Has anyone out there stage 1 and opted out of taking hormone therapy
I am curious to know if there is any others out there like me who were dx stage 1 IDC 2.2cm lump, mastectomy, no nodes involved that decided not to do any thing further than the 4 rounds of chemo? Lorrie
Lupron shot tomorrow
I was DX in July (stage 2, estrogen +, Braca negative). in August, I had a lumpectomy with a relatively easy recovery (though - the scar tissue still hurts). I am now on week 3 of radiation and am feeling fine (using Myraderm). Tomorrow is my first Lupron shot and I am so nervous. I have been "lucky" to date but I just…
Scalp Tenderness After Hair Loss and a Few Other Questions
Hey Ladies, I had Taxol and Herceptin treatment #5 today and and doing very well with only a few side effects such as headaches, sniffles, and the dreaded sty. I travel on an airplane for work almost weekly and have been able to work so I know God is in the driver's seat with my treatments! Last week, I began having quite…
Depression, Panic Scared
I have been through chemo,double masctiomy and radiation. After the radiation I have been going throug a terrible depression, anxiety and panic attacks. I live a lone no family and my friends are fading on me. I am so very scared . I have been told I need to check into a hospital psychic ward to get on meds, however, I…
Tissue expander shape/size vs. implant shape/size
Hey ladies, It's been said that they are no dumb questions, but this may be the first one. If I'd heard someone ask it a year ago, I would have thought they were looney. But ... I'm having a hard time deciding when to stop with my fills with the tissue expanders. I didn't think it would be hard to decide. My problem is ...…
What to wear to work during the 7 weeks of radiation
Hi all. Starting radiation today and I'm just a little puzzled about what to wear if/when my skin starts to burn. I saw something about plain white t-shirts, which I bought. But having had a lumpectomy, I still have to hold up the breasts I have left! The radiation nurse said that anything constricting and rubbing the skin…
How has breast cancer spoken to you?
Hi guys, I was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago. I had HER positive, hormone negative, stage 1, grade four invasive ductal carcinoma, in the form of Paget's disease of the breast. I underwent a double mastectomy, one round of fertility treatment, 6 rounds of chemo, one year of herception and now that I look…
Taking a Hiatus
I skim the board here a lot, sometimes commenting while other times just reading. In 10 days I will be having a total shoulder replacement done. That makes me think that getting out my laptop and typing things will, for a bit, be a chore. My shoulder issue goes back to a sports injury in my mid-30s. Never did heal from…
changing oncologist
I was wondering if anyone else has had to change oncologist due to them not listening to you. I have new swelling and lumps around breast implant and pain into collar bone and hip. My onc just says im a tough case. Hes usually not interested in answering my questions or listening to me. He seems to just want to be right…
Lumpectomy recovery
I've been doing well recovering from chemo, UM, and radiation, losing weight and slooooowly gaining fitness back. However, now I need a lumpectomy on the other side because there's some precancerous calcifications and they want to get them out to be sure since I'm high risk. Anyway, for those of you who had lumpectomies,…
Treatment plan
I met with my oncologist yesterday.She did blood work to test me for the breast cancer gene since I am TN and have a family history of breat cancer.My mom had bc and was also TN but she was never tested.So if I'm postive there is a 50/50 chance my daughter and sister could also be postive.I'm waiting for the doctor to make…
Omg, my poor anus
Sorry yall, this one is NOT pretty. With both rounds, i have had _terrible guts_: grinding, cramping, "diarrhea NOW!" only practically nothing comes out... Have discovered Depends pull-ups, which are a godsend and allow me to at least have a little dignity. Rarely do they get soiled at all, but i must admit that at 3-4am,…
I'm sorry. I ruined the 3 Word Story
Let's start over! It was a
Survivors who have had open heart surgery??
Hi, I'm wondering if there might be any bc survivors out there who have had open heart surgery, & if so how it has worked out. I'm going to be needing a mitral valve replacement soon ( likely from my left side radiation 6 years ago) & am worried about the outcome- it seems past radiation causes poor healing & increased…
I just noticed there has been no requests for the PINK bus! Nice group to ride along with on the way to appts.
