Prognostic Markers - HER-2/neu

LAURASTEWART Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a partial mastectomy 10 days ago. Today I had an app't with the surgeon. Every thing is good on my pathology report with the exception of one concern. She really didn't want to discuss it - told me to make an app't with my oncologist. The report says this:
HER-2 /neu borderline by IMC and amplified (3-7) by FISH. The only thing I got from her is that it could mean a more likely return of the cancer. I have to wait over a week to see the oncologist. Meanwhile , I'm having visions of chemotherapy, vomiting and hair loss.
Does anybody know what this means?????


  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Don't get too worried, Laura.
    In the words of the great oncologist, Dr. Barbra Horn, "surgeons need to stick to surgery."

    It sounds like your surgeon is following this good advice. I strongly suspect it's not that she is trying to hide shattering and terrible news from you. Rather, I believe she realizes your questions about your HER-2 status are best answered by a doctor who specializes in things like that... in other words, an oncologist. Please be as patient as you can.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I'm sorry for your diagnosis, but glad you found us here. This is a wonderful place to come for support and information.

    I'm not sure exactly what that means on your pathology report, but I really think that the surgeon should have told you more. All of us know just how hard that waiting can be. I don't think the doctors take that into consideration nearly enough.

    Hopefully you are healing well from your surgery and will get some answers soon. If your oncologist does end up recommending chemo, please don't be too afraid. Many of us have gone through it and, although it's not at all pleasant, it is doable. I finished my chemo last February and am doing really well now. I did lose my hair, but never had nausea and actually gained weight (darn it all!) during chemo.

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Aortus said:

    Don't get too worried, Laura.
    In the words of the great oncologist, Dr. Barbra Horn, "surgeons need to stick to surgery."

    It sounds like your surgeon is following this good advice. I strongly suspect it's not that she is trying to hide shattering and terrible news from you. Rather, I believe she realizes your questions about your HER-2 status are best answered by a doctor who specializes in things like that... in other words, an oncologist. Please be as patient as you can.

    I don't know what it means
    I don't know what it means Laura. Just sending you prayers and cyber hugs.

  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    I'm no Doctor .....
    But I am just going by what was on my pathology report. it read close to the same thing - I understnad it to mean that it is borderline HER/2 positive or negative and they need to do more indepth testing. The amplified (3-7) by FISH just means it is a certian kind of test.
    This is just my UNEDUCATED knowledge going by what was on my report. I know it is hard but please try not to be too upset, wait and be patient until you can speak with your Oncologist.

    Hang in there,
