This Board Can Be Depressing Sometimes, But The Lung Cancer Board..Wow

Hubby Member Posts: 325
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I've been reading the lung cancer board due to my sister's diagnosis, and it's a very sad place. You start to notice that there are a few people who have been there a while, but not many. A lot of people show up asking for answers for their loved ones, but there is an underlying sense of hopelessness and dispair in the posts.

The Breast Cancer board gives so much hope and inspiration; I'm thankful for all of you here; Polyanna's one good thing about all of this; a line from a song from "Wicked"- Because I knew you,I have been changed for good.

Sister update: Second opinion today; stage 4 lung cancer (hasn't smoked in 25 years) with mets to liver, ribs, shoulder, adrenal gland, and brain; cyberknife scheduled for tomorrow. Her spirits are shockingly great.

Donna update: Rads going well with a little fatigue. 13 down (after today's)8 to go.

As for me, I'm kind of numb; I don't know what I feel right now; incredibly happy and sad at the exact same time.

It's crazy!!!


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Do you feel like you are
    Do you feel like you are standing there and rocks are being thrown at you? On one hand you want to celebrate as Donna finishes her treatments, bu then you are worried about your sister. I hope she does ok. Although I know the prognosis can be tough. Thank you Hubby for being you. Big Hugs!
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    carkris said:

    Do you feel like you are
    Do you feel like you are standing there and rocks are being thrown at you? On one hand you want to celebrate as Donna finishes her treatments, bu then you are worried about your sister. I hope she does ok. Although I know the prognosis can be tough. Thank you Hubby for being you. Big Hugs!

    Like standing in the middle
    Like standing in the middle of a hurricane, wondering whats gonna hit you next! God bless you, sometimes it's in the middle of the storm that God meets us! Hugs...alison
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    I know what you mean about the other boards
    While I was doing radiation, I often sat next to patients who were getting treatment for other forms of cancer. And they'd be telling me about their various treatment plans, very different from breast cancer treatment, and I'd think, no, really -- you can't be serious, they're doing WHAT to you? So I'd come home and check out a board here to get more information.

    I finally had to just forbid myself to do that -- at least while I was still going through treatment myself and kind of shaky emotionally anyway. The treatments that folks with other forms of cancer go through seem to me often so much worse than what most of us who have breast cancer go through.

    Cancer sure ain't for the faint of heart, that's for sure.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    I know what you mean about the other boards
    While I was doing radiation, I often sat next to patients who were getting treatment for other forms of cancer. And they'd be telling me about their various treatment plans, very different from breast cancer treatment, and I'd think, no, really -- you can't be serious, they're doing WHAT to you? So I'd come home and check out a board here to get more information.

    I finally had to just forbid myself to do that -- at least while I was still going through treatment myself and kind of shaky emotionally anyway. The treatments that folks with other forms of cancer go through seem to me often so much worse than what most of us who have breast cancer go through.

    Cancer sure ain't for the faint of heart, that's for sure.


    I chatted with a thyroid cancer survivor....
    I 'shared' my treatment regime (on the rectal cancer), she, hers...we both thought that the other had it way, way worse!!!!

    It's true, it's different. But attached to it all is all the mental stuff.....

    Hugs to us all...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    It is good to hear the news
    It is good to hear the news about Donna but I am so sorry at your sister's diagnosis. It must be so difficult to feel so joyful about your wife and yet, so saddened by what her sister is experiencing. I think that your sister and you must be very similar. You say her spirits are shockingly great and in all your posts about Donna I have always seen a strength and a brave spirit as well. For whatever lies ahead, her spirit will help her. And she is blessed to have you there with her. Celebrate Donna's good news. I am so glad she is nearly done with rads. Acknowledge the sorrow that you are feeling over your sister whether it is tears, a silent or vocal rant, or just hugging her as close to you as you can. My prayers are with you for both of those you love so dear.
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    Donna and NED
    Donna just had her six month follow up with her surgeon today who told her she was perfect; come back in a year!!!

    My sister got on the roller coaster today. Holding off on cyberknife' starting chemo next week. She still is good spirits.
  • Hubby said:

    Donna and NED
    Donna just had her six month follow up with her surgeon today who told her she was perfect; come back in a year!!!

    My sister got on the roller coaster today. Holding off on cyberknife' starting chemo next week. She still is good spirits.

    Wooo Hoooo!
    Doin the happy dance with you and Donna (and of course NED!!) Now, enjoy the next 12 months and celebrate life! Your positive energy will be so contagious and beneficial to your sister as she tackles the hurdles ahead. I bet Donna will enjoy sharing the care - it always makes me feel sooo "useful" to pay it forward.

    Blessings and hugs,
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Hubby said:

    Donna and NED
    Donna just had her six month follow up with her surgeon today who told her she was perfect; come back in a year!!!

    My sister got on the roller coaster today. Holding off on cyberknife' starting chemo next week. She still is good spirits.

    Congratulation to Donna!!
    With your help, she made it to NED. Enjoy the dance, Donna, and wishing you many, many years of NED. I'll be thinking about your sister and sending encouragement and strength her way to tackle the beast and kick its arse.
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Bombs falling all around you
    Bombs falling all around you ....and the flowers springing up in the spaces where the bombs are not falling.

    Hard to get ones head around the juxtaposition of something so deeply sad and something so wonderfully beautiful. How to feel it all.

    Take care.