John Looking better
John is looking and feeling better. He has been on continuous feeding through j-tube (he started Tuesday @ noon). Once he started the tube feeding I could see the difference in a few hours. The infection looks ( to me) like it is clearing up. He started antibiotics on Sunday afternoon, the incision site is still draining…
Just worried about you, haven't heard back from you. Send me an e-mail or something!!!
bailey1459, ANYONE stage 4 help please (again, more questions)
If this is a jumbled mess I am sorry in advance, things are just going real fast all of a sudden and I am not ready for the roller coaster to start down hill yet!! Dad went on Monday because he had to meet with Dr. to decide what new drug they were going to start. they stopped the others because it wasn't affective and…
MIA recap and Emotional Bag Check
Hey gang -- sorry I've been MIA this past week, my husband and I took a trip to Disney in Orlando with friends and I thought I'd have some down time to chat online but we really only spent time at the hotel to pass out. (I'm working on uploading some photos, I can post a link later if you'd like to see some). Quick update…
Hi Just wanted to know if everything was ok, so worried about you, keep in touch if you can. Ann
To all of you wishing info on Vietnam vets and Agent orange
Hi For any of you deaking with this issue thru the VA. What I have done in Georgia is 1) contacted my local congressman( Got a good response from him) 2) Contact your govenor( He denied me as EC is not on the Va list of cancers relatated to EC. 3)Contact you senator or whomever handles VA matters in your state. 4) Try to…
Question about sweats/chills
Hi everybody; One of the most unpleasant sensations I have is when I get the sweats, you know, when you're just sitting there minding your own business and it's suddenly too hot, or a light breeze feels freezing, or half of you is on fire and the other half is chilly? and your whole head starts to sweat at once but your…
Newly diagnosed and don't know what to do!
Hello everyone, My husband Rob was diagnosed with EC three weeks ago. He has an 8cm tumour at the base of his esoph. with a suspicious looking ganglion close to it. The surgeon says that, from the scan, he does not think the tumour has spread to any other organs. Rob has minimal discomfort when he eats, which led to the…
Good day today :)
Hi all, Just an update on Jeff. This week we met with his oncologist (Tuesday) and then surgeon today. Both of them remarked that he looks very good for someone only three weeks out from surgery. Both also agreed that Jeff should keep his j-tube until after chemo, just in case, but they said he should try very hard to not…
Update on Bob
I wanted to let everyone know that Bob's MIE surgery went very well - approximately 5 hours. He's currently in the surgical ICU until later today as beds become available on another floor. More details to follow--- Thank you for all your kind thoughts and prayers. Carol (Bob's wife)
Stage IV, Chemo, and other drug regimens
I would like to know how other Stage IV patients are being treated and how they are handling treatment. I wonder if we can learn anything from sharing. My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV in August of 2011 age 45. Has a 5cm tumor at the gi junction. There are multiple enlarged lymph nodes in the paraesophageal region…
Happy New Year
To all of our Jewish friends, L'Shana Tova A very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.
John Recovery Update 19 days post -op
OK this is where we are today. One dose of Imodium and a script for Zofran cleared up the diarrhea and helped with nausea. The Home Health agency delivered the pump & supplies to start the tube feedings on Tuesday. John did look much better Tuesday morning. John did eat a little bit yesterday (not much) but it was…
JThomas, thinking of you
Hi Jeff, If you are checking the board I wanted to let you know you have been in my thoughts. I am hoping that you are home and working on gaining your strength back. I am sure there are others who are hoping the same for you. Let us know how you are doing when you are able to. Niki
Update on Mike (hopper52)
Hi EC survivors. This is Linda, Jennifer, and Lisha, writing on behalf of our father, Michael (hopper52), who is an active member and friend to many of you. We wanted to first thank everyone for being such a source of inspiration, hope, and guidance for our father. All three of us live in the northeast, so we are certain…
Fron Throat to Lung cancer
My Husband Greg had Throat cancer Last year he did the 7 weeks Chemo and Radaition , things were going good til Feb. They found small nudules but was not worried then in Feb they said cancer had spread to both Lungs since it was the same cancer as the throat. He started Chemo Last Wednesday once every three weeks. The…
For Marci Madigras
PLease Please Please Marci, do not wait to call UPMC. This is a brutal cancer. My husband was early stage, had surgury, at an o.k. hospital no chemo radiation was offered and his came back about a yealr later. DO NOT LISTEN to family , friends ETC. Listen to your heart and call a well renouned DR who has done Many of…
John Recovery Upddate!
