Quick chemo route or longer??

ccincin Member Posts: 82
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was given the option of doing chemo every 2 weeks for 16 weeks or every 3 for 24 weeks. I would love to get it over with quicker but my husband is really against it. He thinks it will be too hard on me. I work full time and we have a very crazy active almost 5 yr old!

Did anyone do the every 2 week route?

I really wanted to be done quicker for two reasons...it's our 10 yr anniversary April 14 and my 40th bday on May 1. Was hoping to enjoy them a little more!!


  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Hi, I did the every 2 weeks
    Hi, I did the every 2 weeks for 16 weeks. I didn't have a little one to take care of, but it was very doable for me. The worse thing was my stomach issues, bouts of constipation or diarreah and fatigue. I was fine all day but around 2 or 3 pm I had to take a nap. Also went to bed early.
    Hope this helps, but we are all different as you know by reading these posts. My cocktail was ACT. 4 of A/C and 4 of Taxol.
    Good luck with your decision.
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    I didn't have the option just did every 2 weeks for 16 weeks, it wasn't easy but I'm considerably older that you. I'd go for the short version. However, I don't have a 5 yr. old and I was to sick to work during chemo, so your husband might be right! I am so sorry you have had to deal with the "beast" at such a young age. I had just turned 50 when I was dx'ed and thought, I was too young. I am very bothered by how much younger than I, many sisters are, that have to deal with the ravages of bc. God bless you and your family! Hugs....alison
  • Jean T. Szabo
    Jean T. Szabo Member Posts: 193

    I didn't have the option just did every 2 weeks for 16 weeks, it wasn't easy but I'm considerably older that you. I'd go for the short version. However, I don't have a 5 yr. old and I was to sick to work during chemo, so your husband might be right! I am so sorry you have had to deal with the "beast" at such a young age. I had just turned 50 when I was dx'ed and thought, I was too young. I am very bothered by how much younger than I, many sisters are, that have to deal with the ravages of bc. God bless you and your family! Hugs....alison

    Had no option...Have to do 4 chemo treatments, 3 weeks apart. On Chemo #2. Halfway through...keeping that in mind makes it easier. #3 is on Nov. 30th.
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member

    Had no option...Have to do 4 chemo treatments, 3 weeks apart. On Chemo #2. Halfway through...keeping that in mind makes it easier. #3 is on Nov. 30th.

    My survival rate was higher
    My survival rate was higher doing it every 2 weeks than every 3, so I went with every 2. Did 4 A/C and 1 Taxol; 17 herceptins; 35 radiations. I had the option of going to every 3 weeks if it got too hard.
  • ccincin
    ccincin Member Posts: 82
    Sher43009 said:

    My survival rate was higher
    My survival rate was higher doing it every 2 weeks than every 3, so I went with every 2. Did 4 A/C and 1 Taxol; 17 herceptins; 35 radiations. I had the option of going to every 3 weeks if it got too hard.

    was your survival rate higher? I was told that it was the same outcome just harder to do? I won't need herceptin so maybe that's why?
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I did the first 4 (A/C)
    I did the first 4 (A/C) doses at 2 week intervals - wasn't bad at all = just tired for 2 days out of 2 weeks and resting took care of the 'tired' on those days. With the second batch of doses, I opted for 12 weekly doses of Taxol as Dr T. said it was the more aggressive way to go (your chemo remains at a more even/constant level). He had talked with several other Drs at other CCI's around the country and they were of the same opinion so for me it was the only thing to do - hit it hard and fast. With Taxol, I was completely exhausted for 5 days a week and tired (rest didn't help) the other 2 days. Many go through Taxol easier than A/C but I didn't - just how we're all so different. I'm a 'stay at home wife' and only have the horses to care for so it was do-able with Hubby and our adult Son doing most of everything during that time.
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    ccincin said:

    was your survival rate higher? I was told that it was the same outcome just harder to do? I won't need herceptin so maybe that's why?

    I think it was because there
    I think it was because there is more A/C still in your system when you get another treatment. It gave me a 3% higher rate. I am (was) ER/PR and HER2+. I wanted it over with ASAP so it worked for me. I was suppose to have 4 Taxols, but couldn't do more than 1 and lost the 3% so only time will tell if it was worth it or not. For now I'm BC free. Either way is not fun but you'll get through it.
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I did every 3 weeks with one
    I did every 3 weeks with one go-round, then I think the second (different drugs) was weekly, then herceptin was every 3, I think. No guarantee that my memory is accurate. None of it made me sick, just took a nap every day after work and could not eat mexican food (very sad). Also hairloss and hot/cold flashes, but not enough to keep me from working full-time.

    Hope it goes well for you, seof
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    seof said:

    I did every 3 weeks with one
    I did every 3 weeks with one go-round, then I think the second (different drugs) was weekly, then herceptin was every 3, I think. No guarantee that my memory is accurate. None of it made me sick, just took a nap every day after work and could not eat mexican food (very sad). Also hairloss and hot/cold flashes, but not enough to keep me from working full-time.

    Hope it goes well for you, seof

    I did every two weeks, the
    I did every two weeks, the 12 weeks of taxol. I was too sick during chemo to work however. I am still glad I did the Ac every two weeks.
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hi -
    I had chemo every 2

    Hi -
    I had chemo every 2 weeks, 6 rounds. AND i have a just turned 2 year old! The fatigue was unbelievable, and I dont work outside of our home. It got to the point where, between my 2nd and 3rd chemo treatments, we put our youngest daughter in daycare, because i just couldnt keep up with her. I am very glad that i went every 2 weeks, because it seemed to fly by. My mom is 60 and is also doing the every 2 weeks. Her first chemo was really hard for her, and she ended up with an infection in her breast from the drain tube, had to postpone her 2nd chemo for almost 2 weeks, be on antibiotice & have another drain put in for 3 days. But she did SO MUCH better with her 2nd and 3rd chemos.
    In all honesty, I think that the fatigue pretty much takes over your body whenever you're on chemo - you're going to be drained whether you have 2 or 3 weeks in between treatments, might as well feel crappy for the shorter time period & go every 2 weeks! Ultimately, though, you have to do what YOU feel is best for you & what you want!
    Best of luck & good health to you!
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Is it possible to start with
    Is it possible to start with every 2 weeks, and if it's too much switch to every 3 weeks? Or vice versa?

    Also (don't want to be the downer here, but...)there is the possibility that something will throw the schedule off. I think dehydration, infection, low blood counts are the most common culprits. So remember to drink lots of water (I start pushing the water a couple days before treatments).

    With work and a young one, you have to do what is right for you and your family. Congratulations on 10 years together!

    I'm going every 3 weeks, 6 treatments of TAC. The onc felt that since I'm doing all 3 drugs at once, that I would need the extra time. And, in my case, he was right.


  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    My wife did every other week
    Dose dense AC/T was developed by a doctor at Sloan Kettering and is the every other week regimen. He used some math to develop this; the theory is that the cancer cells don't have time to recover. Donna chose this because they told her it would be the least chance of reccurance.

    Have you gotten a second opinion?

    In the end, you are going to have to decide what is right for you.
