3 word Thanksgiving Story
Next month will
radiation after lumpectomy
Met with radiation oncologist and he said radiation can cause the breast to shrink even to half its size. Has anyone experienced this?
This is all very new new...
Hello everyone! Hey, this is all a very new experience for me and unlike most of you, I'm at the very begining of my jouney. I went for my yearly mammo and luckily enough they found a small enough stage 1 dc form of bc. The biopsy came back double positive and there is a very good chance that I won't need chemo just…
***2015 Ornament Exchange***
Dear Pink Sisters, November 1st, it's that time of year, our annual ornament exchange. I hope people will come out and play—that means you, you, and, oh yes, you:) If you'd like to participate, please PM me with your real name and address (or you can remain anonymous if you wish, but I'll need the address) and I'll send…
The Foob Report
Many of you know that I had a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy with no reconstruction back in January. Since my surgery, I’ve been just “going flat” and loving the comfort and ease of not wearing a bra. Every morning, I just throw on a shirt and go. But…I am very fortunate to have excellent health insurance, and I happen…
Squamous cell carcinoma of the breast
I have just completed chemotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the breast. I'm interested in knowing if anyone else has had this type of rare breast cancer. I'm anxious to read responses to this message.
Second local recurrence with no metastasis (yet?)
I am looking for anyone who has been diagnosed with a second local recurrence of breast cancer and the treatment/outcome you experienced. Did it metastasisze? To date have not found a woman with a case similar to mine. I would love to hear your story! In 2000 (at 36) I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2,…
Mastectomy tomorrow
Tomorrow morning is my surgery. I am having a RT mastectomy with expander inserted & reduction on the LT. I've had so much trouble deciding on what size I want to be. I'm a DDD now that's why I'm having the reduction. First I told Dr a large C. Then at my preop exam yesterday I told him a D. He seemed annoyed at me. Then…
Taxotere and eye issues
I just finished 6 rounds of Taxotere. After round 4 I bEgan to experience very dry eyes. Now after round 6 my eyes are weeping, and I notice a significant change in my vision. I saw an opthalmologist after 4, and I have drops and an eyelid wash. I am wondering if anyone else experienced a vision change. I especially notice…
hot flashes---triple positive
HI. Two questions. I am triple positive and had neoadjuvant chemotherapy cocktail of perjeta, herceptin and taxotere. Tumor shrunk to 1.7 x 7mm. Initially it was 3.1 x 3.2 cm. I decided on bilateral mastectomy with no reconstruction. Sentinel lymph node was clean. The last menstrual cycle was in July. I get many hot…
Hemp Oil
I am in a support group for all cancers. 3 months ago, we got a newbie. He was dx with Leukemia what is now 5 months ago. He started chemo. Did one treatment and quit. His white cell count was back to normal. He had 3 more to go. They did another bone marrow biopsy, the readings were down to .4. I don't know that much…
Emotional support
I am an emotional wreck, I moved to a new city to be with my daughter and she has acted like I am a huge intrusion ever since. I was sick with Heart problems and fybermioliga when I came here and also needed surgery on my neck. Heart problem solved. Before surgery was scheduled for my neck I was diagnosed with breast…
Colon and Breast Cancer at the same time
Dear All, My mother was recently diagnosed with colon (Stage: IIIB) and breast cancer (Stage: II, HER2+). She is 53 years old. She will start her chemo as soon as she heals from her colon resection. Her medical oncologist will put her to Herceptin for the breast and CapeOx (Capecitabine+Oxaliplatin) for the colon. What is…
Prayers please!!!
Hello everyone! I've been cancer free for about 2 years now and am doing fine. However, I would like to request a prayers for my best friend who was just diagnosed with breast cancer and is positive in at least one Gland. She has her first Oncology visit today and will have to have a PET scan to see if it has spread. She…
hello i just had a lumpectomy with bilateral reduction. this occured about 6 days ago. my questions is has anyone who has had a similiar experience had numbness in the axilla where the lymph node was removed? also sharp stabbing pain in that area too. i am attributing this to nerve pain.
