I lost my grip on 'Reality' a few days ago, and finding it 'DIFFICULT' to recover -- YIKES
I decided many months ago to volunteer at my Oncology Center - many many months ago - my way of 'playing it forward' .. I have been spending 1 to 2 days at St. Joseph's Cancer Center .. -- well .. Friday, I went in with my 4 dozen cup cakes and made my rounds - handing out blankets, coffee - chatting to patients, Nursing…
I go to see my onco today so he can check on how my ornery rash and tummy troubles are doing (both are much better). He tells me I am doing well and he is pleased with how things are going, gives me a hug and tells me he will see me in 4 months. I head over to my husbands doctor appointment with his skin doctor secure in…
exchange surgery - 10 days and counting !!!
Just had to share that I got my exchange surgery date - November 16th! If you don't know already - i can't WAIT to get these expanders out!! I'm completely maxed out - 850ccs! I was getting 100cc fills every 2 weeks until about a month and a half ago. I was in so much pain after a fill that I was in tears -every muscle…
Does it seem most here did chemotherapy before mastectomy??? Am I missing something? Maybe because the surgeon could palpate the lymph nodes ???? Hoping I'm getting the right treatment!
Heard someone on the discussion board mention using Claritin along with the Neulasta shot? Does this help with side effects? Lowered the dose of the Dex steroid this time to 1 4mg. tab before, morning off, at night and for two consecutive nights. Any ideas on lowering side effects of Neulasta shot?
funnnnyyyyy clip
Chemo starts next thurs. Strange but I'm excited to get this going! All tests came back good. MRI after pet shows no clinical significance. Genetic test neg. Etc.... Bring on remission! Few more months!
Needed a 'Ha Ha' for today ..
TOP TEN REASONS TO GO TO WORK NAKED... 1. Your boss is always yelling, "I wanna see your **** in here by 8:00!" 2. Can take advantage of computer monitor radiation to work on your tan. 3. "I'd love to chip in, but I left my wallet in my pants." 4. To stop those creepy guys in Marketing from looking down your blouse. 5. You…
Eating Before
Should I eat before chemo or is it better for me not to eat at all? Thank You In Advance Judy
During a chat with the National Cancer Institute....
I learned that their top (!!!!!!!) site to recommend is (wait for it!!!) CSN!!!!! I thanked her, and also told her about the 'new' long term survivor's board.... We ARE OUT THERE, CSN'ers!!!! Hugs, Kathi
First Radiation!
Hi, I had my first radiation today and I felt very tyred, is that normal? what advise do you have to take care of the skin? what do you think is best? thank you for sharing with me!
First I want to thank you all for your posts. While I haven't posted much here, I've lurked, and I have found comfort in the sharing, the encouragement, the laughs, and the courage of you all. Its been a hell of a year for me. Last June I was diagnosed with DCIS, opted for mastectomy. End of July found a second primary…
Had "thrush". Onc. gave me a prescription and it cleard up. Now it seems to be back. Has anyone else had this happen? Still using the prescription. See the Onc. on Tuesday and will ask him about it then. Chemo #2 on Tuesday, dreading it; realize that this is the half way mark though. Two more to go. Should be done by…
Chemo Brain
What does this term mean?
Mammograms and Implants... what to do???
What is your take on Mammograms after reconstruction with implants? I keep getting conflicting information from my docs. What are your Doctors saying??
waiting for new hair!
I finished my last of 6 chemos on 6/23 and 30 of radiation on 9/2. my hair seems to be coming in, thick, but does not seem to be getting any longer. Anyone else deal with this? I am really hoping to get back to work by dec 6th as i have been on disability pretty much since jan.
Want to get this crap started!!
I had my mastectomy on September 29. Still no chemo started. I know it will probably be a 6 month every 3 week regime but when will it start???? I have another appt on Wednesday with oncology doc so maybe I will know? I'm over the wait and the longer it's put off the further into summer I go with no hair!!! How long after…
Silver lining -cancer
Oddly after 17 yrs of U.C. (ulcertive colitis)& it at it's ultimate worst during surgery and radiation-Once I started taking Tamoxifen-(not sure how long after I started) I noticed my colitis is like NON-existant! I can eat and drink anything-totally like I dont' even have it. (UC) My onolcogist told me that is the silver…
Radiation Boosters question
Wednesday starts boosters....any comments on what to expect? ...more fatigue, more sever burns????? Not getting much info from nurses or onc on this. I am scheduled for 5 days of boosters on the incision area.
First Chemo
I go Nov 10th for my first chemo. At that time I will have; OV TCH CBC STAT CMP Taxotere and Carboplatin. Getting nervous. I am thinking that after the first infusion, the scary stuff is over That nothing new (unknown) will happen. How about it ladies tell me it is true?
What was your favorite toy you received at Christmas as a child
Chatty Cathy..anyone remember her?
Latissimus Dorsi reconstruction on already radiated skin
Anyone have a Latissimus Dorsi breast reconstruction on skin that has already been radiated? I am trying to decide between that and a DIEP Tram. I had radiation 8 years ago. Issue is size. Not a lot of tummy fat.
struggling today
I am struggling right now. I was dx in 2/10, went through radiation and had no support. I am still struggling with the feelings of inadequacy and what is wrong with me since no one was there during this horrific time in my life. The side effects are excruciating and long-lingering. There is no support group within a 50…
tightness in upper arm, armpit and behind arm..
..my surgeon says is still healing. But this is new in last 2 weeks since drain is out. My masectomy was about 6wks ago. I still need to be aspirated due to seroma. But the heavieness in my upper arm and tightness acrossed my chest and breast bone is uncomfortable and causes me concern. Should I listen to dr or insist on…
Still no answers!
I wrote about about pressure/pain around right eye. Had lots of blood work on last Mon. which showed nothing 'wrong'. Had a PET on Wed which did show that there is no mets/cancer anywhere. Saw eye Dr this am. He can't find anything (other than he wanted to change my prescription so ordered new glasses for me) - no glaucoma…
Something Very Strange Happened
First the good news. The breast surgeon said no cancer. That was a big relief. The strange part: Whie I was waiting in the examining room waiting for the doctor, in my head I heard my sister (who has breast cancer and is now in hospice care)talking to me telling me everything was going to be okay and that she loved me. She…
i 've been up all night with spasms in my back not sure what to do can someone help me.....
Just a little tired of being a trooper (long rant)
Well, I had a lumpectomy in May, started chemo in June (TAC) finished Oct 1st. Now I go in for double mastectomy and reconstruction this Wed. I've been trying so hard to keep a happy face on and let everyone know I'm going to be alright (at least that's what the odds say). As surgery gets closer and more people and wishing…
just wondering
is everyone told their doctor is the best? both my surgeon and radiation oncologist have the credentials to back up their reputations, but i am wondering if others do. . .