Update on my onc visit
Unfortunately, my tumor markers were both up from last visit. My onc is scheduling PET and bone scans to stay on top of things. I will see him back in a couple of weeks or so. The good news is that I felt amazingly calm knowing that the Kindred Spirits were with me. What a difference support makes! Hopefully, this is just…
New Photos of the Grandbabies
We have a new granddaughter born 1/27/11 her name is Noelle Theresa. I posted a recent photo of each of them on my expression page. Brooke, Troy, Charlie and Noelle.
Did you hear that?
That was me EXHALING. I heard back and my PET scan came back clear. Now a new chapter opens in my life. Cancer made me take a hard look at my life and the people in it. I want to use this experience as a catalyst to live a life that makes me feel whole. Now that I have my priorities straight, something tells me I will know…
RE .. Our dear Warrior .. Positive thoughts, and Prayers for your tomorrow, 2/18 .. Surgery a Go Go
Re: I am positive that your are trying to keep yourself busy .. Pre-op testing, blood and scans performed. Busy cooking last minute meals, washing laundry, house cleaning --- maybe you ran out to have a last minute pedicure, oh wait, that would be me.. LOL Regardless what you may be doing today, please know that I am with…
Taleena, have you been able to speak with your oncologist yet about your test results? Just wanted to know I'm thinking about you, and hoping (forgive me) that your ability to read a radiology report is TERRIBLE, and that you were completely WRONG in your interpretation! :-) No matter where this road takes you, dear…
Finally starting Rads...
...on Tues the 22nd. I get to go 2 times a day for 22 days, a total of 44 treatments. I'm not looking forward to the back and forth...about 25 miles one way. I have 6 hours between treatments, so 'hanging out' isn't a great option either. But I will figure it out, because I'm doing whatever it takes to win this. And thanks…
Two Biopsies in one day same breast - help!
I am getting a stereotactic and core breast biopsy tomorrow. Which is worse? Any pain involved? I have a LOW tollerance for pain. My mom passed away of BC at the age of 55. I am 43 and scared to death of the biopsies
Shut up and Get Back to Work!!!
Traci, I posted this a few YEARS ago, after Robin had surgery and treatment~ it is in regards to her Doctor who opined that chemo etc is almost easy, and can pretty much be scheduled in to fit anyone's life. BALDERDASH! This was not an indictment about Robin of course, as anyone dx'd instantly becomes part of the Family of…
The Graduate
Me- I am the chemo graduate. What a bag of mixed emotions I was today. I was so happy but couldn't help crying. The nurses were so wonderful. They pronounced to everyone I was done, then I got to ring a bell!! I am just scared, I am experiencing some symptoms that led me to a struggle with my health almost for a year…
removal of port and swollen arm
I had a port removed because my arm was swollen. After ultrasound and finding out there were no clots, the doctor removed it becouse of the discomfort I was feeling. After four days, my arm is still ver swollen. I wonder if anyone has gone through this. thank you
Good News!
Thanks for the positive thoughts & prayers. It was scar tissue and I didn't have to have the biopsy!!! Woo hoo! Feel much better today (cried most of the day yesterday). Tom and I are planning on going away for a few days next week. Monday we are driving down to our favorite winery in NC for their Valentines dinner.…
For Your Consideration: What about a donation to Surfrider Foundation in honor of MamaG?
Hello, Our flowers have been delivered to Mama G's family. I haven't had a chance to PM all those who want to contribute, but I will tomorrow. I predict there will be plenty left over to donate somewhere and we all seem to have the ocean and whales as a thought. Surfrider Foundation is a nonprofit organization with…
Mama G's daughter
MamaG's daughter posted the following message in the thread regarding donating to Surfrider in Lorraine's name. I didn't want anyone to miss it. The poem is absolutely beautiful and right on to the person MamaG portrayed on this site. This is Mama G's Daughter This is Marissa, and I just wanted to say thank you sooo sooo…
*~~~ Do You Have Any Special Plans For Valentine's Day? ~~~*
Let us know your plans, if you have any, and, did anyone get engaged or married on Valentine's Day? ..... (¯`v´¯)♥ .......•.¸.•´ ....¸.•´ ... ( ☻/ /▌♥♥ / \ ♥♥ ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
Tell me about the inflammation due to chemo (Miriam, or anyone)
Miriam, you mentioned you had inflammation due to chemo, on another post. I've never heard of this. What do you do about it, or take for it? I also have the same problem. It is painful. My dr. has sent me thru tests to find out what is causing it. They have me somewhat concerned. Thank you for the info.
question on sentinal node, and precautions for lymphedema
my mom just had a bilateral mastectomy last week. She had the Sentinal node removed removed from where the tumors were. One at 9 o'clock, and one at 3 o'clock. So, the surgeon says that she can have blood pressure taken, and blood draws, because they did not remove and nodes under her arm. Is this right? I though no matter…
Where do I go from here?
