Is Radiation And Chemo Worth It? (Glioblastoma Multiforme IV)
I was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade IV on April 30, 2013. They did surgery and removed as much as they possibly could without damaging vital tissues as the roots were spreading deep within the brain. The next suggested path is radiation and chemo for 6 weeks. After doing quite a bit of research, I'm second…
large grade ii astrocytoma best treatments
Hello everyone, I've spent a lot of time reading this forum but I still haven't found a straight answer to a very difficult question. Does anyone know the difference of time frame between a Pterional Carniotomy and just treating the tumor with radiation or chemo or both? I guess what i need to know is will it be simialar…
Malignant brain tumors vs hematomas
I seem to have a very rare case of brain masses that my neurosurgeon, neurologists & oncologists can't seem to figure out. They have never seen a case like mine before. So I'm hoping that someone reading this will know of a similar case. I will try to summarize as much as possible, while not leaving out the important…
Treatments for low grade oligodendroglioma
Ten years ago I was diagnosed with a low grade glioma measuring 6.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm. Symptoms similar to a stroke following a grand mal seizure. I was 47 at the time in what appeared to be excellent health without any risk factors for stroke. That's why a neurosurgeon was brought in who made the diagnosis. In general age over…
What is the Anaplastic astrocytoma(gemistocytic) Survival rate after surgury?
Age-59 Sex-Male HISTOPATHOLOGICAL STUDY AFTER BRAIN TUMOUR Specimen : Frontal SOL Clinical Note : High Grade glioma Gross : Multiple soft tissue bits,5 ml in volume Histopathological study : Section show a diffusely infiltrating astrocytoma composed of gemistocytic & fibrillary astrocytes. Moderate nuclear…
Anaplastic astrocytoma
Hello everyone my name is Jessica and my 30yearold brother was just diagnosed with AA grade 3 they removed the ENTIRE 8oz tumor from his right frontal lobe on December 26th 2012 and today even thought the MRI results show no sign of a tumor they still want him to do radiation and chemotherapy. tHis all happened so fast and…
Brain Tumors No Diagnosis
On April 8 We received a call that an MRI showed multiple areas of "lymphoma like" tumors on my husbands brain. We were admitted thru the er at a very reputable area hospital. April 10 my husband went under for a brain biopsy by one of the best neurosugeons in Atlanta. He came out and confirmed that it was lymphoma based…
Neurologist suspects a low grade oligodendroglioma, yet says too small to biopsy?
Hi all. I am a 45 year old woman who was sent to a neurologist for, of all things, ear pain. The neurologist suspected MS due to some abnormalities with my neuro exam. He also thought the ear pain was related. To make a long story short, he ordered an MRI of my brain which showed a 5mm lesion. He told me that to him, this…
Avastin is being discussed in
Hello, Just picked up the spring issue of Cancer Today- available at most clinics free. Article of Avastin, about this drug being a roller coaster- ups and downs.
stage IV GBM
my husband was diagnosed in april 2011 with GBM IV and since then had 2 operations, 8 plus seizures without waking in between, he has done radiatio, and the cyber knife, along with temadal, and his mri from dec 28th showed its growing fast and its large, so here we are in the hospital, they are giving him 12mg of decadron…
anyone else been in the same situation?
Hi All. first time on here so let me introduce my self. I am Ross 65 and my wife Christine is 62 & we live in Sydney Australia. I am Christine's carer. I feel I have to tell the whole story here so here goes and bear with me please. Three years ago this month Chris was doing the morning breakfast dishes and felt funny in…
I am a survior what can you do??
Today, I ran a 15.28 minute mile. And I am a survivor of brain cancer.
