2 years post treatment & I have a question
Hi all, I am two years post treatment for my BC recurrence, and I'm doing great, although my stamina & energy levels have not returned completely. I retired from my day-job a year ago & now I work about 25 hours/week at my church. I LOVE it. My question is about the bone/joint/muscle pain associated with Taxotere & blood…
Skipper85 - How are you doing?
I know things have been really rough for you. I hope you are hanging in there and taking good care of yourself. I said it to you once before, it seems hardly fair that one person has to deal with so much all at once. I just hope you find the strength you so desperately need to be your husband's side and comfort him during…
I'm back: Friend has ER/PR -; Her2+
Hi everyone! I'm back to actively reading the boards and need a little advice for my friend. She just had ultrasound biopsy: ER/PR neg; Her2 pos. She is having a PET scan tomorrow and is still interviewing surgeons. Tumor is 2 inches, high grade IDC. They want to start chemo soon and surgery after it shrinks. Providing the…
Prognostic Markers - HER-2/neu
I had a partial mastectomy 10 days ago. Today I had an app't with the surgeon. Every thing is good on my pathology report with the exception of one concern. She really didn't want to discuss it - told me to make an app't with my oncologist. The report says this: HER-2 /neu borderline by IMC and amplified (3-7) by FISH. The…
Update on me
Since I am here I guess I should give you an update. A week and a half before Thankdsgiving i had a double mastectomy with trans flap reconstruction, then a few days before X-Mass I had the second phase of reconstruction, my doctor actually gave me my nipples at that time. so all that is left is the tatoos and the clean up…
I am numb
I am numb from the news of our beloved Moopster.I still can't believe it.The human side of me wants to shrink away and act like it hasn't happened-I have never taken death well. I know that it is something that is going to happen to all of us,because I am a Christian and have a relationship with Jesus-I am not as…
Here I am again...
I'm a three year survivor, but here I come again with a problem. No, it's not a recurrence, but it's my tamoxifen. I may be faced with the decision to go off all estrogen blocking drugs within the next couple of weeks because of a severe allergic reaction. Evidently, my body cannot tolerate any meds that alter my body's…
cleared TSA w/lymph pump & fake boob
Update...I am at TIA (Tampa) and just cleared TSA. No issue with me...went through regular security...no pat down and no x-ray! Wow, what a surprise. Packed my lymph pump and garment in two carry ons....both max size (machine is large and the garment is arm plus torso, so it is bulky. TSA had me open the one with machine…
Marine's Wife
Another we need to remember - it hasn't been that long since Marine's wife was take from them and us. Shortscakes is another that is coming to my mind a lot recently. Perhaps I missed info on her but the last I remember was that she was not doing too well and hasn't posted since. Thoughts and prayers to all! Susan
Aortus and his new car .. Joe here are a few suggestions for you, from your fellow Kindered Spirits
Joe aka Aortus is thinking out loud, about trading in both his cars for possibly a new vehicle .. I just wanted to alleivate some stress and give him a few suggestions == serious or otherwise. TraciinLA .. suggested a giant huge pick up -- Red, as well as a bitc..en stereo system .. I am curious- === does this new red…
"Without change there could be no butterflies." Author Unknown
"Without change there could be no butterflies." Author Unknown
Hey soul sisters
I hope that everyone is healing after the deaths of Heidi and Moopy, They will never be forgotten. I am just posting to let you know that I am doing well, I have a doctor appointment and dontcha know it, they are calling for an snow/ice storm in the East and of course everyone goes crazy at the mention of snow. So,…
Why I've been away
My Sweet Kindred Sisters and Brothers.. I am finally at a point in my life where I feel I can come back here. The last 3 years of my life have been the worst! Some of you know me from when I came here seeking solace from my mind and comfort for my heart... I was welcomed with open arms and have never forgot the comforting…
What did you do with your port after having it removed?
My port was really small, guess they came in two sizes. I had a really nice, and quite handsome younger doctor put it in. His entire staff was so nice to me. We talked about Smurfs the whole procedure, well except the minutes I got really sleepy, because the blue dye they rubbed all over me made me feel like a Smurf. I…
does it have to be a pet scan?
