My Valentine day 5 years ago...
I just wanted to share with my sisters that exactly 5 years ago today, I had my last Chemo treatment. It's surreal to have had that particular day filled with love and romance as my "anniversary" date. Valentine's day has a whole new meaning for me now. It's day by day. I am ever so grateful for each day as it comes and…
Hello Leese!!
Leese Just checking in to see how Monday went!! Let me know!! I am hear for you!!! Carlie
Today is New2me's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KELLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! You are very special & you deserve the best. Wishing you a day/year filled with love & happiness! ♥ Cat
Deciding to take tomoxefin or not
My daughter just turned 24 and has breast cancer. She was very lucky. They got it all. Not in Lymph nodes, stage 1. She has 14 more radiation treatments and has just decided not to take the tomoxefin when she is done. She is tired, sore and depressed. She wants it all to be over with. She took it briefly before radiation…
Today is CindyCFlynn's Birthday!
Ayse .. Still holding your hand .. how did it go today?
Hoping and praying all went well. Still holding your hand, dear friend! Vicki Sam
second recon (nip and tuck) - questions
Hi there, I finally made an appointment with my PS and will see him next week. I had DIEP flap on the left side only over a year ago and my PS wouldn't consider the final 'nip and tuck' surgery for at least 3 months after radiation. Well here I am 3 months out. Anyway I am having the nipple put on the left and my right…
Bjmom1 update As the world turn
Just a little update just got out of the hospital and found out. I do not have pneumonia yeah. But my cancer is back for the thrid time it now in both of my lungs. WoW I have to start chemo again like next week.This is so crazy first I get my gallbladder remove first week in January and now my cancer is back. Stop I think…
Cypress Cynthia .. Good luck, Sister in PINK .. 2/15 .. appointment .. We are boarding the bus .. m
Ok .. I'm behind the wheel ... Yahoo, oopsy, I don't have a Class C license .. oh well, I'm driving anyways! Picking up many ... many sisters along the way. Holding your hand .. my very special and dear, friend! Twisted Sister - Vicki Sam
Hi everyone!!!
I know its been awhile since ive posted but its been a little rough for me lately. I believe over the past few months i have been slipping in and out of a depression and DUH it just took me awhile to realize it. I wouldnt go any where, do anything, talk to anyone for weeks at a time. Then id get out a few times in between…
Life Insurance after Breast Cancer
Has anyone tried to get life insurance after having Breast Cancer? It is open enrollment time for benefits at my work and options for Life Insurance are offered. Because my company is changing insurers, for this year only, a set amount of life insurance is guranteed without a medical history being required. If you want…
side effects from lymph node removal
just wanted to know if anybody has tenderness from having lymph nodes removed but not under your arm.I'm real sore everyday i cant hardly reach out in front of me w/o experencing pain.Surgeon & oncologist says that its from surgery it doesnt go away.Anything that i do i can feel it very uncomfortable.
had my new "cocktail" today
so if I miss something important, I'll try to catch it tomorrow.... totally exhausted been napping all day. feel ok tho, will ck back in later or tomorrow. xoxo ♥♥♥♥
Radiation schedule
Hi, Had my first 6 rads on schedule. Then last Thursday and Friday the radiation machine was broken. Went yesterday and it broke again, so I missed again! Does anyone know if schedule interuptions like this are a problem? I haven't gotten any answer from the techs. Thanks!
recent biopsy & hubby didn't ask results
I just went the therapsit-cuz husband very forgetful (great hubby and dad, grandpa etc) but very very forgetful. I told him last week Dr thought all was good but waiting for results-I said I was not worried...HE NEVER asked *** therapist said IN his MALE MIND I am not worried so he shouldn't either.
Friday .. Funny -- Just a good laugh!
An out-of-towner drove his car into a ditch in a desolated area. Luckily, a local farmer came to help with his big strong horse named Buddy. He hitched Buddy up to the car and yelled, "Pull, Nellie, pull!" Buddy didn't move. Then the farmer hollered, "Pull, Buster, pull!" Buddy didn't respond. Once more the farmer…
TSA and flying
Hi, this is my first post. I have followed this board for a few months. I finished my treatments-bilateral mastectomy without reconstruction, chemo a/c-4 rounds and taxol 4rounds done weekly for 12 weeks, and radiation-33. I was done with all of this January of 2010. However I was also in a trial that included Avastin with…
Hot Flashes - relief product question
I've recently started getting hot flashes ( mostly at night ) - normally pulling off the covers works and they only seem to last for about 15 minutes. I've been doing some poking around and found a product called Cool Flash. Has anyone used it? If so, did it work well ? Thanks! sue
Its Been a Year
Yeah it has been a year since I recieved that phone call at work telling me that the biopsy confirmed that it is cancer. To celebrate my one year I had a mammogram and saw my oncologist. The mammogram was the first one I have had since all this began and the results at the breast center were all that is seen is surgical…
My BIL passed away last night
His body was not producing blood cells so he couldn't fight the cancer. He is in God's hands now. Char
Good Afternoon! I am working with my local Relay for Life, and I am one of the chair's for the Survivor events that will be taking place. I would encourage anyone to attend their local Relay for Life event. My family has been touched multiple times with cancer, and RFL has been a great way for us to Celebrate, Remember,…
No Hearts, No flowers...
No hearts, no flowers. Just all of the best wishes for all of the happiness that we deserve, today and everyday. Happy Valentine's Day! Hugs, Marilynn
Today is MrsZiggy's Birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TRACY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all your dreams & wishes come true today & throughout the coming year! ♥ Cat
port related blood clot
Been receiving chemo since Oct. and I have swelling in my neck area on the side of the Port and Doctor say's it's probably blood clot. Did ultrasound but didn't find it. Now my arm the side the port is on is swelling. Not the side of my lumpectomy. Now they don't know why my arm is swelling. I am on blood thinners now.…
'Tough Enough to Wear Pink' - $78,000
"Tough Enough to Wear Pink" is through PRCA (Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association) in conjunction with local groups have "Tough Enough to Wear Pink" nights at Rodeos to raise money for local Breast Cancer groups. We just had the Black Hills Stock Show here and the Hospital sold Tough Enough t-shirt with the proceedes…
Is anyone on Xeloda?
My doc is planning to put me on Xeloda. I want to find out more info about this.
My article on exercising through breast cancer was published!
Hey gang! I mentioned a while back that a swim magazine was interested in publishing an article I had written about exercising during breast cancer treatments. Anyway, the online version is up for everyone to see if you are interested. It's my first attempt at writing in a long time but I hope you enjoy it. Cheers! Pitt…
Mom's 1st radiation and no nipples for me yet
Good morning! We're having a heatwave here in Indiana - it's a whopping 17 degrees outside -yesterday at this time it was -3 so this is quite an improvement. I wanted to share, yesterday my mom had her 1st radiation treatment. I'm happy to report that it went really well. She really likes the rads people at our cancer…
Where is our JoJo
If you are reading this give us a shout-out. I've been thinking about her. Anyone know where she has been or what's been going on with her.
Today is Cinkal's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CINKAL HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Lordy Lordy Look who's 40! 40 is only 18 with 22 years experience! Wishing you all the best today & throughout the year! ♥ Cat