Whole brain radiation
Hello fellow cancer patients. I have stage 4 uterine cancer - grade 3 uterine papillary serous carcinoma- battling since 2008. This is my second recurrence which has settled into lymph system. I had 4 months of Doxil chemo which failed and ended up fear death in Jan with massive fluid in both cardiac & pleural cavities.…
Germinoma or Craniopharyngioma
My son Henry has had slow growth, diabetes insipidus, and vision loss (the latter of which led to an MRI and diagnosis) that is the result of a 5cm sized tumor in the area of his pituitary and hypothalamus. Blood tests revealed that most pituitary functions are normal. The initial thought was Craniopharyngioma, but another…
Survivor Term
Here is a general question for the board, at what point do you consider yourself a cancer survivor? After surgery? chemo? radiation treamtnet? I have had a tumor removed from my brain and I am about to start chemothepry to hopefully clean up the resection. I am just hestiant to use that term since I know I will always have…
Glioblastoma grade IV
My husband is 45 years old and on September 18 was diagnosed with glioblastoma grade IV brain cancer. He has 2 tumors that are both inoperable, confirmed by several doctors. He has had the standard treatment of 7 weeks chemo plus temodar and is now on his 3 round of maintenance temodar (300 mg 5 days on 23 off). He is also…
glioblastoma level 4 brain tumor survivors
Hello Everyone, I'm interested in talking with anyone long term survivor of a glioblastoma level 4 brain tumor. My son-in-law was diagnosed in June of 2012 and had the operation and about 3 weeks ago completed his 6 weeks of radiation. Tomorrow we is going to have his M.R.I done and then speak with the doctor. I'm very…
Where is everybody???
I joined in 2010 due to my husband's Anaplastic Olio grade 3. I never see the people that were here when I joined post anymore. Several of you would follow Cindysuetoyou and it seems that everyone I was familiar with no longer post. Praying everything is going well for all of you.
Anyone involved in a clinical trial?
My mom was diagnosed with gbm in January 2013. She is 64 and doing quite well phsyically and mentally. She is almost complete with her 6 weeks of radiation/temodar. She qualified to be involved in a clinical trial. CDX-110. We have done a lot of research on it and it is something we are moving forward with. She will…
Monument 10K Richmond VA
I walked my first 10k today in support of my Dad who is in the fight for his life with GBM and Brain Tumor Awareness . I happened to notice a group of women in front of me with black shirts on and a message of "Care for your Brain". I approched them and met a wonderful lady who is a year out with the same dx. as my Dad and…
My mother had cervical cancer that spread and she now has a brain tumor
Hi there: My mother had stage IIIB cervical cancer (she's 76) and a tumor the size of a grapefruit, as well as activity in one periaortal lymph node. She was treated with radiation, brachytherapy, and chemotherapy (Cisplatin) last summer and fall. Her PET in November was clear. Her PET in March indicated that she now has a…
vets and brain tumors
Has anyone heard of or researched a link between brain tumors and vets who served in Iraq/Afghanistan? My son served in the Marine Corps from 1998-2006 with 2 deployments to Iraq and was dx with a grade 2 oligodendroglioma Dec.2011. There seems to be a higher than usual percentage of brain tumors and other cancers in the…
I am a survior what can you do??
Today, I ran a 15.28 minute mile. And I am a survivor of brain cancer.
Is a Biopsy Worth It?
BACKGROUND: My wife had a "probable" low grade glioma which was never biopsied due to its hazardous location in the medial left temporal lobe. She rcv'd radiation in Nov 2009 and the lesion shrank 50% (26 to 13mm) and stabilized. Had MRI every 4 months ever since and last one was Nov 2012 with no noticable change in size…
Has anyone heard of or is using Fucoidan as a supplement along with their other treatments?
Dizziness as early symptom?
Did anyone here have dizziness as a primary symptom? I had my tumor removed about a year and a half ago, only doing MRIs every three months right now and all has looked good (last in January, next in May). My initial symptoms were headache/vomiting and eventually progressed to vision problems. I've had zero symptoms since…
Has anyone tried this drug to fight brain tumours?
Does anyone survive brain cancer?
My Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer last Sept and it had spread to her brain. She had surgery to remove the largest tumor and radiation on the smaller tumors, then chemo for the lung. The tumor in the lung was shrinking, so she is now getting radiation on the lung to shrink it further. But she just had an MRI which shows…
new to glioblastoma stage 4
hello everyone, i am new to this site and have been reading a few things. my question is : is there anyone here that has glioblastoma stage 4 or are you all family members of people with it? i am 39 years old and have just created an account with my story on it. i found out in dec 2012 about having this after a tumor was…
last days
i have another issue about my husband with gmb stage iv, i have read in books how cancer patient r in their last weeks/days but i would like to know how it is from a person perspective, just need to know what to expect, if anyone has seen please can u let me know so i am not surprised when it happenes and i will be…