6 year anniversary
Hey Guys! I havent been on here in a long time. Just needed to tell someone that it has been 6 years today when I had my last chemo treatment. FINALLY the oncologist said I can start coming in every year now instead of every six months. I'm still on Arimedix and have a lot of side effects but I'm still here. Hope everyone…
Happy Birthday to Lucy 07 -- November 6th
Happy birthday Lucy 07 - hoping all your dreams come true ! enjoy all that is in store for you today. Vicki Sam
double mastectomy Oct 26
Just posting an update. I saw the surgeon yesterday. Surgery has been slated for October 26th for double mast. I'm triple positive. Initial mri had mass size at 3.2 x 3.1 cm. With three rounds of taxotere, herceptin, and perjeta chemo, it's down to 7mm x 1.7 cm. I'm very scared of the surgery and what the sentinel node…
Last chemo treatment
Hello, friends Tomorrow I will be having my 6 th and final chemo treatment . While I should be elated at this event, I am finding that I am more nervous than when I began in July. I have a tumor that had tethered itself to the pectoral wall. So far it seems that it has shrunk, but is still attached. I am worried about the…
Radiation and itching
New to this board and I see the helpful advice you have given to others so I thought I would ask a question. I finished chemotherapy and radiation treatment for my breast cancer. My last session of radiation was in August. My problem is that I still have terrible issues with itching on the breast that was treated. I was…
Happy Birthday shout out to LadyG
Georgia - wishing you a wonderfull Birthday filled with love, and health!! Vicki Sam
Happy birthday greeting to Kimlataoka
Happy Birthday to YOU! November 4th ... Hoping you enjoy your very special day Vicki Sam
I need the Pink Bus for a lady I met today at the Cancer Support Center
Please bring out the bus for Ms Whitfield. I met her today at the Cancer Support Center. This is her first time having Chemo. As we know Chemo can be yucky. I will make some cupcakes for her journey. Thank you for your support. Ballerina06
Pink Bus
I have noticed-no requests for the PINK Bus lately-that seems like it is a good thing! Denise
Avastin chemo Drug -- Has anyone here taken it?
Hi everyone! So my friend is now facing brain mets. She received full brain radiation and it did not work as well as they wished it did. They are now offering the chemo drug called Avastin, which is usually used for brain cancer but they have seen good results with it for breast cancer brain mets. Has anyone here taken…
Hi, Can someone please help me understand BIRAD D4?
My family has abandoned me
I have read so many stories of how families rally around their family member with cancer. My situation couldn't be more different. I feel that my family has abandoned me. I am single and I have a mom and three older brothers. All are local except for one brother. When I was first diagnosed I told my brothers. The two who…
WBC: How low is too low?
I know what the normal range is, but how low does your WBC need to be before they defer your treatment? I'm supposed to get my last chemo this coming Wednesday, but my WBC has dropped each time. Last time it was barely within the normal range. I do get neulasta every time. I'm worried this time it will be too low. I want…
Christmas ornament
Hi everyone.Havent been on for awhile.I am a six year surviver.Dont know to many on the boards anymore.Are we having a ornament exchange this year?I always look forward to it.Thank everyone.
Sad news
This past Thursday, October 22, we lost another friend, our dear sister, Miss Renee. She fought long and hard! a seven year battle. Her husband, Kevin, son Bob and friend Linda were with her. With classical music playing, candles burning and pictures playing of their trip to Paris, she left us.
Hormone Therapy - 10 years?
I really thought I'd made up my mind that I would quit at 5 years in spite of the "latest research". I visited the oncologist today and said, I'll be at 5 years in February, I have enough pills on this prescription to last me through December, how about if I quit end of December? I was given the speech for 10 years and…
Belated Birthday shout out to Teresa 41 - October 23rd *
Birthday greetings to you, Teresa 41 .. a day late, sorry. Hoping all your dreams come true - Enjoy, celebrate life. Vicki Sam
Clinical Trials - Fasting Mimicking diet for Cancer Patients
There is promising work in early stages of clinical trials which uses various forms of short term fasting (or fasting mimicking diet) to strengthen the bodies normal cellular response while tamping down the cellular signals which can speed cancer growth. One researcher working in this area is Valter Longo. Here is a link…
The American Cancer Society Changes Guidelines
https://www.yahoo.com/health/in-shift-cancer-experts-suggest-fewer-mammograms-152825571.html I totally disagree with the ACS recommending women start getting mammograms at age 45 instead of age 40. There are how many women on this site and breastcancer.org that got cancer diagnosed between 40-45 years of age???? Also, 55…
Nice Surprise from my Oncologist today.
I went for my 6 month check up today and was told that I do not have to come back for a year. Imagine that, a whole year. Yea. for me. I also went to the CTU and gave away 37 chemo caps. Yep, I am still doing that. Hugs to all, Donna
Hair growth
can anyone tell me what a good vitamin is to take to help grow my hair back... ?
May have brain mets
The last of August kept thinking I was going to get a headache or my neck would feel stiff. September the headaches came and they seemed like the were behind my left eye. Three weeks ago the pain was so severe behind my left eye that Ihad nausea and kept feeling like my head was bobbing. Went to the Dr. who sent me to an…
I am back (NOT that anyone noticed I was gone) lol
I was off the grid for over a week, while at the Mouse House aka Walt Disney World. (4 friends from different states-all meet for great trip) I now am reading to catch up on everyone's posts! Denise
October 16th - Happy Birthday to Coral2015
Adriana - happy birthday wishes to you! Enjoy this special day...celebrate all the love, and joy in your life. Vicki Sam
screen names-curuious if what they mean to everyone
mine is disneyfan2008-kind of self explanatory My addiction started in 1971 (first year WDW opened and my parents took me-no clue where we were going. NOW I go annually! MY grandkids according to my family, have been brainwashed by me for them to LOVE Disney! Denise
Need advice about bilateral masectomy reconstruction survivors
I had a bilateral masectomy last December. I am still sore around the area that the lump was removed. I have been told it could take awhile for this to go away. I am also struggling with the reconstruction .I had the expanders removed last April. I had surgery I September that the silicone bag had to be removed to build…
I had a PET Scan last week, got the results today....
and everything else inside of me is clear of any cancer. I have a spot on my right breast, same as 5 years ago, same breast, nothing in the left one. So I am meeting up with a surgeon on the 15th to discuss whatever options I have. The oncologist did advice me they have to come off whether I want them to or not. I'm just…
BRCA 2 ladies - how long was your 1st remission after frontline treatment?
I was told that BRCA 1 and 2 patients have longer remissions so I am trying to see if this is true. I am BRCA 2 and have uterine serous carcinoma stage 4B. My remission is approaching 5 years. Are there others out there like me? Thanks.
strange? Juverderm after chemo is complete.. Yes or NO
Hi, This might seem vain, and sorry, but the only reason why i am considering is that before i was diagnosed with Breast cancer i had gotten a injections of jueverderm. Yes, i know how selfish and vain it may seem, but i always wanted my lips bigger so i did it. Well, i have some juverderm left over, and now i am done with…
Hello everyone... I havent been on for awhile. I do appreciate everyones responses when I do have concerns. With all my appointments and runninig my children around to their activities I am so exhausted. I know I have asked this question before but was wanting advice again on scanning. I know my onc says the guidelines now…