When you said your feet hurt, what part of your foot hurt...top, side, bottom ???

On a previous posting, some of you said that your feet hurt. I am curious as to what part of the foot hurts. Was it the sole of your foot? Was it the ankle? Was it the top of your foot? Was it your heel? Was it the whole foot? Did it feel tingling? Or, did it just hurt?

Reason for my question is that my right heel and ankle hurt while on brand Arimidex and then generic Arimidex. I am now on Femara two weeks and I am crossing my fingers, but the foot and knees are starting to feel good.

Lots of Hugs,


  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    Lucky you
    For me, it's the bottoms of my feet, entire foot, and the heel aches. Can barely walk after I've been seated a while. But, I walk a bit and it goes away until the next stationary period. It's very weird and very painful, but I still manage to be as active as I want, so I guess it's okay.

    Hope Femara continues to be good to you.

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    It is the bottom of my feet
    It is the bottom of my feet that hurt, and when they don't hurt they are tingling or numb. Sometimes they are swollen too.
    I am seeing my onco on Wednesday and then I may know more.

    Hope this helps, but I am on Tamoxifen.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570

  • midnight10
    midnight10 Member Posts: 74 Member
    Bottom in front hurt, tingled and felt like I was walking on an extra pad there. Toes-hurt, sometimes so much so that sheet touching hurt them, tingled and sharp stabbing pains at night. I still have just one pair of shoes that I can wear to work. I can tolerate tennis shoes for a couple hours at a time. It is improving every day, just about back to where I was before I went off gabapentin for a month. Not sure what I'm going to do if it EVER warms up here in NE South Dakota and gets to be sandal season because my toe nails are a MESS. Lost 5 and they are growing back wacky.
  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    Inflamed sinovial toe joints
    Well, that's what the podiatrist called it. The nurse at Hopkins said to test my vitamin D3 level. I thought that would be a waste of time seeing as I was already drinking milk with vitamin D, taking calcium with D, and loved the outdoors, but it turned out that that whe was right and low vitamin D3 was causing my inflamed toe joints. Once corrected, I was fine on exemestane.

    It took over a year for me to run into the nurse. Or perhaps I should use the word "hobble". The orthodics the podiatrist gave me helped but I was limping by the time I saw the nurse...
  • QuiltingMama123
    QuiltingMama123 Member Posts: 124
    Every joint in my feet hurt
    Every joint in my feet hurt - my hands, too. I've tried arimedex, its generic, and aromastin. Same problem for all three. I am now wearing 1/2 size larger (and wide) shoes. I can be on my feet for only 2-3 hours, then I HAVE to put them up. If I lost weight, I'm sure it would help, but its hard to exercise when my feet hurt. Oh well, just whining. Anything is do-able if it keeps the beast away.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    camul said:

    It is the bottom of my feet
    It is the bottom of my feet that hurt, and when they don't hurt they are tingling or numb. Sometimes they are swollen too.
    I am seeing my onco on Wednesday and then I may know more.

    Hope this helps, but I am on Tamoxifen.

