Chemo Anxiety
Mastectomy vs Chemo first
I was just recently dx with breast cancer with positive nodes....stage 3. My plan was to do chemo (to shrink the tumor),lumpectomy, radiation and hormone therapy. I had to do an MRI and showed other suspicious areas in my left breast. I had another breast bx which should maglinancy. Now my choice is no longer lumpectomy…
Mastectomy without reconstruction
I would like to hear from someone who's had a mastectomy without breast reconstruction and tell me how it was for them
Could I ask for help with understanding my results?
Hello to you all who are reading this! A few weeks ago I posted a question about BIRAD 4-B mammogram results because I am new to all this BC information. I had a biopsy a couple of days ago and just received my pathology results. Is it ok to ask if anyone might be willing to help me carify what these pathology results are?…
Blog about Triple Negative Breast Cancer
I know there are a few of us triple negative ladies here, so I am posting the link to a helpful blog I just found about the subject. At first glance it looks like the author collects articles about triple negative (and other) breast cancer. It also looks like a pretty positive take on the issue, so I am encouraged and will…
Rercurrent breast cancer after 20 years clear
Hi everyone, I am new to this group. I have been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer after 20 years clear from my initial diagnosis. I begin getting all my scans today...... and finish with the last one (Brain) next Wednesday, the 30th. I'm very worried, as one might expect. I'm having trouble managing my anxiety.…
Ports put under arm or breast?
I have a recurrence of breast cancer after 5 years and a lumpectomy. Had a mastectory May 19. Now I need chemotherapy, but don't know where they can put the port. I have a pacemaker on right side of chest, and scar tissue from previous port and mastectomy on left side. Does anyone have any experience with ports put under…
A few questions about my grandma if anyone can help <3
Hi, my grandma (late 80s) has just been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma after noticing a large lump in her breast (measures about 3cm). The mammo indicated that there was no axillary lymphadenopathy. The biopsy revealed moderate cell differentiation (which I think means the cells are growing more quickly than…
Hypoglossal Nerve Damage----Help!
Hello Ladies, When I had my tissue expanders implanted in November I came out of the anesthesia with a problem with my tongue. I did not have full movement and it draws to the left. I thought it was swollen, but turns out that the intubation for anesthesia caused damage to my hypoglossal nerve that 'innervates' the tongue.…
Hi! I am currently doing breast reconstruction. I've had expanders in since October 2020. I stopped filling them in December. Now I decided I want to go 100 ml bigger before the exchange. Can I still fill them? I am meeting with PS next week. Anybody else in this situation? Thank you.
chemo yes or no how to decide?
I've been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I've been told: IDC, node positive, high risk. I've also been told that chemo is recommended. I am considering declining chemo "against medical advice." I value quality of life very highly. Exercise and a clear head are vital to me. I am not someone desperate to live…
DIEp Flap: Recommend or Regret
Good morning everyone! I am looking for testimonials of people who have done the DIEP Flap reconstruction. Do any of you regret having the procedure? Do any of you recommend it? Any help, advise would be appreciated!! My backstory. I am a 38-year-old mother of two boys (4 and 6). I live a VERY active lifestyle (running,…
I have had a spot on breast for years being watched. I have dense breasts and have to have diagnostic exams regularly. I haven't had 1 since 2019 due to Covid and insurance changes etc. I recently moved and new insurance again and new doctor is ordering all kinds of tests. For 2 years my past doctors were running tests for…
Adriamycin and Heart Damage
Has anyone had heart problems after treatment with Adriamycin? We are told it can damage the heart but there don't seem to be many details available. I went through numerous heart tests 4 years ago when I experienced chest pain. I never got an answer to what I was experiencing. The cardiologist said there were minor…
Prayers please. Donating my kidney transplant next week!
