Silver lining -cancer

disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Oddly after 17 yrs of U.C. (ulcertive colitis)& it at it's ultimate worst during surgery and radiation-Once I started taking Tamoxifen-(not sure how long after I started) I noticed my colitis is like NON-existant! I can eat and drink anything-totally like I dont' even have it. (UC) My onolcogist told me that is the silver lining to cancer! Time will tell in 4 yrs once I no longer have to take it-but for now IT' Great!


  • skipper85
    skipper85 Member Posts: 229
    That's Great!

    UC is nasty. So glad you're rid of it. Hang in there - you're going to be okay. Lots of good wishes for good health and happiness.


  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    skipper85 said:

    That's Great!

    UC is nasty. So glad you're rid of it. Hang in there - you're going to be okay. Lots of good wishes for good health and happiness.



    Wow, that's great. I guess
    Wow, that's great. I guess something good had to come out of this beast! :)
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    Wow, that's great. I guess
    Wow, that's great. I guess something good had to come out of this beast! :)

    that is what oncologist said
    she is the one that said that is my SILVER LINING!...ahhhhhh nice after so many years...of having it-bad , real bad and terriable!
  • Disney, that's great news :)
    Disney, that's great news :) I love it when we can pick alittle "good" out of a boatload of "notsogood"...

    Blessings and hugs,
  • Disney, that's great news :)
    Disney, that's great news :) I love it when we can pick alittle "good" out of a boatload of "notsogood"...

    Blessings and hugs,