New here
My mom found a lump last month and was diagnosed with breast cancer this month. She is her2 positive and estrogen/progesterone negative. She is doing 6 rounds of chemo and then her doctor will determine what to do next regarding surgery and radiation. Her lump is over 5cm (if I remember correctly, but that just sounds…
I had my expander exchange surgery on Oct. 22. It was much easier than the mastectomy. I did have drains again, Yuck, but for only a week. It has been almost 3 weeks and I am still sore in some places. Is that normal? Sometimes it feels like I still have the expanders in. Anyone else have that feeling before? I still thank…
Some side effects I was not aware of
Just wanted to let you know a couple of things that snuck up on me out of the blue that i was not aware of. One morning I woke and did not even recognize myself because my face was so swollen, eyes were slits. It was more like puffy, than swollen. Well anyway, i found out that I had a reaction to the steroid Decadron that…
Hello, Everyone: It's been a while since I've posted here. Quick recap: OVCA in 2000, 2006, breast cancer in 2013. Just wondering if anyone has experienced side affects with Aromasin (examestane)? My CA125 (OVCA marker) has been up and down, but higher than my usual counts. I also have lower leg edema, which I used to only…
11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month is when the Armistice was signed ending WWI. Today, in the States, we celebrate it by remembering ALL Military Veterans on this day. Please take a moment to pause and reflect - not just on this day but all days. I want to send out my send my thoughts, thanks and prayers to…
Hershey Pinks at the Chocolate Spa
Hair loss after 4 1/2 yrs on Tamoxifen
I have been on tamoxifen for 4 1/2 years and I'm just now, in the last month, experiencing a lot of hair loss. It's coming out evenly not in patches. I'm losing enough that I'm having to clean out my hairbrush every few days. I am 47 years old and started having menopause symptoms right after starting chemo. I had my…
Too save nipple, or not save the nipple?
Again, I will post this question for women that have had complete masectomies. Did you have your nipples completely removed? I have the option. The surgeon says that if i have the nipple saved then i will be put on a registry. I guess they are still doing a study if the cancer will come back or not, and also any…
Natural Reconstruction jitters
so my first post. I'm under 40 with two very young children and was diagnosed w invasive breast cancer, hormone +. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've already gone through: chemo (8 weeks AC, 12 taxol), double mastectomy w lymph node removal, and 25 days radiation. still can't believe that. so I have always planned…
November 9th - happy birthday wishes to Katz77
Happy Birthday greetings to you Katz77.. Enjoy your very special day ! Vicki Sam
Back and ovary pain
I'm trying not to freak out but my back pain has been constant since July. Has bone scan in august it was okay. had a ct scan of lower back and it supposedly shows slightly herniated disc. But I don't completely buy that. Then was referred to rheumatologist due to all my myalgias and back pain. Really no answers on the…
lotion after double mastectomy
HI sisters in pink, I had double mastectomy surgery 10-26. Not doing reconstruction. Incisions are closed and still wearing compression bra until Tuesday. Able to shower now instead of sponge bath and drains have been removed. Do you think there is any harm in applying lubriderm lotion to the chest and incisions?
Wondering if anyone is taking an estrogen inhibitor such as Anostrozole or Aromasin? I have been on it for over a year for a bout with breast cancer, and my CA125 seems to be doing the jumping-jacks. It has gone from 13 to 16 back down to 15 up to 28 then 35 now back to 31. My CT for OVCA follow-up is clear, but given how…
My CSN space
I was wondering what you all do when you get older and "grow out" of the age range on your CSN space? I will be over my range in a couple of months. Should I change it or leave it like it was when I got diagnosed? It's a wonderful feeling getting older and being able to do this, don't you think?? Love to all, Anna
Pain, pain, go away, come back another day...
Okay. So I've joined this site: I have pain and for some weird reason, I thought others might understand what that mean. I'm a 46-year-old female, technical writer from Florida...I had chemo, a bi-lateral mastectomy and radiation. I have terrible pain in my hands, hips, legs; all pain extends everywhere but now my fingers…