PET results and questions

AngieD Member Posts: 493
"Good news!" That was the first thing the oncologist said when she walked in the room yesterday with the results of Larry's PET scan. The chemo is working. There was no activity shown in the esophagus itself now, just some thickening. There is still some activity in the lymph nodes, but not as much as before--less activity and smaller nodes now.

This was the first PET he has had since diagnosis of Stage IV (was in near and far lymph nodes.) It was after finishing 4 rounds of Oxaliplatin and Xeloda.

So, the tentative plan is: He will start the next round of chemo on Oct 4 but just do the Xeloda (oral) for 2 weeks and skip the IV Oxaliplatin for a little break from it. Then we'll hopefully go on the Voyages to Antiquity eastern Med. cruise we've been
planning for over a year on Oct 22 and get back Nov 9. He'll see the onc on Nov
14 and, if blood work and all is still looking good, will start another round of chemo
on the 15th with both drugs. A CT scan and maybe 1 more round after that then
take a break. That would be really good timing, since with the Oxaliplatin
cold sensitivity, he could hopefully lay off of it during the dead of winter
in Jan and Feb.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts or comments or things we should maybe consider or ask regarding the plan. ??



  • fredswilma
    fredswilma Member Posts: 185
    Hi Angie
    It is so good to

    Hi Angie
    It is so good to hear some good news, the only advice I can give you is get on that cruise and enjoy yourselves especially if Larry is feeling up to it, it will do you more good than continuing with Chemo, allow yourselves a little Chemo break. Will be thinking of you both and hoping for some holiday pics!!
  • jojoshort
    jojoshort Member Posts: 230 Member

    Hi Angie
    It is so good to

    Hi Angie
    It is so good to hear some good news, the only advice I can give you is get on that cruise and enjoy yourselves especially if Larry is feeling up to it, it will do you more good than continuing with Chemo, allow yourselves a little Chemo break. Will be thinking of you both and hoping for some holiday pics!!

    Great news!
    I'm with Ann. Chemo is cumulative in the body, so enjoy when you're feeling good. Go on that cruise!
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Congratulatons on the good
    Congratulatons on the good results. So glad that it's working out that you and Larry will be able to go on your cruise. Enjoy the trip and forget about the beast for a while. Praying all will go well until then.