New to the forum

minicoops Member Posts: 21 Member

Hello I am new to the forum. I am 29 years old diagnosed in December 2021. I found the lump one day while taking a shower and my husband was like yeah that's a big lump. I went to the doctor within two weeks, was rushed into a ultrasound then mammogram then biopsy and got officially diagnosed on December 3. I believe that I saved my life for taking action of the lump.

I was diagnosed with stage 3b triple negative cancer and will be undergoing five types of chemo for five months and then they will decide which surgery to do and then radiation. I will also get immunotherapy. I am used to being chronically genetically ill, but this cancer is a whole new thing for me and I know I will win this fight <3


  • MonarchLover
    MonarchLover Member Posts: 7 Member

    That's the spirit - set your intention to win this fight and chances are then even better that you will. I believe attitude plays a key role in recovery. I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, my right breast was removed at that time and implant reconstruction was done on both sides. Four rounds of chemo followed by over 30 rounds of radiation. This past November I had both implants removed due to ruptures and I'm now doing physical therapy twice a day and working with a therapist to get the best possible outcome for my chest wall and the scars. I'm done dealing with prosthetics and I'll never have implants again so my only option moving forward is to find the courage to present myself to the world as I authentically am - a woman without breasts. A double amputee so to speak. No shame, no excuses, no fear of rejection.

    I know you have a long, challenging road ahead of you; not knowing the outcome was the scariest part for me. I'm grateful you have found this site. It has already helped me in the short time I've been tuning into it. These women talk about everything. It didn't take me long to realize I was receiving an additional level of comfort regarding issues that have nothing to do with breast cancer. So, please, keep coming back and let us know how you're doing - mind, body, and spirit. ☮️💕

  • minicoops
    minicoops Member Posts: 21 Member

    I'm now on my fifth round of chemo and know what to expect. I feel "blah" this week and I'm getting to the point where I am not hungry. I'm glad you finished your rounds and wish you the best of luck as a survivor <3