Wolflady Member Posts: 1
My husband,David was dx with bladder cancer 4 1/2 yrs ago,had left kidney removed had chemo and bcg treatments and was doing Ok till 2 weeks ago ..went to er for gall baldder attack and when they did MRI found lesions on liver...The oncologist we were seeing just said.."he has to go on chemo, he has 1-2 years to live" We of course went for a 2nd opinion..Northwestern Hospital here in Chicago...Dr is looking over his pathology slides and radiology now. He mentioned 3 clinical trials
1.ALT 801 with Cisplatin and Gemzar
2.Double blind study Gemzar Cispplatin and Avastain
3. Everalimis with Pachaxel
any one hear of any of these or have any experience with them
Any information will be appreciated..We are having a hard time thinking for ourselves this moment.
Thank you