucky ones I guess. However I have had some pain in my toes. We here on this board have wondered if toe (or joint) pain can be a side effect. My vitamin D level is low. That can cause joint pain also. I am taking a perscription vitamin for that. Time will tell.

    What a beautiful grandchild. So sorry about the loss of your mother. Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing with the Aromasin.


    Thanks for your reply

    Thanks for the comment on my grandson and the loss of my Mom.

    I am glad to hear that you have had no side effects from the Aromasin. I have read some research studies and know how many side effects there can be (one study had 38 listed). I know bone pains can be a side effect of the med, but like you say, a low Vitamin D level can also be a cause. I worry about the side effects because I had such an unusually hard time with the chemo (even though I know that doesn't mean I will have any trouble with the Aromasin). I just want to know what others experiences have been for a drug I will have to be on for 5 years. I have never had to be on medication for a long period of time. The only med I really take is Prilosec for reflux and that is only when I need it. (Being a nurse, I know how lucky I am to not be on many meds. Some people take so many meds it is unbelievable!)

    Take Care,

  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    cnwrn said:

    Thanks for your reply

    Thanks for the comment on my grandson and the loss of my Mom.

    I am glad to hear that you have had no side effects from the Aromasin. I have read some research studies and know how many side effects there can be (one study had 38 listed). I know bone pains can be a side effect of the med, but like you say, a low Vitamin D level can also be a cause. I worry about the side effects because I had such an unusually hard time with the chemo (even though I know that doesn't mean I will have any trouble with the Aromasin). I just want to know what others experiences have been for a drug I will have to be on for 5 years. I have never had to be on medication for a long period of time. The only med I really take is Prilosec for reflux and that is only when I need it. (Being a nurse, I know how lucky I am to not be on many meds. Some people take so many meds it is unbelievable!)

    Take Care,


    I've been on this drug for almost three years now. I went on it after surgical menapause done to rule out ovarian cancer, which fortunately I didn't have. At the time the bottle said it may cause drowsiness, so I took it at night. Since then, I've read a number of posts saying that it caused folks to have problems sleeping. Sure enough, when I switched to taking it with breakfast I woke up less at night. I have had very few side effects with the drug. It did not lower my LDL like tamoxifen did, so I'm having to watch my eating habits now. It did seem to be causing some inflamation of my toe joints for a year or so there. A nurse practioner told me to go get my vitamin D tested. It was low and getting on the prescription D 3 brought my level up to normal and my feet finally quite ouching. The orthodics probably didn't hurt either. Now I take the over-the-counter D3 from the health food store. When I skip days, the toes start hurting again. Go figure! I take two 1000 units of D3 every other day to try to keep things under control. It seems to work. I just was retested last week but the results aren't in yet. There are problems to taking too much Vitamin D, so please don't start popping pills without a blood test and a doctor's oversight first. Mind you, my general practictioner admits he doesn't know much about breast cancer and nothing at all about vitamin D problems. There's plenty in the oncology research that you could access as a nurse. Or just talk to your oncologist.

    Good luck with the hot flashes! I turn on the ceiling fan in the summer and flip covers in the winter a lot. A wet bandana on my neck helps alot when I hike on hot days. There is a bright side to them. Hot flashes mean you don't have to run to the bathroom in the winter with cold feet! Just wait a few minutes and they will be warm as toast, then hop out of bed...

    C. Abbott
  • pkline64
    pkline64 Member Posts: 3
    Jadie said:

    Hi Cathy

    I have been on Aromasin for about two years. I have had no side effects from it. One of the lucky ones I guess. However I have had some pain in my toes. We here on this board have wondered if toe (or joint) pain can be a side effect. My vitamin D level is low. That can cause joint pain also. I am taking a perscription vitamin for that. Time will tell.

    What a beautiful grandchild. So sorry about the loss of your mother. Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing with the Aromasin.


    Did you ever get other side effects from the aromasin? I have a severe problem with constant 24/7 indigestion while taking it along with some eye floaters and eye irritation. Have you ever heard of these side effects? I could only have 1 chemo session because of a severe c diff infection so it is important to take something. Were you ever on tamoxifen? Any severe side effects/

