Momsworld (MRI)
I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter today. Michelle Mobile, Al
Musella Foundation for Brain Tumor Research
Maybe a lot of you know about this website, but I just discovered it. Thought I would pass the link along for those who haven't and might find it helpful. There is also a link to a TED lecture about a new clinical trial in Europe using tumor treating electrical fields, which is http://www.virtualtrials.com/musella.cfm…
adult medulloblastoma recurrence
he went to the docs about 3 days ago and they are pretty sure that his cancer has came back he was dignosed with the cancer when he was 27 and now its back at age 29 i was wondering has anyone older had a recurrence and are you ok now the docs have gave him little hope about making it through this one
Prayers for those in need of healing! May you have the courage and strength to carry on; May you have the support and love of your families and friends; May your treatment facilities, have the knowledge and ability keep everyone surviving; May you look a back at your struggles with cancer and laugh because you beat this…
Anyone have odd sensory issues?
I'm on my sixth week of focused radiation and temodar daily. In the past week I've started to have odd sensory issues. For example... the other morning, I had to get out of bed to use the restroom and swear I smelt coffee! I hate Coffee and don't even own a coffee pot. I even went outside on the porch to see if maybe it…
my darling sister, MRIs, and myself
Hi all, I have been thinking of every single one of you on this site; even the ones who already lost their love one and come here for comfort. From the bottom of my heart and send you my love and hope that tomorrow is a better day. My sister and I went for her MRI yesterday; she insisted on wearing her highest high heels…
promising tumor treatment/article
This is an interesting article about a possible treatment to stop the spread of tumors in the brain. Novel compound halts tumor spread, improves brain cancer treatment in animal studies www.sciencedaily.com
Late delayed radiation necrosis
I am new to the group after learning my wife may have this effect of whole brain radiation & am trying to learn what it's all about. Any input - good or bad - would be appreciated.
Hi all: I am a prostate cancer survivor and just had a friends dad diagnosed with a gleosarcoma. He is 54 and his daughter is devestated. Does anyone have any information about treatment or success. Anything will help. Thank you
My brother was diagnosed today with glioblastoma, neuromd said prognosis is poor, I need info please from survivors!!
what type of tumor does your father have
Father with GBM IV
My 62 year old father was diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme IV on May 23rd. It is unresectable and the size of a lemon. It is in his left frontal lobe (language center). He is currently going through radiation and taking Temodar. I cannot find any information on how long he has left given that he cannot have…
Duplicate postings
Sorry for the duplicate posts for Cindysuetoyou. The first one seemed like it wouldn't post..after ten minutes, I hit submit again, and then both the first and duplicate one show up. Annoying for you all and me too. Sorry. I think my wi-fi is too slow maybe.
Your on my mind today. Hope things are ok. Keep us posted if you have the time. My prayers are with you.
New member with a question!
Hello. It's going on two years since it was discovered that my husband has a brain tumor and seizure disorder, due to the tumor. He is on SSDI and I work, but am very stressed because I don't think he should be home alone with his condition. Does anyone know what a spouse can do? Someone from work mentioned a spouse can…
Lord, I bring to you my burden and and you know my situation. You know I can't make it without you! Comfort my heart, Give me Strength, and help me carry on. Amen Blessing and Prayers for all on this site, just making one day at a time. Benjamin's Mom Carol
B12 for low platelets, anyone try this?
Running low platelet count, and was told to try B12 supplement- has anyone tried using a natural way to boost platelets? Dr's are thinking its the Temador or Keppra causing this problem.
Momsworld....please contact me.
I'd like to reach out to you and your little girl as my daughter was given the same diagnosis. Let's exchange email addresses. I hope this doesn't offend anyone.
starting Avastin tomorrow
Tomorrow is a day that I have long feared and dreaded....David will get his first dose of Avastin. I know that other drs and other people don't have the same feelings about Avastin that I do...but I believe that our oncologist uses it when the time is desperate. Well, we are pretty desperate. We've been home from the…
Alternative Medicine to shrink tumors anyone?
Has anyone looked into or tried an alernative medicine treatment for a brain tumor? I've been reading that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline state. Therefore if you take the right summplements and change your diet it alkalize the body it could potentially get rid of the cancer. I've also been looking into cesium that…
big dip in our roller coaster of a life
We have had a pretty big change in David's condition. He had multiple seizures last night....8 of them in about a 3-4 hour period. They were not clonic tonic ones but they were still very upsetting and they took a lot out of David. We went by ambulance to Salem's ER, and from there, they took David up to OSHU's NSICU…
Made the hard decision, but we are at peace
We have come to the place where we are going for quality over quantity. Over the past week and a half, David has really declined. He no longer can support his weight enough to use the walker or even to stand for very long. Also, he has very little use of his right side, which corresponds to the side where the tumor is. His…
AA2 is really Glioblastoma
Hi everyone: I have not logged on for awhile. Sarah had a good MRI on February 15. It was stable, there was no change or progression. Now, we are in Houston, we went to MD Anderson on March 5. They did their own pathology on her tumor. They told us they think her tumor is a Glioblastoma and not AA3. It was horrific. Sarah…
Amazing Doctor
Hi Everyone, I am not sure if all of you know about my brother. He has a grade 3 glioma and in Canada doctor could not operate on him as they said he will be paralized. They recommended that he has to do radiation immediately on a tumor larger than an orange. He is 23 now. His Radio oncologist told him if he doesn't do…
My husband, 38yrs old, had a grade II oliodendroglioma removed in May. It was a complete resection but we have been told that the tumour will come back and could be more aggressive. No chemo or radio prescribed for now, just 3 month mri scans. Has anyone else had a similar experience - ie no further treatment, just keeping…
seizures, seizures, seizures.....but not big ones....
Even with a lot of focal seizures, still.....David is doing better. We went to the surgeon yesterday for his second and final checkup to see how his wound from the abscess surgery is healing. The dr was so pleased with the wound. She said that it is doing wonderfully and I don't have to pack it any more with gauze. We are…
I can't find the right words to bring comfort but I am praying for everyone here.
I am so sorry to hear both Davids has had such major setbacks. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you, David and your family as well as everyone else here. I pray for strength for you as well. Just remember, it may seem that you can't bear it, but as you know God doesn't put anymore on us than we can bear. After…
things seem to be staying the same for the most part....
Hello, everyone. I haven't been responding to posts like I meant to and now I can't find most of the posts that I wanted to comment on. I am going to go through the different discussions and try to respond but I know that I will miss some. Please forgive me if I miss an important post and I seem callous for not responding.…
beother needing prayers
i am asking prayers for my brother . He is only 58and as I am typing his bdy is shutting down. I have stage 4 brest cancer with mets to the bones and I am unable to be there.He lives in indana and i am in Missouri. i am unale to drive the distance and thought about fling but i have to put to much on his wife and kids…
Moms World
I was thinking about you today and wondering how you are.