Hi Everyone! I was approved as a kidney donor for my son and the surgery is on the 25th of July which is next Wed. I am so grateful to this site because without it I would have never explored the possibility that I could be approved. As some of you know, my bc was discovered during my donor screening 3 1/2 years ago. I had…
My adult children are not too supportive. Hurts
Don't get it. I have always been there for my kids. Through thick and thin. They are now grown with children of there own. My daughter is 42 and newly divorced with 2 boys. My son is 41 and has 2 boys . My youngest is 39 and newly married. I was diagnosed with breast cancer ILC just a year ago and had 2 surgeries. Went…
bi lateral masectomy followed by diep reconstruction
Hello, I will be going for surgery on the 29 of march, feeling a little apprehensive.I was wondering if you all had any suggestions on preparing for this surgery. Thanks
Ai's or natural remedies for stage 1
Has anybody else tried and had success with natural remedies for Stage 1 breast cancer instead of taking AI's? About my cancer journey: Diagnosed with DCI, Stage 1, Her2-. Had a lumpectomy in September of 2020. Two lympnodes removed were negative for cancer. Afterwards I had a Genetic test that revealed positive for Chek2…
Double DIEP Flap Surgery - Post Op
Hi new to this forum. my wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer stage 2. She has just had her final round of 6 chemo treatmetns this week. Handled everything like the warrior she is. She is going into have DIEP flap surgery the beginning of next month and we have talked with the surgeon and plastic surgeons at…
Triple negative breast cancer and chemo
This came out in the New England Journal of Medicine on May 14th. Apparently, older women with early stage receptor status negative breast cancer (as well as those with positive receptors) did much better on standard chemotherapy than on Xeloda, which is becoming a treatment option for certain triple negatives. Even though…
Bilateral Mestectomy
Hi. I was daignosed 3 weeks ago IDC and DCIS in both breasts. ER+, PR+, HER2-, 3 masses are graded 1. I am 54 and in good health otherwise. There is no family history of breast cancer, genetic testing showed no known mutations. Lumpectomy is an option for me but decided on bilateral mastectomy. I will have tissue expander…
How do I find a new oncologist for my mom?
Two weeks ago they discovered that my mom has Stage IV breast cancer. It's in her liver and there's a new cancer in her remaining breast. I'm confused about how this is playing out. My parents were both dazed when recounting what the oncologist said, but my mom insists she told her she has six to eight months to live. No…
Tamoxifen Withdrawal
Hi - I have been on Tamoxifen for 3 years. I went off it about 2-3 weeks ago to try to get pregnant. Am experiencing severe fatigue and hot flashes, depression. Has anyone else had these kind of experiences getting off of Tamoxifen? Thanks, Nancy
I have been on Arimidex for a year and a half. The only real side effect except fatigue has been severe joint pain and swelling. In the last 4 months the pain is not as bad. Has anyone else experienced this side effect from the drug and have you found anything to take for relief?
Managing Serious Chronic Illness and Breast Cancer / Reconstruction
Hi, I'm new to this community. Currently undergoing chemo for breast cancer, stage 2b, also in my lymp nodes. I am a mom in my 40s, with 2 great young children. I also have lupus, reflexive sympathetic dystrophy, fibromyalgia, and esophogeal disease among other issues. Up until now my health issues were an everyday part of…
New to the Board - Seeking PT/Exercise Recs
New to site Oncotype issue...help
New to site and was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer end of March. Had bilateral mastectomy in April. Was told by surgeon margins were good. 2 tumors removed biggest one 4.6 cm. Saw oncologist first of week . Onco score 19. Normally would not need chem With this score. Oncologist said due to size and grade 3 she would…
Breast cancer on both breasts, I am new here, please any one long term survivor, please help
hi any one had 2 stages breast cancer on each breast, Er+, Pr+ and Her2 negative. And also long term cancer survivors please contact me i had stage0 5cm. Stage1b 1.7 cm, 0.8cm, 0.4cm, 0.2cm, 0.2 cm all on left breast and I hah stage0 0.8cm , stage1 0.9 cm, on right breast. I am done all treatments, now taking tamoxifen.…
Long term survivors with recurrent poorly differentiated
First, for anyone out there reading this, I’m a 35 year, Stage 2 survivor !! I was 34 in 1985 and had only radiation and partial mastectomy. Now after enjoying the last 35 years of being cancer free, it has returned. I just got the biopsy report, minus some of the hormonal results and one area is a high grade ductile with…
It's Time.
After reading a post on port removal, I went ahead and got mine scheduled. It had been quite the road to getting it out. I had it scheduled last October, but due to a family emergency that was reschduled, then the surgery center had an issue. With covid beening so high I just let it go. I called today and got it scheduled…