Had Lumpectomy, now Called need to take a Lymph Node
Hi everyone i had a Lumpectomy on 8/17/16 and really not too many issues some tenderness but for the most part wasn't too bad. However today the surgeon called and told me that the pathology report came back the DCIS was more than they thought and now I have to have surgery to remove the Lymph Node(s). I may also need…
Sores won't heal
i just joined this forum today looking for advice on sores that won't heal. Had reconstruction after mastectomy last november. I developed what I thought was a rash on the underside of the reconstructed breast. I thought it was from having to wear a bra 24/7. Turns out it was not a rash, but recurrence of the breast…
Update on Brain Radiation
Hi everyone. Thought it was time for an update. The radiation to the brain was the hardest, mainly due to the steroids and the radiation itself. I have had whole body cramping since 2 days after starting the steroids, we lowered the dose, but can't stop it as it is keeping the swelling down. Like finished the rads 20 days…
My 76 year old Mom has Stage 4 IDC Breast Cancer
I'm new here and need some support. My Mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Estrogen positive IDC in May of this year. She had her left breast and 12 lymph nodes removed July 12th. She then developed an infection after surgery and had to wait 6 weeks to have her drains removed. When we met with the oncologist at post-op she…
Diagnostic Testing
About 10 years ago I had an abnormal mammogram and when they did the biopsy they removed my mamory glands and all of my milk ducts due to calcification throughout. The surgeon felt that it was precancerous and that I should be watched closely. Flash forward to last week and my yearly check up. The night before my husband…
Big decision. Please help!
I am going to have my exchange surgery next week. I have been having some complications on the side where I had cancer and radiation. I had ultrasound and it came out normal. My surgeon says when he goes in to take out expanders and finds I am too red and inflamed then he won't put the implant in. He wants to know what to…
lingering dry mouth & mouth soreness
Does anyone know how long the dry mouth symptoms last after chemo? I finished all my treatments (ACT) 11 days ago and still have soreness & severe dry mouth. I drink a TON of water throughout the day, use biotene mouthwash, salt/baking soda rinse, crest mouthwash (no alcohol in it) and brush at least 3 times a day. I am…
Breast Augmentation
Long Time No Post
The gift that keeps giving now has giving me lyphedema on my left side no fun. I had a scare of bone pain that could have been its back thankfully it was negative. Now i have an exhusband that had put me on the streets he wanted another female he lost. thankfully im 6yrs out and has a ned with NED but the side effect of…
1st oncology appt after lumpectomy
Hi - This is my first post. I have found so many of your post immensely helpful over the past month so thank you for your sharing and insight. I was DX about a month ago and had a lumpectomy (2.4 cm tumor, both invasive and en situ). and SNB 2 weeks ago. Recovery has been very easy, I am happy to report. Tomorrow is my…
Breast Cancer spread to liver???
I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with Breast Cancer im 39 years old. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,Estrogen Progestrone positive and HERS 2 positive. Was schedule for a lumpectomy this Thursday Sept 3rd, but surgeon postponed surgery due to the finding what appears to be cancer on my liver until I see an Oncologist. All other tests…
Arimidex and fibromyalgia
This has probably been on before, but I couldn't locate it... I have fibromalgia (also, at 56, a little bursitis, arthritis). Starting Arimidex. I know that many have complained about joint pain - did it get any better, did something else work. Does someone on Arimidex have fibromyalgia and how are you! My onc definately…
Additional risks of hormone therapy?
Hello - I am about to begin radiation. I am 42 and had a ++-, 2.4cm removed via lumpectomy a few weeks ago. The nodes were clear. My Onco DX score is a 12 and my genetic factors came back negative. In short, I feel like I have been extremely fortunate. My oncologist suggests hormone therapy/chemopause, starting next month.…
Recurrence after BMX latissimus flap reconstruction
I thought I'd all but eliminated my recurrence chances! NOT!!! Mon, 08/22/2016 - 4:10pm — Lisa-Nana to 5 I may be a little long winded so I'll apologize in advance. In April 2008 I was diagnosed with DCIS In my right breast. I felt gut punched. I was only 44 and I was in the final month of wedding planning for my youngest…
Double masectomy with reconstruction?
HI, I will try and make this as short as possible. I am set to have my surgery on the 25th. First it will be 8 weeks since my last chemo. So i am worried that it is so long since my last chemo that some of cancer might of come back. Although the doctors don't seem concerned. I did have IDC with her2 so i am still doing…