John was discharged from hospital little over one week ago. He continued to have pain in his right side (the area where chest tube was). He really has not moved too much in the week he has been home. I thought it was because the pain medication was not as strong (IV vs. oral). I encouraged him to walk and move (he not to…
pain management
Hello to all, I linger here every single day and have posted occasionally. Wondering if anyone can shed some light on my husband's pain. Update is as follows - last chemo (taxatere) was July 11th, 8/3/11 - right lobe of the liver had the radiation infusion (SIR-spheres) - 9/9 MRI showed right lobe tumors were responding to…
A thank you to my animal caregiver
This may be silly, but I wanted to write a thank you note to our dog Daisy. Daisy is a 6 year-old beagle, and has been with us since she was a pup. She howls a little too much, but once those big brown eyes catch you, you don't care. Dear Daisy; I want to thank you for all your help with the family for the last year. As…
Not Expected But Not Surprised - STAGE II TO STAGE IV.
My wonderful daughters posted an update on my status earlier. I'm not feeling that great yet after my surgery so this will be very short. Just wanted to let everyone know how much I appreciate the prayers and words of encouragement. I'm in good spirits and my family has handled the news pretty well. They,as well as I, know…
Claims for Agent Orange Exposure
I talked to our County Veterans Service Officer today and she said to encourage EVERYONE who has EC and exposure to Agent Orange to file a claim. Even though your claim will initially more than likely be denied you should still file. The more people who file, the greater the chances of EC making it onto the presumptive…
Just got home from my first infuson of Taxotere. Glad to report that I did not have any of the reactions during infuson they were looking for. Two nurses stayed with me for the entire infusion time. New port work perfectly. Old one never worked perfectly. Anyway, all in all things are ok. Hopefully this drug will work for…
New and nervous--Any suggestions?
I just joined this group this month and have been amazed at the loving, caring community here and the wealth of information shared. We had never even heard of anyone having esophageal cancer when my husband was diagnosed as Stage IV in late June of this year. He will finish his 4th round of chemo on Monday and have his…
Okay, to you old pros this may be a silly question but I don't understand the numbers and letters and what is MIE? My husband is stage IV and that's all I really know. Thanks, Rita
For Chemosmoker and LeeinLondon
Although I've been hanging around for months, rarely do I post on this board. I usually just read (several times daily). Anyway, I wanted both of you, Eric and Lee, to know how much I have enjoyed your banter back and forth. The two of you are such an inspiration and you have touched my life more than you could ever know.…
Drug Shortages
As if people with cancer and/or needing surgery don't have enough to deal with, here's a news item from today: http://tinyurl.com/3ml4gpx My daughter is a pharmacist at a major university hospital and has been talking about this for quite a while. In her area, currently the anesthesia drug shortages have been worse than…
Post operation concern
Hi all. My dad (stage 3 EC) had his surgery exactly one month ago, and is recovering slowly but surely. He looks a little better each day. I've heard from many people on this site that it is quite standard for post-operation chemo to take place. Several lymph nodes surrounding the tumor that were removed during the…
In a fix???
My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in Feb this year. He went through 4 rounds of chemo and 35 days of radiation. Now after the treatment, his pet scan has shown an hot spot at the place of origin but his biopsy report has come clean. Radiation guys have been suggesting that keep biopsy away as the more biopsy may…
For those of you who have been on this forum for a bit, we had a member Micgrace post in about May about his uncle Fr Brian Friel who passed about June from EC. His wife, Grace, also passed from a brain tumour in the same week. Well, unfortunately, I read elsewhere that Micgrace has now been diagnosed with melanoma. I just…