I am numb

outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am numb from the news of our beloved Moopster.I still can't believe it.The human side of me wants to shrink away and act like it hasn't happened-I have never taken death well. I know that it is something that is going to happen to all of us,because I am a Christian and have a relationship with Jesus-I am not as frightened of death for myself,but I have never been able to handle someone close to me dying without trying to not let my feelings show too much about it and hiding my heart.
There have been some that have passed away here on this board while I have been a "member" here. I have felt very bad with every one,but I think because there may not have been a bigger"connection",it has always hit me hard because she has been a fellow pink sister,and there is that common bond where we all know what the other is going through,but I hadn't been left so numb as I am this time.
I told my husband about it today,and because he loves me and wants to "shield" me,he said"Maybe in the future it would be a good idea if you were not so close to these women-because this will happen again and your heart will be broken again."I did consider it for a few seconds,then I told him that there was no way that I could just keep you all at arm's length to save me from pain. I know that I havn't been "active" here for a long time-facebook has taken a lot of the time that I spend on the computer these days,though I do come here every once in a while.But no one understands this roller coaster like you all do,how could they?You are the FIRST site that I come to when I am scared about my mammogram coming up,or when I want to talk about things that others in my life don't want to talk about or are too afraid of or don't know what to say.
But I realize too that this board is more than that-it is full of friends who are close not just because of the breast cancer bond,but because they share their lives and are not afraid to care about each other.They are cultivating friendships! I am not good at being a friend. I care about people and love them very much and am always thinking about them,but I rarely ever call,write maybe about 5 letters in all a year,and send out an occasional email.That's where facebook comes in I guess-on there with your facebook friends you can all keep in touch just by looking at the "home" page. I know,as I am typing this I am feeling very shameful and lazy.
To have friends,you have to be one. Wish I could learn that lesson.I will try.
I will miss Moopy's sweet Southern voice. The last time I heard it was when I left a message on her's and Joe's answering machine the other night...


  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    I completely get it
    It's impossible to understand. Don't be hard on yourself. You are a good friend. I know because of your posts on this site and because you reached out to Joe in a time of need. No one can really process this horrible tragedy....

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    mimivac said:

    I completely get it
    It's impossible to understand. Don't be hard on yourself. You are a good friend. I know because of your posts on this site and because you reached out to Joe in a time of need. No one can really process this horrible tragedy....


    Thanks Mimi.
    I needed to hear that. Wish I could have been more of a friend to Moopy when she was alive. So many times I could have called and I didn't.
  • JoyD
    JoyD Member Posts: 81
    Me too
    Outdoor Girl,

    It's really hard on me losing a friend and sister - Lisa "Moopy" Hughes....as I met her personally last year, in August and in October...I call her up when I am scared or just want to talk about stuff whether its personal or health related. I just spoke to her last January as she told me about the result of the CT scan and wondered after that as I did not hear from her or from Joe. I also did not see Joe in FB for a couple of days until I saw his news in FB and CSN. I will forever cherished the candle that she got me when she went to Santa Cruz which is curently sitting in my living room along with a picture of the flowers that she sent me. I will miss her dearly. JoyD
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I know what you mean
    I too have regretted opportunities to stay connected to friends and loved ones.

    I want to be better, and if I succeed I will owe it to the inspiration of the kind of person Lisa (Moopy) Hughes was.

    Thanks for posting this.

    I think we all need huge HUGS today,
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I get it!
    Yes, I think as members of this board we are all going to have day's like this one and some will be hit harder by the different losses depending on the bond you had with that dear one. My husband has said the same to me, perhaps you should steer clear a bit, I cannot I love you all you have been here for me and I will be here for you. The thing I am holding on to today is how much Moopy loved us, how safe she felt here and how much she gave of herself for us. When we come here we share a lot, not just sorrows, fears and tears but joys and moments of elation. We dance for those who are with NED, we rejoice when someone becomes a grandma, has a birthday or simply is having a great day, we share jokes, recipes and photos in every sense of the word we are friends!

    Moopys posts will be missed but the spirit she brought here lives on in the many pink sisters and the occasional brother that are members here. Yes we will cry but we should also rejoice in the fact that she was a part of our lives, for that I am grateful!

    ♥ RE ♥
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    RE said:

    I get it!
    Yes, I think as members of this board we are all going to have day's like this one and some will be hit harder by the different losses depending on the bond you had with that dear one. My husband has said the same to me, perhaps you should steer clear a bit, I cannot I love you all you have been here for me and I will be here for you. The thing I am holding on to today is how much Moopy loved us, how safe she felt here and how much she gave of herself for us. When we come here we share a lot, not just sorrows, fears and tears but joys and moments of elation. We dance for those who are with NED, we rejoice when someone becomes a grandma, has a birthday or simply is having a great day, we share jokes, recipes and photos in every sense of the word we are friends!

    Moopys posts will be missed but the spirit she brought here lives on in the many pink sisters and the occasional brother that are members here. Yes we will cry but we should also rejoice in the fact that she was a part of our lives, for that I am grateful!

    ♥ RE ♥

    RE, perfect.

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    jk1952 said:

    RE, perfect.


    My husband woke up to my
    My husband woke up to my tears this morning. He said the same thing pretty much. He said he was worried about me. That maybe this was not a good place for me anymore. He said he understood how I could become close to those here, but he feared more possible heartbreak for me. The loss of Lisa, I guess you could say is my first. I know there has been others, but I did not know them like Lisa.(Please don't miss understand any loss is a hard loss)But She was there with others at the very beginning of my journey and step by step I got through. So what do I tell him ?? Don't worry I can handle this
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    This place

    I understand where you are coming from. I wouldn't consider myself a "great friend" because I don't call, write or visit my friends as much as I could. Work and my life always seem to get in the way of me connecting with people who care about me. I do have a lot of love for the friends I have (all of you included) and my regret is that I don't act as much on what I know I could do or say when someone needs help.

    Maybe something that we could do for Moopy and Joe is break out of our comfort zones and write to or visit our friends more often. This board has been great for me because I can just be myself and talk about anything. I know that you are all there to support and encourage me even when I am having a bad day (today is one of them because of this news).

    Don't feel shameful or lazy - you have helped me through many rough days just by being you.

    Thank you.
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Thanks to my Grandmother I
    Thanks to my Grandmother I learned at a young age that people will come and go thru out your life. The majority will make no impact on your life but if you are lucky you will find a few that do. She said don't dwell on them no longer being in your life but dwell on the time they were a part of your life.