I have completed chemo treatment, my onc. wants me to get a pet scan in Feb. just to make sure everything is good. I would rather have an MRI because I don't want to be exposed to anymore unnecesary radiation. For Pet they inject glucose/with radiation so if there is any cancer it will light up. The receptionist mentioned…
How about a good book to run away into--nothing too heavy
I just finished reading "Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter" by Tom Franklin. It was a real page turner about a simple but good guy who was suspected of killing a girl many years ago and the impact the community's suspicions have on his life. Fast forward to the present and there is a new murder and a new investigation. Can't…
Mama G, how are you doing?
You have been in my prayers. I hope you things are doing better.
Final Prayer for Lisa "Moopy" Hughes
"The Lord is my shepherd." Even as we walk in the shadow of death, God is at our side. Beyond death is an unknown life, where God, in goodness and kindness, welcomes us to dwell in his house for years to come. We think death ends; let us believe it is also a beginning. It brings its terrible loss; let us hope for the…
tatoo look compression sleeve
I just posted a pix on my Expressions page.......I am holding a 14 day old precious baby that takes my breath away....life is such a miracle and so precious. But posted pix so you can see one of my LympheDIVA compression sleeves.
3 yrs ago this week
ALL MY BC issues started-time flies!
mastectomy tips for Linda and others...
Hi Linda, I think your surgery is tomorrow. I had mine unexpectedly last week, the 6th. This is the first time back on the computer! I've been thinking of you. Here are a few tips in case they're helpful. - Pile all the pillows you can in the car you'll be picked up in BEFORE surgery so they'll be in there when you go…
Interesting Study re Sequence of Chemo
This was sent to me from Oncology Stat today. Chemotherapy Sequence Affects Early Breast Cancer Outcomes "Chemotherapy Sequence Affects Early Breast Cancer Outcomes Elsevier Global Medical News. 2011 Jan 7, B Jancin SAN ANTONIO (EGMN) — The sequence in which paclitaxel (taxol) and anthracyclines (such as adriamycin) are…
legs hurt
Legs hurt really bad but no swelling they feel like I've exercised you know how it feels when you've worked out really hard and your legs feel over worked. I'm on taxotere and have 3 more treatments.
Arimidex is now available in generic
Arimidex is now available in generic form (since about June of last year, I believe). Anyway, I wasn't aware until my oncologist told me and wrote a new script. Wanted to make sure that no one else was caught unaware!
Low red blood count!
My red blood count is 8.8 after my first four chemo treatments. Had a double mastectomy with expanders. I am supposed to have my fifth treatment tomorrow if my blood is ok. Just wondering if there is a link between breast surgery with expanders and a drastic drop in red blood count. My iron is fine, but have not checked…
My Flexi-Touch MLD is in - Get it Jan 19th
now I have to wait till the factory rep gets here so I can get. Talked to my Lympe-guy today and he said that the machine is there but as he is not yet trained in using them it's a wait til the factory rep can fly in and train him and teach me. Being out in the boonies can be a pain at times. But are getting closer! Susan…
camisole advice needed
Hi everyone, I'm new here and have a question about purchasing a camisole. I had my surgery (left breast mastectomy and lymph nodes) 3 weeks ago and have been trying to research the camisoles and the best place to buy them. Does insurance cover them, and if so, do I need a prescription from the doctor? I am experiencing…
Latissimus Dorsi Flap Breast Reconstruction????
Has anyone had Latissimus Dorsi Flap Breast Reconstruction surgery? I need to hear from someone who has had this surgery. Any suggestions that will make the process easier?
Friends that touch your heart
Ladies, today I cried, i was so touched, I cried. (right, what else is new.. hihi) My very talented friend who is a painter gifted me this beautiful painting. She hardly parts with them, they are her babies. Isn't it LOVELY??? I will forever treasure it.. Hugs, Ayse
Canadian Air Transport Security - rough with 82 y/o BC Survivor
www.digitaljournal.com/article/302664 Sorry I don't know how to make it so you can just click on it. (If you google "Canadian Air Transport Security - 82 year old woman you'll find several articles on the incident)