Hi, I am new to this and trying to get better. Finished CAT chemo three weeks today. Lost friends, car, and who knows what else. Ankles swollen, finger and toes numb and tingling. Glad to be finish chemo, but when does it get better?
Interview with Robin Roberts on post-treatment anxiety & depression
Wanted to let you all know that the March issue of Prevention magazine features triple-negative breast cancer survivor and Good Morning America host Robin Roberts on the cover, and an excellent interview with her in which she talks about how difficult the period AFTER she finished treatment was -- how tough it is to feel…
Post Bilateral Mastectomy (no reconstruction) Body Image
I was on breastcancer.org reading a thread about a woman who, like me, was expecting to be flat chested with scars post bilateral mastectomy, but ended up with small amounts of tissue, looking like small breasts, even though they aren't true breasts.I have that and in addition, I am uneven. I was not prepared for this.I…
Tomorrow is my 6 month oncology visit. It is an hour and a half drive and I'm going by myself, so I'm inviting my friends here to come along. Thanks for your support! xoxoxox Lynn
Tomorrow is Graduation Day for rads.
I get to ring the bell tomorrow. I feel like 28 treatments went by pretty fast. The worst part was coping with bad weather. I finally got some burn last Thursday and peeled a bit under my arm. All is well as long as I continue to put the cream on. I will meet with rads onc in one month. I see my med onc in March also. I…
Final reconstruction scheduled for tomorrow.
You think at this point you would be use to the whole surgery thing.....so why am I still worried? Ive been told this will be a lot easier. Im getting my nipples! Yahh!!! They told me I would be having a sKin graft from my bellie to make the nipples. Also going to have some fat removed from my abdomen and injected into the…
Please just say a little prayer....
Well if it's not one thing it's another... the bumps and turns of the ride are sometimes quite unsettling.... and right now I'm looking to all of you to be my seat belt...and hold me in, so I don't go flying off.... Being the inquisitive one...really isn't always the best idea... sometimes I think it really is a curse...…
another CT SCAN
had a PETscan in November....all was clear, but some changes expected due to readiation they said. Onc has now scheduled a CT Scan Thursday to check on the irregularities in my lung. I made the mistake of not asking more questions, since once again I was daized by this....I am hoping all will be fine. Any insight on what…
Let me start over...
My first post was so depressing that i didnt want to be such a bummer...even fighting depression i can still try and be happy soooo I want to start over... HI EVERYONE...I HAVE MISSED YOU ...im happy to see so many familiar faces and new ones too! I do have some good news...i got my health insurance back and i have started…
Why is it that I never hear from anyone? Is it because I am okay for now? Just wondering!!! LOL!!! I very much want to belong! LOL! Carlie
Soooo miserable - surgery #5 reconstruction
So my newly reconstructed breasts (post bilateral mast.) have failed. Gravity and my poor tissue allowed the implants to sag into my underarm. PS was dumfounded, decided to go in and reinforce everything and then see if it holds. The wait to see part was explained tp my husband while I was in post op. (friday) My PS also…
fatigue and anemia
I posted a while back about anemia. I am 1 1/2 years past my last chemo treatment. I have had diep flap reconstruction. My oncologist has me on iron pills for about 2 months to see if that will boost my red blood count. It has been about a month so far, and I really don't see any difference. I work full time and the…
♥ Valentine's Day Ha Ha's ♥
Question and Answer Valentine Jokes Q: What do squirrels give for Valentine's Day? A: Forget-me-nuts. Q: What did the valentine card say to the stamp? A: Stick with me and we'll go places! Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope? A: I'm stuck on you. Q: Who sends a thousand valentines cards signed', guess who' ? A: A…
My Valentine day 5 years ago...
I just wanted to share with my sisters that exactly 5 years ago today, I had my last Chemo treatment. It's surreal to have had that particular day filled with love and romance as my "anniversary" date. Valentine's day has a whole new meaning for me now. It's day by day. I am ever so grateful for each day as it comes and…